Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
(1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)
Today, those of us in the U.S. are celebrating Thanksgiving Day. It as age-old tradition of giving thanks to God for His countless evidences of grace in our lives.
Thanks to God
As a ministry, we want to take this as an opportunity to thank God for the many ways He has blessed us this year. By His grace, we have the privilege of using the to spread His word to online users all around the world—over 1 million times a day!
God has also provided us with many new resources to offer through the Blue Letter Bible, including a new and updated iOS app for Apple devices, women’s ministry resources, and the new Blue Letter Bible blog. Thank you, Lord, for all that you’ve done!
Thanks to our users
We also want to take this moment to thank you, the users of the Blue Letter Bible. During this past year we had over 6,300,000 unique visitors use the website. Because of you and your desire to read and study God’s word that we labor each week to develop new tools and resources for the faithful study of God’s word.
Thanks to our partners
We want to thank all of our users who donated and partnered with us in our endeavor to keep the BLB ad-free. Since October 2010, 2,613 BLB users have donated a combined total of $144,232. This is far short of the goal we placed to raise $1.5 million dollars.
Note: If you’d like to give to share a gift—large or small—we would greatly appreciate it. Our heart is that we do not want you to be distracted by advertisements or banners. If you’d like to consider partnering with us with prayer or finances, please click here.
All glory to God
And of course, just as we began with God, let us also end with Him, for every “good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights.” Today, let us rejoice, pray, and give thanks to our Father. May all glory and honor go to Him.
* Today, let us rejoice, pray, and give I thanks to our Father. May all glory and honor go to Him. *
I awoke today with thankfulness of God’s blessings.
Thank you God the Father for the precious gift of your Son God the Son who died for my sins.
A precious resource from Blue Letter Bible to our emailbox.
Daily Devotional Prayer
Day By Day By Grace
Bob Hoekstra
November 24, 2011
Once More on Exceedingly Abundant Grace for Transformation
In part
O Lord of rich mercy and exceedingly abundant grace, I worship You. I thank You for mercifully holding back the judgment I deserved. I praise You for graciously bringing to me wonderful blessings that I could never deserve. Now, by Your bountiful grace, please work in my heart more faith and love, that I might serve and honor You more effectively. In Your mighty name I pray, Amen.
A new resource we can download for our computers for free.
The new revision 10 of eSword is available. It is a great tool to use when we don’t have Internet access to the Blue Letter Bible site.
eSword partners with Chuck Missler who is part of the Blueletter resources.
Check out Chuck’s site today for Thanksgiving Day lessons as well as a link to eSword.
Thank you so very much Blue Letter Bible Team for all you do to bring the Lord’s message to us!
We are the thankful ones! BLB has been my companion this year as I have studied the Scriptures. Praise God for the commentaries and the Hebrew/Greek word studies!
With the Holy Spirit and your marvelous site, I have maintained a dialogue with a sweet JW lady. I can’t say that our discussions have changed her doctrines but the deep dives into the Word that I’ve made in defense of my faith have been so beneficial to me. Thank you for giving me the tools!
The gift of the Blue Letter Bible resources really nourish my spiritual food needs.
Thank you so very much Blue Letter Bible team!
I thank God for how you have blessed the kingdom of God! In this time of giving, I had an idea…I see on your homepage that this site has about 3,000,000 users worldwide. If all of us could muster a dollar, we could significantly help pay for this site to keep spreading the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. If you could put this challenge on your home page somehow and let me be the first to make the pledge and allow others to join in with a pledge, I think we can all assist in the major contribution that you make to the kingdom, subsequently being blessed ourselves for giving (Luke 6:38).
Xavier (Lexington, NC)
Do we have the physical USPS address so we can make our contributions anonymously? I give anonymously even in our church offering collection.
Please point me the way.
Thank you.
I found the link that tells us how we may contribute to the Blue Letter Bible.
You may contribute online via Credit Card, Paypal, and make recurring donations.
Here is their USPS address:
Or, by sending a check payable to Blue Letter Bible to the following address:
Blue Letter Bible
22431 Antonio Pkwy, Suite B160-618
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688-3932
I think that’s a great idea!
I like this idea, Xavier. Do you think it should be monthly?
considering that I use this site almost daily, monthly is the very least that I should do…and remember, we don’t have to give only $1. I think that’s an even better idea. that’s just a starting point.
that is just what I posted on FB, i think that is a great idea i will try and get my parents to donate something
I am thankful that the Lord called me and saved me almost 32 years ago. I am thankful that the Lord provided my parents with children’s books, a dear Aunt, people along the way, to teach me about Him even when I was a little girl, in spite of my Dad’s resistance to Truth.
I am thankful that my husband and I were able to raise our children with the Lord in our home.
I am thankful that my 86 year old Mother is finally understanding the grace and power of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I am thankful the Lord has used me just a few times to plant little seeds of faith in people, and has blessed me with one person who got “planted and watered” by someone else and is now looking to me for help in her walk of faith. I am thankful for that young woman!
I am thankful that the Lord continues to chisel me into the person He wants me to be. I am thankful for His tough tools!
I am thankful for the BLB in which to study, learn, read, enjoy and converse with other believers and learn from them.
From Portland, Oregon (yay! It’s not raining today–yet!), Debi C.
Greetings Debi!
Always refreshing to read your positive posts. 😉
It is sunshining too here in my neck of the woods.
I am thankful to the Lord for my right eye cataract surgery. I can now see 20/40 as of yesterday in it. My left eye surgery soon to follow.
The removal excise of my yellowish smokey lens reminds me very much of the workings of the Holy Spirit filling me more and more and killing the fleshly parts of the old man in me.
I will see even better when the eye swelling goes down. Reminds me of being swollen up with self. May the Lord shrink me!
Thank you Lord for my eyesight physically as well as the vision sight of the Holy Spirit who allows me the blessed hope in seeing Jesus in a little while when I kneel at His mercy seat.
Have a wonderful, thankful Thanksgiving today everyone.
I will be seeing all one blessed day.
DD2J, I just want to thank you for your comments, too. I am glad that you were able to have that cataract surgery. That is awesome!
My husband is reading about Malchizadek (sp?) and I went back to your post from the other day. You posted a lot of information about him. Thanks for that. It was very helpful!
So, I wanted to say thanks.
I have trouble with Melchizedek or Melchizedec spelling too. I always have to look him up.
It’s my opinion, (not Biblical no one knows for sure) but I think Melchizedek is the manifestation of Christ in the Old Testament.
Melchizedek had no earthly Mother or Father, was the King of Salem in Canaan (which became the city of David Jerusalem), called the King of Peace (Salem means peace)and, was God’s High Priest over above the Levite Priesthood of Aaron. Moses and Aaron gave tithes to him.
So who else could fill all that bill?
The New Testament says Christian chosen ones will be Priests in the Order of Melchizedek.
Anyway… Melchizedek has been a wonderment since Moses and Aaron’s time.
Jesus said:
Jhn 8:58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.
I did a study search once and marked my Bible in the Old Testament “I am” in red. This prompted me to find God speaking in the Testament to mark my Bible red and other quotes said by God.
If you do a search of “I am” you will find responses too, for instance, of God calling Moses. Moses responded “Here I am”
We can say the same thing. When God calls us we can say, “Here I am!”
More “here I am” s
I love this phrase.
My God, I love you, “Here I am.”
This further helps us re: the Old Testament people as “types” of Christ in small parts.
Only Jesus is the all in all.
Please go see this everyone if you haven’t seen it before.
Goes over Abraham and Isaac for instance.
Jesus: True and Better
May 31, 2011 in Videos with 4 Comments
Great video from Tim Keller:
This Blog is really a God-send. It helps us everyday.
Here is the first encounter we have with Melchizedek.
Here is what the classic theologian, Matthew Henry had to say:
Gen 14:17-20
This paragraph begins with the mention of the respect which the king of Sodom paid to Abram at his return from the slaughter of the kings; but, before a particular account is given of this, the story of Melchizedek is briefly related, concerning whom observe,
I. Who he was. He was king of Salem and priest of the most high God; and other glorious things are said of him, Heb. 7:1, etc. 1. The rabbin, and most of our rabbinical writers, conclude that Melchizedek was Shem the son of Noah, who was king and priest to those that descended from him, according to the patriarchal model. But this is not at all probable; for why should his name be changed? And how came he to settle in Canaan? 2. Many Christian writers have thought that this was an appearance of the Son of God himself, our Lord Jesus, known to Abram, at this time, by this name, as afterwards, Hagar called him by another name, ch. 16:13. He appeared to him as a righteous king, owning a righteous cause, and giving peace. It is difficult to imagine that any mere man should be said to be without father, without mother, and without descent, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, Heb. 7:3. It is witnessed of Melchizedek that he liveth, and that he abideth a priest continually (v. 3, 8); nay (v. 13, 14), the apostle makes him of whom these things are spoken to be our Lord who sprang out of Judah. It is likewise difficult to think that any mere man should, at this time, be greater than Abram in the things of God, that Christ should be a priest after the order of any mere man, and that any human priesthood should so far excel that of Aaron as it is certain that Melchizedek’s did. 3. The most commonly received opinion is that Melchizedek was a Canaanitish prince, that reigned in Salem, and kept up the true religion there; but, if so, why his name should occur here only in all the story of Abram, and why Abram should have altars of his own and not attend the altars of his neighbour Melchizedek who was greater than he, seem unaccountable. Mr. Gregory of Oxford tells us that the Arabic Catena, which he builds much upon the authority of, gives this account of Melchizedek, That he was the son of Heraclim, the son of Peleg, the son of Eber, and that his mother’s name was Salathiel, the daughter of Gomer, the son of Japheth, the son of Noah.
… ”
For brevity (of my long posts) see the rest of the encounter of the continuing on the link above.
Dear sweet readers of this blog.
Please forgive Pat G and dd2j frequent and long posts.
I just love the Lord and find it hard not to share my thoughts as I walk.
oops the direct link if the Matthew Henry does not appear above:
I learn a lot from your posts.
Would you be willing to educate me why, in the story of Abraham offering Isaac on the altar, the KJV uses the word “tempt” regarding the Lord tempting Abraham to put Isaac on the altar?
I am studying the book of James and it says, When you are tempted, do not say God is tempting me for God is not tempted by evil nor does he tempt anyone…
I saw that when I was looking up your post about “Here am I”.
Thanks! (Maybe this isn’t the forum to ask that question, or ask for that explanation, but I wasn’t sure where to ask. Facebook?)
I want to thank God this morning for his Grace thanks be to Jesus Christ that he has restored my marriage and relationship with my kids and Praise God for websites like these ones that are encourging and that can be used on a daily basis.
Hi. I just read your post.
The Lord restored the marriage of a friend of mine, too. God inspired me to pray for him and for her, and she was reluctant to reconcile. BUT SHE DID! And now they are on their way to more years together.
I am very happy for you, and thankful to God for restoring your marriage and relationship with your family.
Have a good day. Keep on keeping on. 🙂
Hi Debi,
Concerning God’s “temptation” of Abraham, you could look into the difference between being “tempted” and being “tested”. We know that God does test us. Deut 8:2, Deut 8:16, Luke 4:1-2
While temptation (to do what is contrary to God) comes from within a person (and is mental). James 1:14-15 Mark 7:20.
Jeremiah 17:9-10 ties the two together.
(Personally I feel Gen 22:1 is properly rendered “Some time later God tested Abraham” as it is in the NKJV, NIV, ESV, ect)
-With Love
I will investigate that!
I am so appreciative because that was really confusing.
With help, I won’t be confused. 🙂
This confusing me too Debi.
Often wondered why the Lord’s Prayer says, “leadeth me not into temptation”
One of my favorite stories is of Job.
Very puzzling that story. I do so love where God tells Job about Himself. God did deliver Job from evil.
I will follow the “tested” links.
If anyone else has any ideas please share them with Debi and I.
Faithful to the End
March 21, 2011 in Mondays: Missionaries&Martyrs with 6 Comments
Explains the import to us re: Abraham and Job.
Spurgeon long quote check it out!
Here’s another former Blog post that speaks of Abraham and Issac. Abraham was the father (on earth) of all nations (peoples us too)imputed to him by God.
Remember Jesus told us that before Abraham was I am?
What is…justification?
April 7, 2011 in Thursdays: Theology, Uncategorized with 15 Comments
Gives me small hint of what is justification and who imputes it to us.
We must have faith first who came from Jesus believing His father. Doing all His bidding. Minister said today we are humbled according to our fruits. Which means often times what we don’t do as Christians.
(I think) read the Blog author and the answer reactions.
Thank you Lord for the website, not only can you read the word you can hear the word. Thanks to the many audio resources that enables me to study the word. I am very blessed because of the site. Sometimes I’m too tried to read and I can rely on BLB to get the word to me. This is truly a God sent ministry for me and others. Also, I’m thankful for the following:
God for sending HIS ONLY SON to Calvary for my sins and others.
Health and life.
Entire family; my husband, 2 children, 6 grandchildren, and 1 great-grandchild.
Mother, sister & brother, nieces, nephews, cousins, in-laws, friends, and colleagues.
job (seeking a better paying job)
Great weather we are having here in Detroit.
How can I send a donation to the site (it is in the form of a money order)?
How good id God?
I want to say “Hello and Happy Thanksgiving” to Pat G. who posts on this site often. But I have not seen any posts for the past few days from Pat G.
Pat, I hope all is well with you. You have wonderful insight, and your enthusiasm to share God’s word is wonderful, and rich.
So, I want to thank the Lord for you, Pat G., where ever you are today. God has blessed you and I am blessed because of you. You are a prolific writer and thinker, eh?
I thank God, again, for this wonderful community. I have a church community, and church fellowship, and a home fellowship in that church body, but this BLB church body is very different.
Signing off from windy, overcast Portland, Oregon and still no rain! Yay! Love, Debi
Tis I. Pat G, peeking in. Actually, to be honest, I go by the DD2J also. It’s my username at Blue Letter Bible Institute. Sometimes I am signed in on another email account.
I am rather prolific ( grin ) so I didn’t want to appear as an even bigger blog hog today as it were. I get really tired of seeing Pat G all the time on the screen too ( silly me )
I just am so enthusiastic for the Lord.
Love to all out there. I certainly hope y’all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Thank you God! We love you!
Hey! Hi! Pat G. aka DD2J! Love your post about Melchizadek! I am going to study that today. I just get goose bumps when I envision King M. riding up on his horse to Abraham.
Hey Ms. Deb,
Yep King Melchizedek is a very fascinating story.
Let’s face it Jesus pops in and out of the OT. He is God by his title and function many times. Our regular English Bibles don’t usually give His titles and what they mean.
I’ll hunt up the link for a “Names” Bible.
When I first got my knock at the door I read that childreen’s Bible Story Book (u kno like the ones is Drs. offices) I’ve since gone thru 5 Bibles.
I just love stories! Gets a rejuvenated person like I was with the knock at my door by Jesus getting back into the book.
I have a chronology of the Bible Book/Scripture order link list. I’ll post when it seems approp for a thread. Really helps to get the stories into a historical context.
Looky what I found Y’all!
March 3, 2011 in Thursdays: Theology with 5 Comments
Jesus in Every Book of the Bible
Happy thanksgiving to all and may the LORD bless you and cause you to grow ever more faithful
HE is the rock HIS work is perfect for all HIS ways are judgement a GOD of truth and without iniquity just and right is HE Deuteronomy 32:4
Thank You LORD
As the FATHER hath loved ME so have I loved you continue in MY love IF you keep MY commandments you shall abide in MY love even as I have kept MY FATHERS commandments and abide in HIS love John 15:9&10
Thank You LORD for your LOVE And we pray that YOU strengthen us to remain in it
But as we were allowed of GOD to be put in trust with the gospel even so we speak not as pleasing men but GOD which trieth our hearts 1st Thessalonians 2:4
Thank You LORD for the trials you put us through to train us
Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves but our sufficiency is of GOD 2nd Corinthians3;5
Thank You LORD that you are our sufficiency please give us the strength to recognize this that we would be done with ourselves
For who maketh thee to differ from another and what hast thou that thou didst not receive now if thou didst receive it why dost thou glory as if thou hadst not received it 1st Corinthians 4:7
Thank You LORD that YOU are our provider and may we seek not our own glory
I can do all things through CHRIST which strengthen me Philippians 4:13
And this is the confidence that we have in HIM that if we ask any thing according to HIS will HE heareth us 1st John 5:14
Loving The LORD
Great post Steve!
Try these Scripture references. The blog doesn’t refer us using 2nd 1st
1 Thessalonians 2:4
2 Corinthians 3:5
1 Corinthians 4:7
1 John 5:14
John 15:9-10
I want to thank God that even in these trying times in my life when all other let me down. The voice of truth is still in my heart. God has give me the grace to look past my lack and I look twords the one who holds my life. God has given me so much to be thankful for in this life. I can’t even begain to show my apriciation. I just thank the true and liveing God for being who he is……………………….
Good Morning, Everyone!
I love to begin my day with the Blue Letter Bible, and today is no different. A cup of coffee, sit at my desk, look first here, and then to Day by Day Grace, and then I read The Word.
Vincent Archuleta, I am praying for you today. I am lifting you up before the Throne of God and I am asking God to give you joy and hope and a new vision. I am praying for opportunities for you. I am praying that Jesus walk closely in front of you so that when you walk, you will not stumble, and your foot will not slip. I am using Psalm 91 as my guide. God loves you so much!
Love, Debi C.
Cold and no rain today in Portland, Oregon! Yay!
Deb et al,
I have a case of Blog Post withdraw! 🙂
So I decided to start back on February’s Blog Posts. I didn’t get on the Blog until recently.
So if anyone else misses the fine blog subjects revisit this year month by month.
I found a really cool uTube video in March. It’s called “Jesus Wants the Rose.”
Really great for those of us who came to Jesus as real sinner train wrecks. I count myself in that shape until I got back on the path.
Shows how some churches aren’t exactly welcoming to us sinner’s needing a hospital rather than a museum for saints.
Holier than thou really is in the Bible.
Judge not lest yea be….
Lest we get puffed up with ourselves and lose our humble approach to Jesus and to others it’s a really good review.
If your church is a museum you may want to look around for a smaller church. The Pastor is the key for me. I found a fantastic lil congregation with a very strong, sweet minister.
I started back out with a large church and got lost in it. No way to meet others and fellowship.
Hugs out to those who need them. The holidays can be rather lonesome I know for some. I’ve been there too.
Pat G dd2j
Jesus Wants the Rose! by Matt Chandler
March 1, 2011 in Videos with 3 Comments
How to witness and how not to witness
Here’s another. I love Spurgeon, my favorite! He reaches us throughout the ages.
“Every Christian is either a missionary or an impostor”
March 7, 2011 in Mondays: Missionaries&Martyrs with 5 Comments
“Unto you therefore which believe He is precious.”—1 Peter 2:7, KJV
“… Charles H. Spurgeon reminds us that every single believer, in some form or fashion, is called to the mission field:
“If Jesus is precious to you, you will not be able to keep your good news to yourself. You will be whispering it into your child’s ear. You will be telling it to your husband. You will be earnestly imparting it to your friend. Without the charms of eloquence you will be more than eloquent: your heart will speak, and your eyes will flash as you talk of His sweet love.
Every Christian here is either a missionary or an impostor. Recollect that. You either try to spread abroad the kingdom of Christ, or else you do not love Him at all. It cannot be that there is a high appreciation of Jesus and a totally silent tongue about Him. Of course I do not mean by that, that those who use the pen are silent: they are not. And those who help others to use the tongue, or spread that which others have written, are doing their part well: but that man who says, ‘I believe in Jesus,’ but does not think enough of Jesus ever to tell another about Him, by mouth, or pen, or tract, is an impostor.
I am very thankful for this Blog. Here is our opportunity to share the Word of the Lord to others. A place to encourage one another.
“Jesus wants the Rose”–oh, Lord, that was powerful! thank you, DD2J, for suggesting that in your post this morning.
More than a video of how to witness and not witness to others, I think it is what the Truth IS.
Today I am thankful for having seen that video.
Today I am thankful for The Truth: Jesus Christ.
He is REAL! He really walked on earth, He really was God and Man. He really died for the sins of the world. He really died. He really rose from the dead. He is ALIVE IN HEAVEN. THE HOLY SPIRIT lives in me!
Lord, thank you for reminding me that without you, I am a worthless …rose. Amen.
This year I am particularly thankful to God for sparing my wife’s life. She was hit head.on by a pickup truck while riding her bicycle. God not only spared her life, but he has allowed her to bless many people through this diddicult time. God blessed us with a great church family and other family and friends that have poured out their prayers, love, support and words of encouragement. God is faithful and his grace is sufficient even in tough time such as this!
Goodness Mark!
What a year you have had.
Wonderful that people rallied around your family. Yes, having a hard time and making out the other side can be an inspiration to others.
Blessings go out to your wife, yourself, and your family.
God IS good!
When GOD puts us to the test who are we going to listen to
Did not JESUS set the example for us that we should follow
Matthew 4:3 And when the tempter came to HIM he said if thou be the SON of GOD command that these stones be made bread
Matthew 4:4 IT is written man shall not live on bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of GOD
1 Thessalonians 3:5 For this cause when I could no longer forbear I sent to know your faith lest by some means the tempter have tempted you and our labor be in vain
Pat thanks for the input on 1st & 2nd
Steve, thanks for coming back to Debi and myself.
So Steve. I think the 1 Cor Paul said was it gladdened him that the Cor. managed to keep their faith in the face of hardship???
Paul, Timothy and others had just gone through a hard time. Paul sent Timothy to check on the Corinthians. A shared burden within the brotherhood to buoy each other up perhaps?
Is that it?
I know that it is said that God saves us from more than we can bear.
The story in Job was passed to us to see how Satan can try to break us but God allows just so much and will jump in for us.
Job was at the end of his rope. His 4 “friends” did nothing but discourage him. Stuff like you must have done something very bad to deserve this etc. His wife towards the end even told Job to renounce his faith if that is what it took to be well and have their wealth return.
I love the end of the book. God reminds us of his unequaled power. Describes all He has made.
God acknowledged that Job had made it through the trials.
Anyone else have a take on this?
A point to consider about Job and his trials. Who brought the trials upon Job? Satan or Yahweh?
Job 1:16
Job 1:21-22
Job 2:3
Job 2:10
Job 40:6-8
Job 42:11
Right Jason,
Satan did.
God allowed just so far and not any further.
Hey Jason!
Look what I found. Goes to show you Christians grapple with the same questions and hunt for answers.
This was what I was attempting to explain about the difference between heart and ritual (ceremony)
I did a lousy job of it. Rooky here. Sorry.
I remain humble because I am a perfect mess.
Note to myself: save yourself some time and read more Spurgeon.
Check it out – this is from Spurgeon
“Rend your heart, and not your garments.”
Joel 2:13
“Let us hear the death-cries of Jesus”
April 23, 2011 in Uncategorized with 2 Comments
Job 38:1-3 Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind and said (2) Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge (3) Gird up now thy loins like A man for I will demand of thee and answer thou me
Job 40:1 Moreover the LORD answered and said (2) shall he that contendeth with the almighty instruct HIM he that reproveth GOD let him answer it (3) Then Job answered the LORD and said (4) Behold I am vile what shall I answer THEE I will lay my hand upon my mouth (5) once I have spoken but I will not answer yes twice but I will proceed no further (6) Then the LORD answered JOB out of the whirlwind and said (7) Gird up thy loins now like a man I will demand of thee and declare thou to me (8) Wilt thou also disannul my judgment wilt thou condemn me that thou mayest be righteous
1 Corinthians 10:9 Neither let us tempt CHRIST as some of them also tempted and were destroyed of serpents
1 Corinthians 10:13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man but GOD is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able BUT WILL WITH THE TEMPTATION ALSO MAKE A WAY TO ESCAPE THAT YOU MAY BE ABLE TO BEAR IT
2 Corinthians 13:1&2 This is the third time I am coming to you IN THE MOUTH OF TWO OR THREE WITNESSES SHALL EVERY WORD BE ESTABLISHED(2) I told you before and foretell you as if I were present the second time and being absent now I write to them which heretofore have sinned and to all other that if I come again I will not spare
2 Corinthians 13:5 Examine yourselves whether you be in the faith prove your own selves know ye not your own selves how that JESUS CHRIST is in you except you be reprobates
2 Corinthians 13:8 For we can do nothing against the truth but for the truth
Job 42:6 Wherefore I abhor myself and repent in dust and ashes
Thank you LORD that if we repent you forgive us
Thank you LORD that listening to you is our way out
Thank you LORD that we can ask you for help and you provide
according to your will Help us LORD JESUS we need YOU to rid us of ourselves
Job 34:5 For Job hath said I am righteous and GOD hath taken away my judgment
Job 34:9 For he hath said it profiteth a man nothing that he should delight himself with GOD
OOoooo Steve!
1 Corinthians 10:13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man but GOD is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able BUT WILL WITH THE TEMPTATION ALSO MAKE A WAY TO ESCAPE THAT YOU MAY BE ABLE TO BEAR IT
Rom 8:39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Jason that is my understanding also.
God pointed out Job to Satan. Used Job as an example of one who could withstand all of Satan’s worst thrown at him. God allows certain evils to happen but only allows so much and then steps in. God doesn’t cause evil he allows Satan to tempt but then comes right in and puts a stop to Satan’s works.
* Jeremiah 17:9-10 ties the two together.
(Personally I feel Gen 22:1 is properly rendered “Some time later God tested Abraham” as it is in the NKJV, NIV, ESV, ect) *
*Tested” makes more sense to me Jason, thank you. What I always can imagine.
I think the Abraham and Isaac story is a type.
God shows us God was the only one who gifted us with Jesus His only begotten son.
God was willing to evil to happen and encompass Jesus and even lose his mortal body to the cruel cross. Pay the price for our sins.
God is the only one who could give such a sacrifice. God doesn’t expect us to lose our children.
Is that it Steve and Jason?
I just saw a sermon on “out pouring”
First look at 2 Tim 3 Read the whole chapter and then go to
2 Tim 3:16 All scripture [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
2 Tim 4 Read on.
The minister’s point was no matter our present trouble or question the answer is already in scripture.
God is not mysterious. What is happening now has already happened. God knows the outcome. He wrote the Book afterall. God is timeless. Beginning Middle and End. A perfect circle that is eternal.
God lets a prophet know what is to happen. An out pouring.
Proverbs 20:5 Counsel in the heart of man [is like] deep water; but a man of understanding will draw it out.
How can we draw it out? Study what has already happened.
More pouring out.
Mal 3:7 Even from the days of your fathers ye are gone away from mine ordinances, and have not kept [them]. Return unto me, and I will return unto you, saith the LORD of hosts. But ye said, Wherein shall we return?
Mal 3:11 And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the LORD of hosts.
Joe 2:28 ¶ And it shall come to pass afterward, [that] I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:
When did this happen? Joel foretold it would happen. God told Joel so that Joel could declare it.
The out pouring came on Pentecost.
This matches what we have learned thus far on why temptation.
November 27, 2011 at 5:13 am #
OOoooo Steve!
1 Corinthians 10:13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man but GOD is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able BUT WILL WITH THE TEMPTATION ALSO MAKE A WAY TO ESCAPE THAT YOU MAY BE ABLE TO BEAR IT
God taught us about the patience of Job. When we are at the end of our ropes God is there to catch us. Show us the way. Not our way but His way.
So what is next? Anyone want to carry this further? Correct me when I need correction.
2 Tim 3:16 All scripture [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
“out” AND “pour”
occurs in 39 verses in the KJV
Thank you sweet Jesus for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
We are protected from all evil if we follow you and obey. In you is the answer to all that happened. Is happening. And will happen.
I just read the “out” and “pour”
We sure don’t want to obey. Some really dire circumstances came about in the Old Testament.
Those of us in Christ are reassured here:
Mal 3:16 ¶ Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard [it], and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name.
Mal 3:17 And they shall be mine, saith the LORD of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him.
Mal 3:17 And they shall be mine, saith the LORD of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him.
Jesus served got without question to the point of death. Our blessing through His victory over Satan is our victory!
Praise be to God for sending us His only begotten Son that we may be saved from the outpouring of wrath on The Day of the Lord.
We love you Father!
We love you Son!
We love you Holy Spirit!
You are our rock.
Yikes! BAD TYPO.
NOT I just read the “out” and “pour”
We sure don’t want to obey. Some really dire circumstances came about in the Old Testament.
Make that DISOBEY.
My keyboard seems to have the cursor jump and type the wrong stuff and then I have to go back and make sure the right letters are put in the right words.
Sign… time to prepare for church. I just wonder what will be our ser
Rat’s screen jumped again…
Finishing thought then I will jump off.
I wonder what our sermon will be today? Oft times it’s all about what I am presently pondering.
*** All let us know what you have learned today. ***
Thank you Lord for the day at hand.
We will rejoice and be glad in it through Christ alone.
Everyday no matter the trouble is a good day with the Lord.
Another quick post.
Just had a conversation with the spouse.
We are both fortunate no matter what God has protected us. Even when we were bad. Sure we suffered the consequences of our poor decisions but He remains faithful.
Spouse has made hundreds of business trip plane rides. Had two close calls. Planes did not go down.
We are thankful!
Thank you Lord. You moved. You move and You will move in our behalf.
We must be patient and wait in You!
By grace alone.
“… Thanksgiving Express: Gratitude All Year Long
…and be thankful.
Colossians 3:15
Recommended Reading
Colossians 3:12-15
Not long before James A. Garfield was elected President of the United States, he received a letter from his wife. She wanted to tell him how she had learned to be thankful for ordinary everyday tasks. “It came to me this morning while making bread,” she said. “Why not consider this a very pleasant occupation and make it so by making perfect bread? After that the very sunshine seemed flowing down through my spirit into the loaves, and now my table has better bread than ever before.” 1
Everyday gratitude is the elixir of life. Instead of groaning and moaning, we can smile. We can train ourselves to do it. We can practice it until it becomes a habit.
Many nations set aside a Thanksgiving Day to express gratitude, but for the Christian there’s never a day after Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a daily holiday for the believer. That’s because goodness and mercy follow us all our days and we shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
Christian belief and a downcast countenance are not appropriate companions.
John Thomson Faris
Colossians 3:1 — 1 Thessalonians 1:10
1 Thessalonians 2:1 — 4:18
1 John Thomson Faris, The Book of Joy (NY: George H. Doran Co., 1917), 48, 14.
Gratefulness is not thanksgiving until it expressed. Give thanks first in your prayers.
Each thanksgiving is a communion with the Provider.
Eat his bread and drink his wine in rememberance of Him,
who filled us with renewed life.
Thanksgiving is not a list of things, (for you can never list
the things he provides) but a rememberance of His Love.
* Thanksgiving is not a list of things, (for you can never list he things he provides) but a rememberance of His Love. *
Great thought Mira. When I begin my prayers I usually thank God the Father for the gift of His Son.
I must admit I don’t always thank God for my food for instance. I say that to my extreme shame.
Our service for today:
First Sunday of Advent. Lit a candle. Prayed, praised, confessed sins, asked for those hurting for God’s help. More prayer, Lord’s Prayer, offering, went over our charitable Christmas projects…
Sang some of the traditional Christmas Carols interspersed.
O Come, O Come Emmanuel
The First Noel
O Little Town of Bethlehem
Now came the change up.
Mark 13:32-37 Part of a Olivet.
peace, wait, hope, watch
Matthew 23:38-40
Matthew 28:18-20
Ezekiel 33:10-11
Apostles Creed
More prayers.
Song: I Know Whom I Have Believed
Purchased a Book whose proceeds will go to bring clean water to communities. Living Waters Organization
Advent Conspiracy:
Can Christmas Still Change the World?
by Rick McKinley, Chris Seay, Greg Holder
Zondervan Publishing
Tonight: The Hanging of the Greens
What is of Jesus separating out the Pagan
Christ was probably born somewhere around the Feast of Tabernacles in the Fall.
We do know for sure when Christ died for our sins and arose.
Santa is Pagan.
My position is why lie to our children from birth there is a Santa (not St. Nicholas) Santa is far away from what the original gift giving of St. Nicholas was about.
I felt like a real fool as a kid in our neighborhood believing in Santa so long. The other kids made fun of me not figuring out the lie sooner.
Isn’t the truth MUCH better?
My neighbor raised her 3 homeschool kids telling them of the birth of Jesus and didn’t tell them there was a Santa.
Really fine Christian young adults now.
No worse for the wear skipping Santa Claus. Thankful to God for His gift of His Redeemer Son.
And real LOVERS of the Lord.
So what was your service about today?
Advent Conspiracy
Ch. 1 A Prophetic Dream:
Spend Less, Give More, Worship Fully.
Dreaming Bigger Dreams
Ch. 2 The Religion of Consumerism
Ch. 3 Worship Fully
Ch. 4 Spend Less
Ch. 5 Give More
Ch. 6 Love All
Ch. 7 What If?
Scriptures Long List supporting the Chapters.
This is a very quick read.
I Thank Lord Jesus for freely forgiving me and Healing me from Hiv/Aids at a Repentance Meeting in Kenya where Dr E. Owuor was Praying for the sick and Speaking about Jesus of Nazareth,Jesus The Son of The Living God of Blessed Israel.
Wow Nancy! All things are possible with the Lord.
Praise God!
Mark 13:32-37 Part of a Olivet.
peace, wait, hope, watch
Now as an extreme opposite of praising the Lord.
Back to worshipping consumerism.
Black Friday.
KTLA News,0,7629140.story
9:09 a.m. PST, November 27, 2011
PORTER RANCH, Calif. (KTLA) — Los Angeles Police Department officials have confirmed that the woman who allegedly used pepper spray inside a Walmart to snag a Black Friday-priced Xbox 360 turned herself in.
See a video of havok in a Walmart with people fighting over X-boxes.,0,5702134.tivideo
A 33-year-old man is recovering after he was shot by a robber in the Sherwood Mall on Friday morning.
Police say the suspect confronted the man and the man’s 9-year-old son, demanding money, just outside of Macy’s.,0,5726400.story
Good grief!
More good news brethren?
Why we are thankful.
Thank you God for your Son’s birth!
Skating out. The moderators are back 😉
Left off with mid-March reading the Blog.
Excellent messages there!
Thank you Blue Letter Bible for this wonderful Blog!
We appreciate you!