Celebration is in order today.
Today marks the first anniversary of the Blue Letter Bible Blog. Over the last year, we have used this blog to inform you of new resources, highlight certain BLB features, introduce new commentaries, and provide biographies and other various articles. Now that we’ve completed our first lap around the sun, we have some exciting new plans for the BLB blog on the horizon!
New blog ideas for 2012
We will continue to provide similar content each weekday to aid in your use of the Blue Letter Bible and its resources. Among the growing list of new plans that we have for the blog, I want to highlight three in particular:
- Meet the staff and follow us through new projects. By God’s grace, we are a small team that labors around the clock to keep the Blue Letter Bible ministry running. This includes: up-keeping the BLB servers, developing new content, maintaining all of your favorite Bible study tools, and more. Each person brings something unique to the team, and with a site redesign and new resources being released this year, we thought it would be fun to let you in on the week-to-week happenings at our ministry offices.
- Biblical Language studies with Justin Alfred. You may already be familiar with Justin and not even know it. Confused? Let me explain. Justin is the voice of our “Lexicon pronunciation” tool. When you click on the Greek or Hebrew lexicon function on the Blue Letter Bible, you’ll find an option to have hear the proper pronunciation of the Biblical word. The man behind that voice is Justin Alfred. Justin runs Word in Life Ministries and is an expert in Biblical Greek and Hebrew. This year, he will be writing regularly for the blog and walking us through various word studies to gain a better understanding of Biblical languages and the importance of grammatical context.
- Blue Letter Bible version 3.0 tutorials. When the new version of the Blue Letter Bible is released (version 3.0), we will use the blog to highlight new features and functions. This will also be a great forum to start a conversation and give feedback on the new design and the new features that will be included. Stay tuned!
Any suggestions?
What about you? How would you like us to use this blog? What kind of resources or articles would you like to see us highlight? If you have any ideas, let us know in the comments below. We’d love to hear from you.
No real suggestions, but just wanted to say thankful for your postings. They continue to bless me though I don’t always get a chance to comment. Eternally thankful to God for resources like B.L.B.!
I would like to see an offline version of BLB. There are those they may end up not being able to afford keeping internet. It would be a great way to have access to tools like the commentaries provided. Is that possible?
Thank you, thank you for your blog. And for this website. I’m a changed Jesus girl because of this work. God bless you all.
I have not used this blog, but I most certainly use no other study resource site,but your blue letter site. I have grown immensely through your ministry and take what I learn and throw it out to those around me. They think I have knowledge, but I point them to this source of God’s word and study resources you provide. The more I learn, the less I feel I know ,but the more it causes me to study with the user freindly tools you have. I am not a theologian, but certainly am advancing through your ministry. I am unemployed , but will donate when back to work….thank you for the excitement I get, just thinking of studying the word through your site……be blessed and continue to be a blessing.
Cheers Rob Henry
Ontario Canada
I advertise this web site all the time, and people can’t believe what you have for us to learn. Please pray for our finances we are in a verge to lose our home, we already lose our retirement income,
but we have some hope with one investment that will be able to take us out of this situation.
I want to give back to the Lord for so much blessing I have from this project. you don’t know much I have been learning from this blog. I read, study, memorize and much more. Every day, early in the morning I come to talk to Jesus and I use all your tool for my christian walk with Him.
Thank you so much, and I know the Lord will provide. You don’t know how much I appreciate your ministry, you are giving us special food for starving souls. I will pray for you with this new year’s project.
Thank you again
God Bless
Thank you to all the staff and volenteers for their service unto King Jesus and His saints- we are enriched by the resources and benefit from this vault of blessings as we dig deeper into the word.
“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. ” 1 Cor. 15:58
Happy 1 year anniversary!
st. patrick
I love you, staff of the Blue Letter Bible. I look forward to “meeting” you and getting to know you more as these blog pages transform and expand.
I have no suggestions. I like what you are doing, and think it is fun to be surprised. In fact, I like that you chose the word, “fun”, to describe how you all feel about these pages, as well.
I truly love learning more about the Lord. I am a student of the BLB Institute, but I like that sometimes you take sections of the lesson plans of the teachers and bring them to this blog. In fact, yesterday you brought one of the lessons from “Christology” here, about the word, “Wonderful” and how it relates to God.
I read it to my husband, last night. The Lord has done something in our lives that we can barely fathom and we were just amazed and trying to wrap our brains around it. When I read the blog, my husband also got teary-eyed.
God is so amazing and this blog, this site, is just one of His many gifts to us. Please be blessed to know how you bless each and every one of us with the gifts God has given you in each of your separate personalities.
I pray that you all get along very well, that you are able to overcome obstacles with His strength and Power. Thank you so much for doing His will.
Off to work,
love, Debi C.
We are very encouraged and your work is well done and sound. We thank God for you!
May God bless you more!! Thank you for this blessed website.
Happy 1 year anniversary. More power. =)
Happy anniversary. I’m new here, but looking forward to digging deeper into God’s word via this website.
Keep up the good work. And thanks to this awesome team of Bible scholars.
May the Holy Spirit inspire all involved in this ministry.
Thank you so much for the wonderful work you do in providing this awesome site. I am a regular visitor and your resources are such a blessing. May God truly bless you – all praise to the King of Kings!!! 🙂
Peter McKenzie
New Zealand
I’m loving it! Thank you, Jesus! To You be all the glory.
Thank God for you and this great work! I have been using it for at least 6 years. It is a blessing.
I really appreciate this site, and love using it in my studies. This is actually the first time I am checking out the blog and it has been wonderful seeing what has been written. With that being said, and definitely my unfamiliarity with this blog being taken into consideration, I would love to see a section of the blog dedicated to a simple breakdown of Hebrew culture. I mainly use BLB for the concordance, and it would be great to have a section that breaks down certain passages of scripture and describes why certain parts that we may over-look were so essential in Hebrew culture. For example, the way we look at baptism, being different than a Hebrew mindset of baptism. Why it is important, how it was part of culture, etc.
All that to say, you guys are terrific.
Keep up the good work!