So here we are at the dawn of a new year. You may have resolved to read or study the Bible more regularly this year. Or perhaps you intend to supplement your daily Bible reading with a devotional.
If so, you may want to consider one of our free online Daily Devotionals or Bible Reading Plans:
Daily Devotionals:
- BLB Daily Promises
Rejoice daily in the promises and security that every believer can take as his own. Our God is trustworthy and ever does His passion for His people shine through His word; so take heed the wondrous pledges of His love for you, His child! With reflections brought to you by the staff of the Blue Letter Bible.
- Day By Day By Grace
Conceived by Pastor Bob Hoekstra, Director of Living In Christ Ministries, the Day By Day By Grace devotional series seeks to illuminate the grace of God through daily readings set to inspire the child of Christ toward the heart of his Creator and Benefactor.
- Daily Bible Reading Program
Now one can use the Blue Letter Bible to assist them in reading through the Bible in a year’s time. Different translations and different reading plans are available.
- Morning and Evening Devotions
Written by Nineteenth Century preacher, Charles H. Spurgeon, these devotions, both morning and evening, are sure to bless the believer by bringing to light the joy of the Gospel.
- My Utmost for His Highest
Gleaned from the lectures of Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest is the most used devotional material outside the Bible itself.
Happy New Year to the staff at BLB. Keep up the good work. It’s time to dive into my daily reading plan.
Happy New Year to all BLB staff. May our Yeshua bless and keep you strong this year. May He come soon..
I have found newness of my spirituality since I discovered BLB and a new reading plan. Thank you Jesus, my Lord and Savior.