Q: How are we to handle Bible Difficulties?
Like all other ancient writings, the Holy Scriptures present many difficulties. Some of these are not easy of solution, while others may be satisfactorily explained. The existence of difficulties in such a book was to be expected, and therefore cannot be wondered at. It is a matter of astonishment, indeed, that there are not more found in it. This must be evident to any one on reflecting that “the books of Scripture were written by different persons, in almost every variety of circumstance; that they refer to people whose customs and habits were totally dissimilar to our own; that they narrate histories of which we possess no other authentic documents which might reflect light on some obscurity of expression or vagueness of description; that they were written in other languages than those in which we now possess them; and that, in addition to the mutability of language, there are the difficulties of translation out of one tongue into another.”
The proper spirit in which to deal with these difficulties is, to remove them as far as practicable, and to cleave and submit to the truth, even when every cloud cannot be cleared away from it. We should imitate the example of the apostles, who, when some of the disciples were offended by what they called a “hard saying,” so as to forsake Christ, silenced every objection with this: “Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life, and we are sure that Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Whenever and wherever we see an error assaulting or overlying a truth, let us destroy the error and emancipate the truth; but when we see a truth seemingly in conflict with another truth, let us try to reconcile them, and show them thus reconciled to all.
For a comprehensive list of “Bible Difficulties” and their explanations, see the Blue Letter Bible website.
I have come to find that when a truth seems to conflict another truth, there is no error in the original written word of God as it was written by men of old as they were moved on by the Holy Ghost. I realize that I do not have full understanding of one or both of the scriptures so I do what the Lord says to do, I study: the bible, the concordance, the history of the time it was written (their traditions, the society as it was, etc.) I put this with prayer and even at times fasting to gain understanding. I can say that the appearance of conflict in the scripture fades away with deeper revelations building on the revelations I have already received. Line upon line and precept upon precept tells me their are multiple revelations for the children of God who will receive revelations at different points of time in their lives. So we as Christians must be careful of how we speak when a brother or sister in the Lord has not received a revelation as deep that perhaps we have. God reveals in his time, not ours. I would not want to cast a stumbling block in front of my brother or sister just because I have a deeper understanding. I will lift them up and encourage them to keep the measure of faith that they have been given and to know that the Lord will take care of his children. Good post you made- God Bless… 🙂
Billy, what a good and loving Brother you are in the Lord. You are inspiring in how you fast and study to get a deeper revelation of something.
I think you wrote a good post, as well as the BLB staff.
As a Believer, it is a good thing to really think! 🙂
Sounds like Billy is a really blessed Christian. A blessed person.
Billy,thank you. Your words as at this moment of thinking of my words to others with Bible readings.” Lord to whom shall go…”
What a timely topic for me. I have been going through a lot of this particular subject as of late. I have always been taught to look and study the scriptures to increase my personal understanding and have been aware of “conflicts”. Recently I’ve been reading the perspective of Muslims and Atheists so that I may better educate myself to the roadblocks many have in coming to Christ. The main argument for both groups is really “inaccuracy” in scripture. I am finding that any serious study in this arena will call your faith into question.
However, I find that taking steps similar to what Billy has posted are key. If we are earnest in our prayers for guidance and assurance, the hope we have will not disappoint. To prove God’s word is to live it, and by living it it is revealed to us all. Not only that, but the Holy Spirit will also show the warts and bumps of the wisdom that exalts itself against Christ. Stay strong my friends!
Read Spurgeons evening reading for Feb 21, it is along these lines.
i was told long ago that before i read to ask the Holy Spirit “to teach me Your truth as i read.”
as i found certain difficulties as mentioned in this article, (which is the best article i have read on this subject) my mind would not toil with them but continued on in faith. as time went by the scriptures that appeared to conflict at first no longer do. praise God they make the Lord all the more beautiful.