The following is an exhaustive list on Who God is and how He has chosen to manifest Himself to His creatures. The whole list can be found in our growing selection of study tools at the Blue Letter Bible.
Our God is…
- Love 1 Jo 4:16
- Spirit Jhn 4:24
- The Holy One Psa 16:10
- The I Am Jhn 8:58
- Yahweh Exd 6:3
- The Alpha & Omega, The Beginning & End Rev 1:8
- God Almighty Exd 6:3
- A Miracle Working God Gal 3:5
- The Creator of the World Jhn 1:3
- Infinite 1Ki 8:27
- All Powerful Jer 32:17, 27
- All Knowing 1Jo 3:20
- Ever Present Psa 139:1, 13
- Unchangeable Num 23:19
- Jehovah Psa 83:18
- A Covenant Making God Hbr 10:16
- The Everlasting Father Isa 9:6
- A Father of Lights Jam 1:17
- A Father of Mercies & God of All Comfort 2Co 1:3
- The Author of Salvation Hbr 2:10
- Full of Power Rom 13:1
- A God Who Raises the Dead 2Co 1:9
- A Quickening Spirit 1Co 15:45
- Mighty to Save Isa 63:1
- Our Maker Isa 54:5
- Our Heavenly Father Mat 6
- The Justifier of the One Who Has Faith in Jesus Rom 3:26
- Metting Our Needs through Jesus Phl 4:19
- Giving Us the Peace that Surpasses Understanding Phl 4:7
- Jesus of Nazareth Jhn 19:19
- The Door of the Sheep Jhn 10
- The Way, Truth & Life Jhn 14:6
- The Prince of Peace Isa 9:6
- The King of Kings & Lord of Lords Rev 17:14
- The Lamb of God Rev 5:6
- The Bread of Life Jhn 6:48-58
- The Bright & Morning Star Rev 22:16
- The Light of the World Jhn 8:12
- Immanuel Isa 7:14
- Wonderful Counselor Isa 9:6
- The Great Shepherd of the Sheep of Sheep Hbr 13:20
- The Head of the Church Eph 1:22
- Jesus Mat 1:21
- The Same Yesterday, Today & Forever Hbr 13:8
- Our All Sufficiency 2Co 3:5
- The Word Jhn 1:1
- Dwelling in Us 2Co 6:16
- Easily Touched Hbr 4:15
- Faithful & True Rev 19:11
- A Sure Foundation Isa 28:16
- Upholding All things by the Word of His Power Hbr 1:3
- Watching Over His Word to Perform It Jer 1:12
- A Rewarder of Those Who Diligently Seek Him Hbr 11:6
- No Respecter of Persons Act 10:34
- The True Light Jhn 1:9
- The Author & Finisher of Our Faith Hbr 12:2
- Mediator of the New Covenant Hbr 9:15
- The Truth Jhn 14:6
- Working in Us Hbr 13:21
- Greater in Us Than He That Is in the World 1Jo 4:4
- Unto Us Wisdom, Sanctification & Redemption 2Co 1:30
- For Us Rom 8:31
- Never Leaving Us or Forsaking Us Hbr 13:5
- Always Leading Us in Triumph in Christ 2Co 2:14
- Faithful Over His House Hbr 3:1-6
- Ruler of the Kings of the Earch Rev 1:5
- Our Lord & Our God Jhn 20:28
- Our Life Jhn 11:25-26
- Our Savior Luk 2:11
- Our Redeemer Isa 48:17
- Our Teacher Mat 28:18
- Our Healer Isa 53:5
- Our Deliverer Rom 11:20
- Our Resurrection Jhn 11:25
- Our Justification Rom 3:26
- Our Strength Phl 4:13
- Our Righteousness 1Co 1:30
- Our Peace Eph 2:14
- Our Advocate 1Jo 2:1
- Our Faithful High Priest Hbr 9:11; 10:21
- Our Bridegroom Mat 9:15
- Our Hope of Glory Col 1:27
- Pleased to Give Us the Kingdom Luk 12:32
- Equipping Us Eph 4:11-16
- Giving Us Revelation Knowledge 1Co 2:10-13
- Giving Us the Keys to the Kingdom Mat 16:19
- Giving Us His Name Mar 16:17-18
- Giving Us the HOLY SPIRIT Luk 11:13; Act 2:38-39
- Anointing Us for Service 1Jo 2:20
- Filling Us With Wisdom & Spiritual Understanding Eph 1:17
- Giving Us His Armour Eph 6:10-18
- Providing Us Angels Hbr 1:14
- Faithful to Complete the Work He Began in Us Phl 1:6
- Rich in Mercy Psa 136
- Teaching Us How to Profit, Leading Us in the Way We Should Go Isa 48:17
- Giving Us All Things to Enjoy 1Ti 6:17
- Saying Well Done My Good & Faithful Servants Mat 25:21
- Receiving All the Glory 1Co 10:31
- Worthy of Praise Psa 18:3
- Saying to Everyone, “Surely I Am Coming Quickly.” Amen Rev 22:20
Looking at this list gives us just a small glimpse at how all encompassing God’s love for us truly is and how HE is our everything. Thank you JESUS!
Inspiring! Thanks for posting.
What a wonderful way to start my day: reflecting on the awesome character of the Lord. Thank you, BLB.
This list is fantastic! I sent it to our chicago Ministry team CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ). we are also going to mentor some people with this to bless and ground their faith in “That which is written”. Thank you!
We’d like to bless you as well. Here is our click link to download our new free E book, “Marriage Anchors”. Totally free. no strings. be blessed and encouraged this week!
Jim and Barbara Grunseth
This was wonderful. Just a few typos I caught. 2Cor chap 1 goes up to verse 24:
Unto Us Wisdom, Sanctification & Redemption 2Co 1:30
minor one: Ruler of the Kings of the Earch Rev 1:5…Earth
It looks like God’s characteristic of “Unto Us Wisdom, Sanctification & Redemption” comes from 1 Corinthians 1:30.
Great list! The study of our LORD’s attributes truly reveal all that He has shown us concerning Himself. Very important! Why? “And this is eternal life, that they may know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent.” John 17:3 NASV. Know God, walk in His ways and enjoy eternal life!
“But by His doing you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification, and redemption,” I Cor. 1:30 NASV.
Praise God!
Let us ever be occupied with the person of Jesus Christ, of whom He is to God as well as of whom Jesus is to us.
Our God sent His Beloved Son into this world to make the way of peace between God and man. Our Lord Jesus took upon himself the punishment for all the sins of all men. He endured the wrath of God on the cross, taking our place of judgement before a Righteous God. Jesus was the only one to please God, to perfectly love, obey and serve God and he was the one offered in sacrifice to redeem us.
To the believer, Jesus is perfection, in his person before God, in perfect love, in all goodness. He is ever our comfort our hope, our present and our blessed future. We are priveledged to think of Jesus, his person, the fulness of love, his concern, his patience, his care, his thoughts of good.
When we come together, we would do well to not spend our time examining behavior or attempting to reform ourselves or others or on ever gathering money or the other concerns of men.
Let us meditate on the one who gave himself completely as the servant before God, the lover of our souls.
Brother Chris , Shalom to all , Excellant Post !!! God Is All things to all People … !!! Keep up the Great Work of Feeding God*s People … !!! Blessings from Mount Zion … amen shalom !!!