For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich.
(2 Corinthians 8:9)
“The Lord Jesus Christ was rich. We all believe that, though none of us can truly speak it forth. Oh, how surprised angels were, when they were first informed that Jesus Christ, the Prince of Light and Majesty, intended to shroud himself in clay and become a babe, and live and die!
We know not how it was first mentioned to the angels, but when the rumor first began to get afloat among the sacred hosts, you may imagine what strange wonderment there was. What! Was it true that He whose crown was all bedight with stars, would lay that crown aside?
What! Was it certain that He about whose shoulders was cast the purple of the universe, would become a man dressed in a peasants garment? Could it be true that He who was everlasting and immortal would one day be nailed to a cross? Oh! How their wonderment increased!
They desired to look into it. And when He descended from on high, they followed Him; for Jesus was ‘seen of angels,’ and seen in a special sense, for they looked upon Him in rapturous amazement, wondering what it all could mean. ‘He for our sakes became poor.’
Do you see Him as on that day of heaven’s eclipse when He did ungird His majesty? Oh, can ye conceive the yet increasing wonder of the heavenly hosts when the deed was actually done, when they saw the tiara taken off, when they saw Him unbind His girdle of stars, and cast away His sandals of gold?
Can ye conceive it, when He said to them, ‘I do not disdain the womb of the virgin. I am going down to earth to become a man’? Can ye picture them as they declared they would follow Him! Yes, they followed Him as near as the world would permit them.
And when they came to earth they began to sing, ‘Glory to God in the highest, on earth peace, good will toward men.’ Nor would they go away till they had made the shepherds wonder, and till heaven had hung out new stars in honor of the new-born King.
And now wonder, ye angels, the Infinite has become an infant. He, upon whose shoulders the universe doth hang, hangs at His mothers breast. He who created all things, and bears up the pillars of creation, hath now become so weak that He must be carried by a woman!
And oh, wonder, ye that knew Him in His riches, whilst ye admire His poverty! Where sleeps the new-born King? Had He the best room in Caesar’s palace? Hath a cradle of gold been prepared for Him, and pillows of down, on which to rest His head?
No. Where the ox fed, in the dilapidated stable, in the manger, there the Saviour lies, swathed in the swaddling bands of the children of poverty!”
–Charles Spurgeon, from a sermon titled “The Condescension of Christ” – available at the Blue Letter Bible
The infinite becomes an infant. God is glorious!What love, what grace. No wonder He is worth all the glory.
This is the Christmas wonder: Emmanuel. He came to us on earth. The world recognized Him not but the rest of His universe knew it. The angels knew it. The animals responded in some way, as creation continued to groan,waiting on His manifestation through the foretold ages here. But then as now, the hungry hearts were drawn, by His Spirit, to Him.
They believed and acted on His prompts, turning the world upside down. Can we do less?
Hi Susan:
Please forgive me for saying this but the truth is that “Christmas Time” has absolutely nothing at all to do with Jesus Christ or the incarnation of the Word of God.
The truth be told, Jesus Christ was born most like toward the early Autumn (Around September), Mostly likely around the Feast of Tabernacles. I say most like because they stayed around after the Cencus was taken and then moved into an innkeep (Matthew 2:11). That would have been the norm around the Feast of Tabernacles, otherwise they would have gone strait home for the coming winter season.
It gets quite cold in December even for that part of the world and no matter how barbaric a people would be, they would not ask for everyone to go to their own nations and place of birth just so tha a census could take place right in the middle of winter? It just would not make sense.
But after the main harvest (While it is still warm), then it could take place. No leader of men would say, “Ahh, forget about the harvest this year, let’s just have everyone go to their place of birth so we can count them.” And so likely no leader of men would ask their subjects to make such a dangerous journey in the winter season.
So You see; “Christmas Time” and December 25, has absolutely nothing at all to do with the Jesus Christ of the Bible. Also, no where in the Bible are Christians commanded to celebrate the Birth of the Lord or the Incarnation of the Word of God. Only His death and Resurrection.
This is awesome, you had me at the edge of my seat with this .. love it
I absolutely love Charles Spurgeon’s writing. His writing speaks to me today as I’m sure the people were touched in his day. How he LOVED CHRIST. As do I!!!!
May you all be wonderfully and richly blessed by the GRACE of CHRIST!!!
If Jesus Christ existed from eternity past, it was only in the mind of God and not as a number 2 co-equal person in anyone’s trinity. John 1:1 declare “in the beginning was the word (logos) and the word was with God and the Word was God.” This one God of creation, robed himself in flesh in the person of Jesus Christ, who was indeed God and man, and died for the sins of humanity, and has given us his Holy Spirit to live out His life in and through us. The bible refers to this in 1 Timothy 3:16 as the mystery of godliness, which is ” God was manifested in the flesh, justified in the spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles and believed on in the World, received up into glory”. That is why the gospel message is so glorious, that the mighty God of creation in Christ Jesus died for our sins and was risen again for our justification and is coming again for His bride, the church prepared “without spot, wrinkle or any such thing” Praise God and to Him be all the glory, Halleluyah!
John 1:1 – In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
John 1:1 is speaking of two individuals and not one God. There is “God” and then there is “The Word” which was “WITH” God and the Word was also [a] God.
So there are really two individuals who are both God! How can that be? Well Suppose I have a son and of course I am his father. My son would be what I am in nature. He would not be a dog or a cat or even a Pinochio but a real human Boy.
I could then say to all the other animals… “I, a human, exist and so does my son, who is also a human.” Well how can that be? Would respond some of the other animals. How can you both be Human?
1Cr 8:6 But to us [there is but] one God, the Father, of whom [are] all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom [are] all things, and we by him.
That is the problem with the word “God.” We can not really appreciate it because we are not Godlike. The Bible tells us that there is only one God and Father and that is true. The Father of Jesus is the Father of all creation but all Creation is not God like. But Jesus is God like.
Jesus being the expressed imaged and likeness of God is God by His very nature of what God is. The Same Spirit/Mind that the Father has, the Son (Jesus) has also. So much so that when the Universe was created it was created through the Son or rather by the “Word of God.” Jesus as the Word of God was the only one who could have created the Univers and Mankind. None of the Angel could have done it because none of the Angels are God like.
So Jesus Christ did exist from Eternity past but He existed as “The Word” of God. The Word was WITH God and the word was also God. This was that person of the God family that put on flesh and bones and divested Himself of His Glory to live as one of us so that we may be able to put on His glory and become a true son and daughter of God. To one day be born into the God Kind!
Genesis 1:26 – And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:
Oh how wonderful!
I just sat down to write greetings in Christmas cards to our mostly unbelieving family and asked the Lord what I might say in our card that would be thought provoking. I clicked on Blueletter Bible and here is my answer: the Infinite became an infant.
I am choked up. What an incredible and instant answer to prayer.
What an incredible answer to the sins of the world.
Thank you, Blueletter Bible.
What more; And truly amazing is that the Word of God did not simply move into the flesh of the babe Jesus at birth but the word divested himself of all His former glory and knowledge and moved into the egg cell of Mary herself. The great writer of the human DNA code, wrote Himself into human existence in order to become the perfect God/Man!
For 9 months the Word of God existed in the womb of a human being (Mary), as a genetic code (How much more humble can you go) putting on flesh and no way to protect himself; relying completely on God the Father, the Almighty God and His Angels for protection from that Dragon waiting to devour the Child as soon as He was born (Revelation 12:4).
Growing up as a human child, little by little the knowledge of who he really was and His purpose in life being revealed to him by the Spirit/Mind of God the Father (Matthew 16:17).
Being humbled or humiliated by the other Children as they called little Jesus a bastard; Saying things like, “We know who our father is, but who is your Father?” (Hebrews 2:18).
And all the time He knew in His heart and Mind that this nature was of the evil one, His very real enemy. As litle Jesus came, little by little to the age of understanding after understanding He had to acknowledge who He really was as he approach those ages of understanding. That is why he was shunned his whole life and that is why He can relate with us in that being tempted He can help and understand us in our own weaknesses.
And when it came time to die, He knew that this was like Coca Cola. It was the real thing! For 3 days and three nights He would not exist except His Spirit/Mind in the hands of God, and so when Jesus said,…
Luk 23:46 And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit:
He knew that was it for Him.
Jesus trusted the Father when He was in the womb and helpless and now He continues to trust the Father from the depths of Sheol, aka the grave. From Infinte to infant and to the grave or death and back to life again, for extinction and non existence he did not deserve. Nor could death keep or hold him for He never sinned to merit the death penalty but to take away our sin, to die in our place; how more humble can one be? What more can one give?
Yes, God is Rich beyond belief and Jesus is rich in love that he would humble himself knowing full well that he would die for those who did not love him. But by being born into humanity, He would make it possible for humanity to be born into the family of God. For the poor to be rich in love as well.
He would make rich in love those who would come to understand His infinite humility and sacrifice and in time die themselves, sacrificing the old man of “Me” for the birth of the new man in Jesus.
Where He was born to die in our place, we who desire to, will come to die that we may be born again; And to live for ever with God. And that is rich! Praise the Lord for His birth gives us a new birth and His Life Gives us a new life Eteral with the Father if we desire it.
Praise the Lord God; Thank you Father and Jesus our Lord.
God bless you richly for this amazing summation of our Lord and Savior!!! I am literally moved to tears. If your post doesn’t save a soul I don’t know what else will. You must post this EVERYWHERE!!! So richly and eloquently written. I literally fell into your post and was deeply touched. Christ is shining so brightly through your post!!
Peace and Blessings!
Thank You Renee for your kind and gracious words. They only inspire me to participate more on this site.
I pray that God may use these words as He has inspired me to write them, for His glory and honor. That the Children of God may draw ever closer to our True Father as the day of our True Birth into the God Kind Family draws ever closer.
Come soon Lord Jesus, You Brethren patiently and lovingly await your return. Amen!
For edification go to the Blue Letter Bible Institute’s most popular classes, Christology, taught by David Hocking. Visit the Blue Letter Bible Institute today to study comprehensive theology courses for free.
1 Timothy 2:5 For there is one GOD and one mediator between GOD and men the man CHRIST JESUS
1 Corinthians 11:3 But I would have you know that the head of every man is CHRIST and the head of every woman is the man and the head of CHRIST is GOD
1 Corinthians 15:24-27 then cometh the end when HE shall have delivered up the kingdom to GOD even the father when HE shall have put down all rule and all authority and power (25) For HE must reign till HE hath put all enemies under HIS feet (26) the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death (27) For HE hath put all things under HIS feet but when HE saith all things are put under HIM it is manifest that HE is excepted which did put all things under HIM (28) And when all things shall be subdued unto HIM then shall the SON also HIMSELF be subject unto HIM that put all things under HIM that GOD may be all in all
John 12:49&50 For I have not spoken of myself but the FATHER which sent me HE gave A commandment what I should say and what I should speak (50) And I know that HIS commandment is life everlasting whatsoever I speak therefore even as the FATHER said unto ME so I speak
John 5:19 Then answered JESUS and said unto them verily verily I say unto you the SON can do nothing of himself but what HE seeth the FATHER do for what things soever HE doeth these also doeth the SON likewise
2 Corinthians 10:18 For not he that commendeth himself is approved but whom the LORD commendeth
2 Timothy 2:15 Study to show thyself approved unto GOD A workman
that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth
Loving the LORD
the Lord gave us enough understanding to be able to comprehend the TRUE GLORY OF CHRIST. may not be understood by most of the world, thus, they glory and marvel at the wrong person.
the moment we understand and see the light of His glory, that’s when we realize that He is above anything, any man, or any woman who walked on this earth.
The song comes to mind, ….and can it be that I should gain, an interest in the Savior’s love, O COME LET US ADORE HIM….
This is indeed an eye opener. To me, this article is a wao! till I finished reading it. It makes us see the best part the Lord laid aside to pay the price for our sin. Praise God for Jesus Christ. I am happy I did not waste such a priceless sacrifice HE offered.
I love blue letter bible. The first thing I do before I get on the internet is read 2 two blue letter bible posts- there is 1 thing I would like to now –Is there animals & birds in HEAVEN >
Hi Lloyd:
1Cr 15:50 ¶ Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.
The Bible clearly tells us that corruption, That is to say this physical world, can not inhabit incorruption or the spiritual world. So then the third heaven where the Father and Jesus currently abide at, along with all the angels as well, is a spiritual domain where nothing physical can abide. Jesus has, since His resurrection, a spiritual body that is incorruptable.
This is to say that the two states of existence are incapatible. That is why the Word of God or “The Son” rather, had to be born into our world. The only way to truly exist in either the Spiritual or Physical is to be born into it. The “Word” existed as Spirit for God is Spirit (John 4:24). The Word put on flesh and was born into the world through Mary.
Upon death and being resurrected by the Father, Jesus put on Spirit through that act of being resurrection and was then born again to Spirit. Life giving, eternal, immortal and incorruptable Spirit. Just like before when Jesus existed as “The Word” only know Humanity has been added to the Creator through the Son, in the person of Jesus. Yes, He can be touched and eat food but Jesus body is a spirit body that can now exist with the Father in Heaven.
Jhn 3:13 And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, [even] the Son of man which is in heaven.
You also have to understand that no one has ascended to heaven except for Jesus. It would take glory away from Jesus for some one to exist in Heaven, say for example Abraham or Moses, before the Prince of glory, the King of kings. So if no one has been in heaven before the Lord Jesus because He is the First Born from the resurrection of the dead, then how much less any bird or animal.
1Cr 15:52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
But what about now that Jesus is in heaven? Well the answer to that is the fact that what we humans are waiting for is the “Day of the Lord” and the resurrection from the Dead. The two occur on the same day. When the Lord arrives to this earth that is when our change takes place (Job 14:14 Corinthians 15:51).
Job 7:17 What [is] man, that thou shouldest magnify him? and that thou shouldest set thine heart upon him?
The Bible teaches us that Man is God’s crowning achievement and that everything created on this world is for man’s enjoyment and edification. But that does not mean that in the resurrection God will not have surprises instored for those who in this life God had given them a pet to love and to love them back in this physical existence. But as for Birds and animals in Heaven, it sort of defeats the purpose.
I hope that I have put a bit more perspective on the question. Please let me know if you want me to expand on this or if you have any more questions, ok. Thanks.
1Cr 15:40 [There are] also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial [is] one, and the [glory] of the terrestrial [is] another.
How awesome is the Lord God Almighty!! He that knew no sin, became sin for Us!! Awesome inspiration by the Spirit of the Lord in this post!
Jhn 3:13 And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, [even] the Son of man which is in heaven.
I have always found this verse puzzling.
Could another interpretation be the Jesus descended to Heaven choosing to make Himself fully man and fully spirit as a babe? Therefore a physical body seeded in Mary from the Holy Spirit?
Jesus ascended into Heaven in Spirit but also may well have been in a physical body too???
Has anyone ever wondered how Jesus came down in a body to sup with the Apostles and Disciples for a while. They were able to feel His body. Thomas even touched his wounds in His wrists (ancients counted the wrists as part of hands). Thomas touched his wound in Jesus’s side.
Jesus rose for the final time in a body be it physical and spiritual or was it just a celestial spiritual body? Was He translated beyond the clouds before He sat next to God the Father?
Just wondering.
We do know prior to Jesus crucification that Hebrews were segmented in the land of the dead on one or the other side of the Gulf. Read the parable of the Richman and Lazarus, the Beggar.
Abraham spoke to the Richman who was in the side separated called Hades. The right side was Abraham’s Bosum also known as Paradise.
Jesus told the sinner on the cross that today I will see you in Paradise. Jesus spent 2 full days in the land of the dead and rose on the third day.
Remember people who were dead rose from their graves and were seen in Jerusalem???
This event could have been concurrent to Jesus rising or shortly thereafter. Were they accepted to Heaven as celestial spirit bodies at that time when they once again disappeared from view?
Just wondering… I could be all wet, in fact probably am. Does anyone have any read on this puzzling verse? Jhn 3:13
Ascended when? This verse may be ambiguous???
Oops make that…
Could another interpretation be the Jesus descended to Earth from Heaven choosing to make Himself fully man and fully spirit as a babe? Therefore a physical body seeded in Mary from the Holy Spirit?
Any thoughts who is in Heaven with God the Father and God the Son? In the trip to the 3rd Heaven John saw that there were 24 council members seated to the right.
At any rate whenever I see Jesus at the Mercy Seat after a review of my life on earth it is my fondest hope to be seated to the right of Jesus. To see His face the loveliest beyond all imagining. With full majesty.
Dear Lloyd,
^ I love blue letter bible. The first thing I do before I get on the internet is read 2 two blue letter bible posts- there is 1 thing I would like to now –Is there animals & birds in HEAVEN ^
I sure hope my pets are up there too just beyond the Rainbow Bridge and will meet me. They are capable of unconditional love. Something that manages to escape humans in general.
Praise be the Lord! With all hope again I say again I say praise the Lord!