Behind the scenes at Blue Letter Bible, a tremendous amount of work goes into maintaining, improving, and expanding the BLB website. For fifteen years our parent ministry (Sowing Circle) has been able to totally fund the operational costs of the BLB—but that has changed. For the first time, BLB is required to raise support from outside sources to continue to provide our users around the world with the comprehensive web-based Bible study tool that you have come to enjoy! We desire to accomplish this and yet keep our website ad-free.
The 2011 support target for BLB is $1.5 million. That’s a large number, but every gift—large or small—is meaningful, as described below. We wanted to share this need with you, for we will need your help to reach this target. Our heart is that we do not want you to be distracted by advertisements or banners. However, if actual support is substantially less than the target, advertisements may be necessary in the future. We are trusting in the Lord’s provision through your generosity and partnership in this ministry.
In an average month, the BLB delivers over 13 million pageviews of Bible study material to over 500,000 unique visitors. What that means is:
If just 30% of the users this month will make a gift of $10, we will be able to keep the BLB ad-free for 2012!
Please pray for the provision of the ministry and whether the Lord would have you co-labor with us in spreading the Word of God and providing doctrinally sound Bible search and study resources for the global Church!
If you would like more information on the ministry and its finances, additional information is available through the menu bar below. As always, we invite you to contact us at or 949-600-6000 with any comments or questions you may have.
Thank you, BLB servants – you ARE appreciated, surely far beyond the few comments that are received here each day! I’ve had it on my heart to begin contributing in support of BLB, which has proven over and over to be a place of integrity in regards to the Word of God. I will make a donation today, and begin to pray that the Lord will allow us to always enjoy an ad-free (distraction-free!) experience with you!
we can’t contribute much…but it’s a start. GOD Bless you all for such a practical, amazing, Gospel Giving site!!!!!!! You are loved and prayed for =) Thank you for your integrity and honorable use of our GOD’s Word…Living and Powerful!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“Do not let your heart envy sinners, But [be zealous] for The Fear of THE LORD all the day;” Proverbs 23:17
hmmm your donate now button isn’t working for me? =(
Should be fixed now. Thank you! God bless!
I’m so grateful that a friend of mine told me about Blue Letter Bible. I’ve enjoyed it so much! Thank you and God bless your 2012!
In a post a few weeks ago, I commented that I added Blue Letter Bible to my bank’s Payee list: I pay my bills online through my bank’s website.
In addition to my regular tithes and offerings to our church and to missionary ministries, I figured I could afford $10 to $25 a month for the service Blue Letter Bible provides.
I don’t think this was my idea. I think it was the Lord planting that in my head. Like everyone else, sometimes we do juggling acts to make ends meet. But I figure, as long as I have a job at the present time, I should share what I have. And if that little bit means I don’t have to have advertising banners distracting me, I want to participate.
I am sure there are dozens of companies and corporations who would LOVE TO GET THEIR BANNERS on this page. Can you imagine how lucrative that would be for them?
Let’s keep banners and flashing ads where they belong: on other websites. Let’s keep Blue Letter Bible a holy place and we can put our tithes and offerings in the little velvet bag before we leave the sanctuary.
God bless you, writers, contributors, other “posters” to this blog and community of Blue Letter Bible. I can’t begin to describe how much I have learned in the past year through this website.
Sincerely, Debi C., Portland, Oregon
Thank you Debi. What an encouragement you are to us! God bless!
Thank you for every diligent effort on your part to maintain without commercial distraction. Personally, I have spent hours in these resources and subsequently have been the recipient of countless blessings as the Holy Spirit opened His Word from observations to understanding to ground breaking application for this life.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! We will give more as the Lord provides. We continue to pray for you. What a blessing to be able to come here for study, and devotional time, and time even when exercising to stream in the words of saints that have encouraged and challenged. What a resource you provide! I praise our Lord for your work. May He bless this ministry of BLB far above you dreams and requests. Joy! Heb 12:1-3.
I love BlueLetterBible! Thank you so much for your faithful labor and dedication to TRUTH and accuracy and healthy understanding of the pure Word of the pure God. Truth changes lives through LIGHT and healthy words heal minds. We need good ministry because our hearts will become hard and cold if we don’t know who GOD really is. Praise Him for the outpoured riches of the truth in these days.
Thank you;
Blue Letter Bible you have been a tremendous support with supplying the resources that are needed for syuding and understanding the Word intern helping to bring the gospel to south Florida and Jamaica we supported you in 2011 and will continue to support you in 2012
Yours in His service
Fr Leo
The role of Blue Letter Bible is significant as a bible scholar who clarifies my doubts. Its devotionals are a capsules usually i chew before i leave for my work. BLB makes the bible simple by its vast resources. Really, Thanking God who are behind this great work & you will be not be vain as on the day of the Lord.
God Bless
Mr. Samuel Kurian
Abu Dhabi/ Thiruvalla
Thanking God for your web site, I have so enjoyed doing my bible studies with Chuck Missler. God new just what I needed and lead me to your site with such a wealth of information.
It has been put on my heart to help with the cost, and praying that in God’s grace He will continue to keep His work alive bring other to His gift of salvation and teach his people. Praying this site can be ad free. God’s Peace.