I Remember Thee is a poem written by Frances Havergal, among the hundreds of new resources we added to the Blue Letter Bible website in 2011.
“Thus saith the LORD, I remember thee, the kindness of thy youth, the love of thine espousals.”
Jeremiah 2:2
MY Lord, dost Thou indeed remember me,
Just me, the least and last?
With all the names of Thy redeemed,
And all Thy angels, has it seemed
As though my name might perhaps be overpassed;
Yet here I find Thy word of tenderest grace,
True for this moment, perfect for my case,—
‘Thus saith Jehovah, I remember thee!’
My Lord, dost Thou remember this of me,
The kindness of my youth?—
The tremulous gleams of early days,
The first faint thrills of love and praise,
Vibrating fitfully? Not much, in truth,
Can I bring back at memory’s wondering call;
Yet Thou, my faithful Lord, rememberest all,—
‘Thus saith Jehovah, I remember thee!’
My Lord, dost Thou remember this of me,
My love, so poor, so cold?
Oh, if I had but loved Thee more!
Yet Thou hast pardoned. Let me pour
My life’s best wine for Thee, my heart’s best gold
(Worthless, yet all I have), for very shame
That Thou should’st tell me, calling me by name,—
‘Thus saith Jehovah, I remember thee!’
My Lord, dost Thou remember this of me,
The day of Thine own power?
The love of mine espousals sweet,
The laying wholly at thy feet
Of heart and life, in that glad, willing hour?
That love was Thine—I gave Thee but Thine own,
And yet the Voice falls from the emerald throne;
‘Thus saith Jehovah, I remember thee!’
My Lord, dost Thou remember this of me?
Forgetting every fall,
Forgetting all the treacherous days,
Forgetting all the wandering ways,
With fulness of forgiveness covering all;
Casting these memories, a hideous store,
Into the crimson sea, for evermore,
And only saying, ‘I remember thee!’
My Lord, art Thou indeed remembering me?
Then let me not forget!
Oh, be Thy kindness all the way,
Thy everlasting love to–day,
In sweet perpetual remembrance set
Before my view, to fill my marvelling gaze,
And stir my love, and lift my life to praise,
Because Thou sayest, ‘I remember thee!’
Beautiful words, is there a song to it?
This was perfect for me today. It is good to know God but to
be known of Him is greater. Here is a revelation of the love of God. Thanks
Amazing Love!
I am sorry, but this scripture goes far beyond the first sentence. The poem is lovely but the 2nd Chapter of Jeremiah is laced with words like GUILT, DISASTER AND VERSE 8
And I brought you into a plentiful land to enjoy its fruits and its good things. But when you came in, you defiled my land and made my heritage an abomination. The poem is awesome but truly has nothing to do with Jeremiah quoted here.
I am glad so many people with great hearts try so hard to do good and show others a glimpse of hoy they have.
Blessings and kind thoughts thrown your way ladies and gents of the Blueletter bible from “EL” who possessed the earth.
Upon reading the whole book of the Bible, it is clear that despite all of the warnings and blame that God is very willing to forgive and to love.
I think, that it is assumed here that the reader has read the whole book and remembers this…
…and blessings right back at ya, El 🙂
El is the base root for GOD…word #410 right here on this VERY search engine. He only appears a few times compared to Elohiym WORD #430 and Jehovah WORD #3068. So to pass blessings in the name of EL is to acknowledge him as the one who sits beyond the stars. and POSSESSOR of the EARTH. He did create the earth nor did he build a Garden on the earth.
Forgiveness and Love is awesome. KNOWLEDGE is not given freely, thus the reason for the hard work we do every day, each has his own destiny and call.
We were born in the same year and my Grandmothers name was Grace.
So grace to yas sister! in EL”S name!
Hi JP I appreciate your comments and share them. It is dangerous and wrong for us to pick and choose things out of Gods word to make us FEEL good or to unjustly condemn. The American church is overwhelmed with self-help,prosperity, “grace” and self improvement.CONTEXT CONTEXT CONTEXT. In any land where there is prosperity, modern pleasures etc. , there will be teaching and blind editing that is dedicated to attaining and protecting a lifestyle rather than being conformed and transformed into Christ which transcends culture. We need biblical grace for sure and it is hard to live out even when we get.
In this vast body of believers some are called to fight. In the ancient an old Armaic, Job is told to GIRD UP HIS LOINS and approach his creator as a MAN/GEBER or warrior. To become a warrior one must understand sometimes you fight alone but for the same cause.
Job challened his maker with his own words, and the maker recogbized Job in a different light.
It is the amazing storied and Parables of this book that bring WARRIORS out of our culture.
Rev 19-11 states Jesus is coming back on a white horse to make war.
I will look you up at that time, and we will ride together!
That is the wonderful thing about God! I dont have to “TRY TO BE GOOD”! Praise the Lord, I am saved by grace and the Lord fulfils his purpose in my life through Jesus, the Babe in the manger. And when I fall, fail and flounder, God remembers me and thinks about me and loves me just the same. That, my friends of Blueletter Bible, is what being a Follower of Jesus is all about. I am joyful.
I was blessed by this verse today and especially by the first stanza of the poem. It is wonderful to know that “God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love which you have shewed toward His Name…” Hebrews 6:10! Praise Jesus that He remembers us! I read the verses before and after the verse for today but it is fantastic that the Lord inserted remembering their “kindness”–devotion and faithfulness of their youth. He has kept me for over 40 years–since I was a teen and He becomes more precious with each passing day. Thanks BLB
JP and Larry, you make very good points rightly based in accurate expounding of God’s word. Context is vital in many ways, but so is the beauty of expression from that of a human spirit yearning for, and crying out to God. The verse quoted and upon which this excellent poem is written reveals, without question, a marvelous insight into the heart of God from which flows the grace we have all so freely received. I, for one, was redeemed out of a wretched darkness – a time in which I turned my back on God and everyone I love. It may be that, during that time, God lifted His hand from upon me in order to chasten me. Whatever the case, He stayed His hand from the wrath that I deserved, and I can’t help but believe it is because He remembers me. That being said, and the Book being read, there is a wealth of beautiful passages which speak, in one way or another to broken hearts. You cannot discount the wonderful way even a simple scripture like “Jesus wept” may minister to someone even though they may not understand the context in which it was written.
Grace to all
The poem is awesome and I read it again. Psalm 69-21 is a life changer and might be a good scripture for all of us. David had a rough day, but when stopped in the midst of his writing, he was told to write something in. “THEY GAVE ME GALL FOR MY DRINK”.
The concordace on this search engine took me forward to Jesus suffocating on a cross in the dark in Matthew 28.
I read psalm 69-21 to find RELIEF like we all have done so many times.
I found relief in his pain, as all of a sudden my day was not so bad after all.
While some pray, others watch out for them as you have done here.
Remember, for guys like Larry and Myself, just in case something goes wrong. Before you even know something has went wrong, white horses with men have galloped off to fix the bad. It is Jesus we all serve! I think sometimes we all forget how much he needs us too!!!! Hooray for the fella on the cross!!
O LORD JESUS help us to understand our roles as saints
2 Corinthians 6:1 We then as workers together with HIM beseech you also that you receive not the grace of GOD in vain
Philippians 1:29 For unto you it is given in the behalf of CHRIST not only to believe on HIM but also to suffer for HIS sake
LORD JESUS we need your help I’ve often wondered why O LORD that man teaches falsely your words and then says he loves you help us LORD
John 14:21 He that hath my commandments and keepeth them he it is that loveth ME and he that loveth ME shall be loved of MY FATHER and I will love him and will manifest MYSELF to him
Luke 8:21 And HE answered and said unto them MY mother and MY brethren are these which hear the word of GOD and do it
2 Corinthians 4:2 But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty not walking in craftiness nor handling the word of GOD deceitfully but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of GOD
Lord did you really not do any thing else after your crucifiction as man is teaching
JOHN 19:30 When JESUS therefore had received the vinegar HE said it is finished and HE bowed HIS head and gave up the spirit
John 14:18 I will not leave you comfortless I will come to you
Acts 22:14 The GOD of our fathers hath chosen thee that thou shouldest know HIS will and see that JUST ONE and shouldest hear the voice of his mouth
Acts 26:16 But rise up and stand upon thy feet for therefore have I appeared unto thee that I might ordain thee to be a minister and witness of it that thou hast seen and that I will yet cause to appear unto thee
Revelation 1:17 And when I saw HIM I fell at HIS feet as dead and HE laid HIS right hand upon me saying unto me fear not I AM THE FIRST AND THE LAST
2 Peter 2:2 And many shall follow their damnable ways by whom the way of the truth shall be evil spoken of
1 John 2:27 But the anointing which you have received of HIM abideth in you AND YOU NEED NOT THAT ANY MAN TEACH YOU but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things and is truth and is no lie and even as it hath taught you you shall abide in HIM
John 7:17&18 If any man will do HIS will he shall know of the doctrine whether it be of GOD or whether I speak of myself (18) he that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory but he that seeketh HIS glory that sent him the same is true and no unrighteousness is in him
Proverbs 8:8 All the words of My mouth are in righteousness there is nothing froward or perverse in them
Mr Morrow.
In regards to False teachings in your prayer
Unfortunately this book is full of demons, devils, incest, killings, fornication, hell, the abyss and
lying Apostles, and YES SATAN has a seat in the CHURCH AS WELL, and also ANTI CHRIST.
Not everyone in the body of Christ is looking for a morning pick me up DEVOTIONAL. Some would like to read and study ALL OF THE BIBLE. I have a wife of 32 yeas, two dogs, a cat, 10 acres of trees and a wonderful farm 7 minutes from the ocean. I can see God in evdery minute of every day in them. And praise him constantly for the miracle of just how beautiful my wife is after 32 years! LOVE is what makes her still just perfect. GOD DOD IT!!
To be honest people standing around in a temple telling OTHERS they are going to heaven beacause they joined a religion and a fellow like your self has prayed for them is not what I see in the bible. Very few people on this blog are willing to discuss all of the bible and when you do, someone like yourself prays for us?
With all of the talk about a rapture and water baptisim on this blog in the week I have been reading it, does anyone really care about the book?
The word says the VERY ELECT have been decieved. It seems you have appointed yourself as the APOSTLE of this blog?
Let me quote you the God/JESUS that I follow;
Matt 10-34;Think not that I am come to send peace on earth I came not to send peace , but a sword.
IF you would like to study the word SWORD, perhaps you would understand me a little better? I hardly doubt it will show up in tommorows DEVOTIONAL. I thought this was a blog?
And in your prayer perhaps you would like to send over any scriptures you have found that I might have put onto this blog that are false. I would be more than happy to send the scriptures out of this book back to you.
Lets all gather ourselves together and discuss the armour of God for 10,000 time. Or maybe a nice story about Ruth or Mary. As long as know one says anything mean!
There is a devil, he is sitting on the throne in a CHURCH. He has an apostle, and a bunch of pastors in his corner….
Havn’t been to church since they stopped the alter call to give away a coffee maker,l so you can’t accuse me of following satan…..
I believe my work is done here. Back to the book, just me and him….it is obvious me and him are not of this world. He came to make war and his followers are baking cakes and having raptures!
2 Corinthians 10:2-5 For though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh (4) for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through GOD to the pulling down of strongholds (5) casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of GOD and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of GOD
John 18:10 Then Simon Peter having a sword drew it and smote the high priests servant and cut off his right ear the servants name was malchus
Matthew 26:52 Then JESUS said unto him put up again thy sword into his place for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword
Ephesians 6:17 And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which is the word of GOD
Revelation 2:16 Repent or else I will come unto thee quickly and will fight against them with the sword of MY mouth
Revelation 19:15 And out of HIS mouth goeth a sharp sword that with it HE should smite the nations and HE shall rule them with a rod of iron and HE treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of GOD
Hebrews 10:25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is but exhorting one another and so much the more as you see the day approaching
James 5:19&20 Brethren if any of you do err from the truth and one convert him (20) let him know that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death and shall hide a multitude of sins
Proverbs 6:16 These six things doth the LORD hate yea seven are an abomination unto HIM
Proverbs 6:19 A false witness that speaketh lies and he that soweth discord among brethren
Proverbs 6:23 For the commandment is a lamp and the law a light and reproofs of instruction are the way of life
Peace be with you all
Loving the LORD
You still have not pointed out any scriptures I made reference too. All you have done is cut and paste more rhetoric about what is going on at church.
Since I do not go to a temple
have a religion
bless anyone into heaven
claim a rapture
not baptized in water
not converting anyone
don’t belong to your religion
I have seen rants about other religions, and mystical wishful thinking, raptures, and telling people the only way to heaven is to be baptized in water by YOU on this blog?
Who is acting as God here?
The book says many times
If you were to STUDY the word GOD the way it is used here you will note it is word #430. ELOHIYM…it it two words EL OHIYM. IT comes from the PLURAL ‘false GODS.’
God is exactly right, you have carved him into an image set him in a corner and said
Be my GOD.
You can not change the meaning of FALSE GOD,
but you certainly can blame a fellow like me for studying the word?
When God ordered Abram to ‘KILL THEM ALL’
Did anyone bother to ask him why GOD called the land of CAIN and his decendents the
I thought the blueletter bible blog was a place to discuss ALL OF THE BIBLE with BIBLE THUMPERS not a forum for making PROSELYTES of religions!
the words of Jesus
Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees , hypocrites for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte and When he is made ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves
You look awful silly telling a person looking for a little peace on a Sunday he is going to heaven because you recited a poem with him.
All of the warnings in this book or for the folks over at the temple claiming they have the power of God.
The number of the beast is 666 and he stands in the temple acting as god.
I will be home at 6 am reading my bible Sunday not looking for Jehovah Witness to bring over to my building so I can bless them into heaven, because their religion is not yours.
Mr Morrow, you are the enemy, you mine as well be praying to a peace of wood because that is what you represent. ‘A BUILDING’
The blueletter bible is the most amazing tool to man to find GOD. It is a book of riddles and parables that has been made available to anyone. It is a horror story at times, and if you can get through the horror or it you will never find the truth.
You still have hope!! Nothing to repent about here, just open the book and read instead of cut and paste!
Thank the Lord for remembering me. The Lord who judges hearts, minds, and motives of our hearts, which are deceitful above all else. Thank you for being greater than our hearts. No one is good but you alone and you covered us with an offering acceptable to you, the blood of Your only Son. Jesus Christ.Sanctify us by Your word, so we are not a reproach to Your Name, amongst the heathen, who were also worth dying for. I boast in nothing accept You and your cross. Show us the ancient paths, so that we may walk in them, and find rest for our souls. I embrace the grace and truth, and the new covenant, vowing to love You and my neighbor as myself, and to believe in the One You sent. Only with You working in me can I accomplish that. You are faithful, Lord and you will do it according to Your word. Thank You for remmebering me.