The following is an exhaustive list on who we, the Church, are and how God has chosen to identify us with Himself. The whole list can be found in our growing selection of study tools at the Blue Letter Bible.
We, the Church, are…
- Loved by God Jhn 3:16
- Forgiven Col 1:14
- Confessing the Lordship of Jesus Over Our Lives Phl 2:11
- Saved by Grace through Faith Eph 2:8
- Loving God with All of our Hearts, Souls & Minds Mat 22:37
- Born Again Children of God Rom 8:16
- Delivered from the Powers of Darkness Col 1:13
- Redeemed from the Hands of the Enemy Psa 107:2
- Called with a Holy Calling 2Ti 1:9
- Created in His Image Rom 8:29
- Not of This World Jhn 17:16
- Of God’s Household of Faith Gal 6:10
- In Love with God 1Jo 4:19
- Seeking First His Kingdom & Righteousness Mat 6:33
- Abiding in His Love 1Jo 4:16
- Healed by His Stripes 1Pe 2:24
- Free from Fear 1Jo 4:18
- Crowned with His Loving Kindness & Tender Mercies Psa 103
- Redeemed from the Curse of the Law Gal 3:13
- Free from the Law of Sin & Death Rom 8:32
- Heirs of Eternal Life 1Jo 5:11-12
- Heirs to the Blessings of Abraham Gal 3:14
- Heirs of God & Joint Heirs with Jesus Rom 8:17
- Blessed with All Spiritual Blessings Eph 1:3
- His Workmanship Created in Christ Jesus Eph.2:10
- Strong in the Grace That Is in Christ Jesus 2Ti 2:1
- In Rightstanding with God 2Co 5:21
- Established in Righteousness Isa 54:14
- Living in His Kingdom Col 1:13
- Humbling Ourselves, Casting All Cares Upon Jesus 1Pe 5:6-7
- Getting Our Needs Met by Jesus Phl 4:19
- Able to Be Partakers of the inheritance, Giving Thanks to the Father Col 1:12
- Studying to Show Ourselves Approved of God 2Ti 2:15
- Awakening to Righteousness & Sinning Not 1Co 15:34
- Commended to God & the Word of His Grace Which Is Able to Build Us Up Act 20:32
- Believing God’s Word Mar 13:31
- Blessed Because We Hear the Word of God And Keep It Luk 11:28
- Abiding in Jesus & His Words Abide in Us Jhn 15:7
- Always Meditating on God’s Word Jos 1:8
- Living by Every Word That Proceeds from God Mat 4:4
- Rooted & Built Up in Him & Established in the Faith Col 2:6-7
- Building Our House Upon the Rock Mat 7:24-25
- Being Transformed by the Renewing of Our Minds Rom 12:2
- Increasing in the Knowledge of God Col 1:10
- Letting His Truth Set Us Free Jhn 8:32, 36
- Covenanted to God Hbr 8:6, 10
- Filled with All Joy & Peace in Believing Rom 15:13
- Doers of the Word Jam 1:22
- Sons & Daughters of God Gal 3:26
- The Body of Christ Eph 1:22-23
- Laborers together with God 1Co 3:9
- Servants of the Most High Act 16:17
- Having the Mind of Christ Phl 2:5
- Walking in Newness of Life Rom 6:4
- Led by His Spirit Rom 8:14
- Trusting in the Lord Acknowledging Him in All Our Ways Pro 3:5-6
- Putting on the Lord Jesus Christ Gal 3:27
- Partakers of His Divine Nature 2Pe 1:4
- Walking with Love & Living by Faith 1Co 13 & Rom 1:17
- Predestined to Be Conformed to His Image Rom 8:29
- Pressing on to His High Calling Phl 3:14
- Allowing the Greater One to Dwell in Us 1Jo 4:4
- Letting Our Request Be Known to God Phl 4:6
- Asking in the Name of Jesus Jhn 15:16
- Receiving the Request We’ve Asked For Mar 11:24
- Receiving All the Promises of God 2Co 1:20
- Fully Convinced That What God Has Promised
- He Is Able to Perform Rom 4:21
- Believers Mar 9:23
- Abiding in His Rest Hbr 4:3
- Walking & Acting Like the Word Is True Jam 2:17-18
- Holding Fast Our Confidence Which Has Great Reward Hbr 10:35
- The Elect of God Col 3:12
- Filled with the Holy Spirit Act 2:4,39
- Complete in Him Col 2:10
- Going in His Name Mar 16:15-18
- Strong in the Lord & in the Power of His Might Eph 6:10
- Filled with the Knowledge of His Will in All Wisdom & Spiritual Understanding Col 1:9
- Not Moved by What We See Rom 4:19
- Strong in Faith, Giving Glory to God, Not Wavering with Doubt or Unbelief Rom 4:20
- Imitators of Jesus Eph 5:1
- Walking As He Walked 1Jo 2:6
- Praying without Ceasing 1Th 5:17
- Walking by Faith Not by Sight 2Co 5:7
- Casting Down Vain Imaginations, Bringing Every Thought into Captivity to God’s Word 2Co 10:4-5
- Holding Fast Our Confession of Faith Hbr 10:23
- Calling Things That Be Not As Though they Were Rom 4:17
- Fighting the Good Fight of Faith 1Ti 6:17
- Reigning in Life Rom 5:17
- Exercising Our Faith & Patience Hbr 6:12
- Considering Jesus, the Apostle & High Priest
- of Our Confession Hbr 3:1
- Observing & Doing the Lords Commandments Jhn 14.21
- Putting on Love Col 3:14
- Loving Our Neighbors As Ourselves Mat 22:39
- Walking in the Wisdom of God Jam 1:5
- Kings & Priest Rev 1:6
- Givers Luk 6:38
- Intercessors 1Ti 2:1
- Wearing God’s Armour Eph 6:10-18
- Doing All Things through Christ Who Strengthens Us Phl 4:13
- Daily Overcoming the Devil 1Jo 4:4
- More Than Conquerors Rom 8:37
- Overcoming by the Blood of the Lamb & the Word of Our Testimonies Rev 12:11
- Exercising Our Authority Over the Enemy Luk 10:19
- Destroying the Works of the Devil 1Jo 3:8
- Convinced That Nothing Can Separate Us
- from the Love of God Rom 8:35-39
- In Everything Giving Thanks 1Th 5:18
- Establishing God’s Word Here on the Earth Mat 16:19
- Receiving Abundantly, Above All We Ask or Think Eph 3:20
- Walking Worthy of the Lord Col 1:10
- Telling Everyone about Jesus Rom 16:25
- Thinking on these Things Phl 4:8
- Giving God All the Glory Rom 16:27
- Blessing the Lord at All Times. Continuallv Praising the Lord with Our Mouths Psa 34:1
- Definitely Looking For His Soon Return 1Th 4:15-18
Thanks for the thorough list. Very encouraging.
The John 17 passage is good (not of this world) but you need the other two legs to stand-we are also in the world and are sent to the world-maintaining that balance is the work of the Holy Spirit in the Church. Not maintaining it means wandering off in some direction or other. Also the Church consists only of those who know by experience the Father and the one whom He sent. 17:3. Great list though!
This is a great list! I have never really considered anything but the obvious: The church is His body. Now I slap my forehead and say, “Well, duh!”
And with all those “labels”, gives us Believers a great responsibility to live in the truth of those labels day by day.
Don’t get me wrong. NOT BY WORKS! But in humble submission to Jesus.
Have a blessed day, everyone. May the person in your life who causes you angst, or keeps you biting your tongue, or who pushes your buttons be that person today whom you love so deeply and richly that it could only be the Love of Jesus, the Power of the Holy Spirit working in you and through you. May that relationship change today and bless not only that person, but you. 🙂
Love, Debi C.
I receive your insightful words and I will press towards the mark of the high calling when I encounter “that person that pushes my buttons”. It would be so much easier if they didn’t live in your house, but I know that is by design as well. One thing that I clear about is that I NEED TO DIE DAILY. When I do this, I avoid the hassle of having an ego that gets “ruffled and bruised” by circumstances. Thank you for posting.
Thanks Debi for your thoughts. The Lord is working with your heart and you are allowing to be used by Him. I say this because I needed to hear that. At work, I forget those I’m around need Him, but He needs me to show them the Love He has for them. Wow! Holy Spirit, clear our thoughts, so that your power can be clearly demonstrated thru humbling our lives to your calling.
Acts 5:29 But Peter and the apostles answered and said we ought more to obey GOD than men
Mark 7:7 But in vain do they serve ME while they teach such doctrines as are nothing but the commandments of men
Acts 5:32 And we are HIS records of these words and the holy spirit who GOD hath given unto them who obey HIM
Hebrews 5:9 And being made perfect HE became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey HIM
I am beyond blessed. I really needed this this morning. Foggy, rainy here in Wisconsin…cold…yucky. Feeling rerally flat. This really affirms me today in the Lord! Thank you so much!
I should pin this up on my kitchen wall & the church notice board,God is wonderful huh..Thx
And I would add we, the Church, are the ‘Israel of God’, the spiritual and eternal fulfillment of all the God promised to Abraham and his descendants.
“For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature. And as many as walk according to this rule, peace [be] on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God.” – Galatians 6:15,16
The only other thing I didn’t see was that we love one another but I suppose that is implied with everything else about us. 1 John 4:12 No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us.
Oh yeah, there it is Romans 8:35…
We need to remember, too, that the church, alone, is not the eternal fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham and his descendants. We were grafted into the nation of Israel, and God has sealed to Himself a Jewish remnant with whom we will rejoice and spend eternity. Praise God that He is a keeper of His promises! God bless you all.
Psalm 15:1 LORD who shall abide in thy tabernacle who shall dwell in thy holy hill
Psalm 15:2 He that walketh uprightly and worketh righteousness and speaketh the truth in his heart
Psalm 50:23 Whoso offereth praise glorifieth ME and to him that ordereth his conversation aright will I show the salvation of GOD
Acts 17:11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica in that they received the word with all readiness of mind and searched the scriptures daily whether those things were so
James 2:17 Even so faith if it hath not works is dead being alone
James 2:24 You see then how that by works a man is justified and not by faith only
Thank you for using the Word to define We, the Church. I sooo love this site!
This is so much useful for preaching also. Thank you for the list.
Awesome! Thanks for reminding me,very timely, I am reading this at 1:30am couldn’t sleep. Church business meeting is tonight, this message has given me peace. I hope to share before the meeting tonight. I will devote time today to mediatating on this message. please pray for our congregation that we will remember who we are, who we belong to and Christ is the head of the church.
When I read the title “The Church” I almost expected a to do list.
I absolutely love that we, the church, are totally defined by our relationship and dependency on our LORD!
Sometimes I think we take ourselves, our circumstances and our purpose as just that, ours. I love these verses because we are hidden, strive and survive solely in HIM!
After looking at such a list, who wouldn’t want to be a part of God’s church!! Thank you for the reminder of the privileges we enjoy by being part of the body of Christ. “We Are, because of the I AM”
How can Pastor Brett Peterson go on the History channel program about the end times and suggest that wars and rumors of wars suggest the end? Through time we have always had wars and rumors of wars and disease and pestilences> The BIBLE clearly sets two signposts which can not be dismissed! #1 It is as Jesus says in Matthew and Luke that Israel is regathered and that generation will not die till all be fulfilled. #2 that is the beginning of the tribulation begins at the declaration of a peace agreement with Israel which will end up being a 7 year peace agreement it may not necessarily start out as such. found in DAN 9:27 and that the final 3 1/2 years will be especially horrible for Jews as the will be targeted for persecution. Were you edited wrongly or did you promote uncertainty?