We have released the latest update for the Blue Letter Bible app (universally designed for iPod, iPhone, iPad). We are excited to tell you about this version’s significant updates.
Because user experience and product quality are high on our ministry priority list, the new changes include both improved functions and and added features.
What’s New in Version 2.01
• Added advanced search options
• Improved search functions correcting various errors
• Improved performance and startup time
• Fixed bugs related to Spanish Bibles
• Fixed bugs related to Daily Bible Reading
• Fixed bugs related to Bookmark Folders
• Fixed bugs related to TSK parsing errors
• Updated NET Bible for red lettering and misspellings
• Only receive Update notifications when app is initially started
Android and Chrome users:
Unfortunately, due to our limited resources, we do not have a BLB app available for Android or Google Chrome. If you would like to join us in prayer for this opportunity, or if you would like to contribute to this project, please visit us here. In the meantime, you can use our mobile site http://m.blb.org on your Android device. Thank you, and God bless!
I don’t use the iPhone app but my wife does (mostly because I don’t have an iPhone!). Her experience has been that it delivers a different experience than the web site, especially for the daily readings. Does the iPhone app have the same awesome features as the web daily reading (i.e. choice of translations, variety of plans, accountability, progress bar, etc.)?
This is such an awesome ministry!
God bless
Are you in the process for making an app for Android phones?
Yes! An Android app would be awesome!
Yes! Please do make an android app! I’ve been waiting and hoping for one to come out! (Especially if it would let you read the ancient Hebrew and Greek–cant get that on the mobile version of BLB’s website)
Yes, I also would like an app for the Android. I use biblios.com right now for bible reading during my breaks at work. I like to read different versions of text. I do study the blog and the Day by Day Grace on the BLB using my Android. Thank you, BLB staff!
Is the BLB available to be used on an IMAC also? I would like to download it and use it for Bible study on my IMAC, I have it on my IPAD and IPHONE.
It’s a different platform. Mobile does not equal desktop (yet).
Yes, please do a DROID app!
I have a Nook tablet…will the Ipad app work for it?
No, it’s for Apple iOS devices, not Android ones like your Nook and my phone.
Hmm..I thought a Kindle was android based… and thus hoped Nook was idevice based…but guess idevices are in their own little world?
I definitely would like to see an Android app. Especially since there are more Android devices than iDevices out there.
I love BLB and Windows Phone 7. I bet it will be last of the OS platforms on the list, but it sure would be awesome to see an app for it!
I want the Droid app too! Hope it comes along soon.