(Adapted from the writings of Andrew Murray, some of which are available at the Blue Letter Bible)
But he said, “What is impossible with men is possible with God.”
(Luke 18:27)
Christ had said to the rich young ruler, “Sell all that you have… and come, follow me.” The young man, distressed, went away sorrowful. Christ then turned to the disciples, and said: “How difficult it is for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God!” The disciples, we read, were greatly astonished, and answered: ““Then who can be saved?”” And Christ gave this blessed answer:
“What is impossible with men is possible with God.”
The text contains two thoughts—that in the question of salvation and of following Christ by a holy life, it is impossible for man to do it. And then alongside that is the thought—What is impossible with man is possible with God.
The two thoughts mark the two great lessons that man has to learn in the Christian life. It often takes a long time to learn the first lesson, that in religion man can do nothing, that salvation is impossible to man. And often a man learns that, and yet he does not learn the second lesson—what has been impossible to him is possible with God. Blessed is the man who learns both lessons! The learning of them marks stages in the Christian’s life.
Man Cannot
This is of first importance for man to learn: With man it is impossible to serve God and Christ. Peter spent three years in Christ’s school, and even he never learned that, It is impossible, until he had denied his Lord and went out and wept bitterly. Then he learned it. Let us receive this as the first great lesson in the spiritual life: “It is impossible for me, my God; let there be an end of the flesh and all its powers, an end of self, and lot it be my glory to be helpless.”
Praise God for the divine teaching that makes us helpless!
When you thought of absolute surrender to God were you not brought to an end of yourself, and to feel that you could see how you actually could live as a man absolutely surrendered to God every moment of the day—at your table, in your house, in your business, in the midst of trials and temptations? I pray you learn the lesson now. If you felt you could not do it on your own, well, guess what?! You are on the right road! Accept that position, and maintain it before God: “My hearts desire and delight, O God, is absolute surrender, but I cannot perform it. It is impossible for me to live that life. It is beyond me.” Fall down and learn that although you are utterly helpless, God will come to work in you not only to will, but also to do.
God Can
Now comes the second lesson. “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.”
Your Christian life is every day to be a proof that God works impossibilities. Think about it. Your Christian life is to be a series of impossibilities made possible and actual by God’s almighty power. That is what the Christian needs. We worship an almighty God, don’t we? We must remember that we need more than just a little of God’s power, but we need—with reverence be it said—the whole of God’s omnipotence to keep us right, and to live like a faithful Christian.
The whole of Christianity is a work of God’s omnipotence. Look at the birth of Christ Jesus. That was a miracle of divine power, and it was said to Mary: “With God nothing shall be impossible.” It was the almighty power of God. Look at Christ’s resurrection. We are taught that it was according to the exceeding greatness of His mighty power that God raised Christ from the dead (Ephesians 1:19-20).
Every tree must grow on the root from which it springs. An oak tree three hundred years old grows all the time on the one root from which it had its beginning. Christianity had its beginning in the omnipotence of God, and in every soul it must have its continuance in that omnipotence. All the possibilities of the higher Christian life have their origin in a new apprehension of Christ’s power to work all God’s will in us.
I want to call upon you now to come and worship an almighty God. Have you learned to do it? Have you learned to deal so closely with an almighty God that you know omnipotence is working in you? In outward appearance there is often so little sign of it. The apostle Paul said: “I was with you in weakness and in fear and in much trembling, and . . . my preaching was … in demonstration of the Spirit and of power.” From the human side there was feebleness, from the divine side there was divine omnipotence. And that is true of every godly life; and if we would only learn that lesson better, and give a wholehearted, undivided surrender to it, we should learn what blessedness there is in dwelling every hour and every moment with an almighty God. Have you ever studied in the Bible the attribute of God’s omnipotence? You know that it was Gods omnipotence that created the world, and created fight out of darkness, and created man. But have you studied God’s omnipotence in the works of redemption?
The Example of Abraham
Look at Abraham. When God called him to be the father of that people out of which Christ was to be born, God said to him: “I am God Almighty, walk before me and be thou perfect.” And God trained Abraham to trust Him as the omnipotent One; and whether it was his going out to a land that he knew not, or his faith as a pilgrim midst the thousands of Canaanites—his faith said: This is my land—or whether it was his faith in waiting twenty-five years for a son in his old age, against all hope, or whether it was the raising up of Isaac from the dead on Mount Moriah when he was going to sacrifice him—Abraham believed God. He was strong in faith, giving glory to God, because he accounted Him who had promised able to perform.
The cause of the weakness of your Christian life is that you want to work it out partly, and to let God help you. And that cannot be. You must come to be utterly helpless, to let God work, and God will work gloriously. It is this that we need if we are indeed to be workers for God. Oh, may God teach us this! Oh, that God would by His grace show you what a God you have, and to what a God you have entrusted yourself—an omnipotent God, willing with His whole omnipotence to place Himself at the disposal of every child of His! Shall we not take the lesson of the Lord Jesus and say: “Amen; the things which are impossible with men are possible with God”?
Have you ever cried out with tears of penitence and with deep humiliation and feebleness: “O God, it is impossible to me; man cannot do it, but, glory to Thy name, it is possible with God”? Have you claimed deliverance? Do it now. Put yourself afresh in absolute surrender into the hands of a God of infinite love; and as infinite as His love is His power to do it.
God Works in Man
We have never understood what it is to be absolutely surrendered to God as Jesus was. I know that many a one earnestly and honestly says: “Amen, I accept the message of absolute surrender to God”; and yet thinks: “Will that ever be mine? Can I count upon God to make me one of whom it shall be said in Heaven and on earth and in Hell, he lives in absolute surrender to God?” Brother, sister, “the things which are impossible with men are possible with God.” Do believe that when He takes charge of you in Christ, it is possible for God to make you a man of absolute surrender. And God is able to maintain that. He is able to let you rise from bed every morning of the week with that blessed thought directly or indirectly: “I am in God’s charge. My God is working out my life for me.”
Oh, let us in faith believe that the omnipotent God will work to do among His people more than we can ask. “Unto him,” Paul said, “who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think…. unto him be glory.” Let our hearts say that. Glory to God, the omnipotent One, who can do above what we dare to ask or think!
Get linked to God
“What is impossible with men is possible with God.”All around you there is a world of sin and sorrow, and the Devil is there. But remember, Christ is on the throne, Christ is stronger, Christ has conquered, and Christ will conquer. But wait on God. The verse casts us down: “What is impossible with men”; but it ultimately lifts us up high—”are possible with God.” Get linked to God. Adore and trust Him as the omnipotent One, not only for your own life, but for all the souls that are entrusted to you. Never pray without adoring His omnipotence, saying: “Mighty God, I claim Thine almightiness.” And the answer to the prayer will come, and like Abraham you will become strong in faith, giving glory to God, because you account the Almighty One who has promised able to perform.
God always keeps his promises.
I found this fascinating. Since the Author of this BBL Blog brought up Abraham I thought I would post this here:
Matthew Henry
Genesis Chapter 14
III. What he said (Melchizedek) Genesis 19-20
Two things were said by him:-1. He blessed Abram from God: Blessed be Abram, blessed of the most high God, Genesis 14:19
Observe the titles he here gives to God, which are very glorious.
1. The most high God, which bespeaks his absolute perfections in himself and his sovereign dominion over all the creatures; he is King of kings. Note, It will greatly help both our faith and our reverence in prayer to eye God as the most high God, and to call him so.
2. Possessor of heaven and earth, that is, rightful owner, and sovereign Lord, of all the creatures, because he made them. This bespeaks him a great God, and greatly to be praised Psalm 24:1 and those a happy people who have an interest in his favour and love.
2. He blessed God for Abram Genesis 14:20 and blessed be the most high God. Note,
1. In all our prayers, we must praise God, and join hallelujahs with all our hosannahs. These are the spiritual sacrifices we must offer up daily, and upon particular occasions.
2. God, as the most high God, must have the glory of all our victories,
Exodus 17:15
1 Samuel 7:10-12
Judges 5:1-2
2 Chronicles 20:21
In them he shows himself higher than our enemies Exodus 18:11 and higher than we; for without him we could do nothing.
3. We ought to give thanks for others’ mercies as for our own, triumphing with those that triumph.
4. Jesus Christ, our great high priest, is the Mediator both of our prayers and praises, and not only offers up ours, but his own for us.
See Luke 10:21
Jesus told us before there was Abraham there was I AM.
Choose God
Behold I have told you all things.
Bearing Fruit of the Spirit
Choose to help… rather than hinder
Choose to build… rather than destroy
Choose to persevere… rather than quit
Choose to praise… rather than gossip
Choose to give… rather than keep
Choose to forgive… rather than curse
Choose to be patient… rather than angry
Choose to be kind… rather than rude
Choose to do good… rather than evil
Choose to believe… rather than deny
Choose to hope… rather than despair
Choose to love… rather than hate
Choose to follow Christ rather than the world.
Yes! Amen, through God all things are possible!
One more then I must make my way out into the world
I don’t watch the news very often but the world’s news is passed when I go out.
“Did you hear……???” (Groan)
I carry God’s assurance with me. His armor. Conforming to Him more as I walk not to be of this world.
There are two kinds of fear.
Godly fear
Man(ly) fear
This has been a real journey for me this week reading this blog and considering the words of others and reading scripture.
I hope I don’t get a comments being moderated (sigh)
I assure you my motives are good.
Here is a link of someone I have been communicating periodically with in email.
I have cut and pasted this chart to my main older Study Companion Bible. I use 3 Bibles at the moment. (I have progressed through five so far starting with the paraphrased progressing to the more literal).
ESV is good for research such as greater history and geography sources.
My KJV SB is one I mark with words and colors. It has the accummulation of the previous Bibles walks too. Wow is it covered!
My newest NKJV mostly with a few pencil notes and colors with a set of Bible dry markers (kinda like thin crayons that don’t smear). I want to keep my NKJV Study Bible more neatly. I carry this one to church.
The Armor of God
It’s a real blessing to me separating out what is from God and what is from man.
Off I go!
Blessings to all on this fine, fine blog. Walk an awesome walk!
Wow, this is certainly humbling. Since my last post, I feel I have been less than what I should be; I lack so much, humility, faithfulness…etc. But I know that the heavenly father is worthy, i know the heavenly Father can redeem and I am determnined, no matter how many times I fall to keep pressing. I’m always inspired by blueletterbible.org and the messages brought through by the heavenly father. This battle is so real, the raging war of souls and spiritual forces, but to know that the heavenly father has the victory is truly awesome (Jeremiah 29:11). He knows, and that is all that matters, despite what I see, hear, and feel, it may be so troublesome to my heart at times, but I am determined to keep pressing. Praise God for this website, until I find a church home, I am certainly thankful for what I have been blessed with here.
We all walk. Small steps. Keep our eye on the prize. Look forward. Even when we start to fall backward Jesus is there to catch us so we won’t fall. You know like that trust exercise.
Here is a great little study (free).
Meant for children but we all are sons and daughters of God, right? Abba (PaPa)is our Father. I always smile when I read the Johns. He calls us little children. Precious!
A Wardrobe from the King
An eight-week study on the Armor of God
Pat G.
GOD BLESS YOU AND KEEP YOU!!! Your writing touches me deeply. I feel your love for Christ.
To God Be All!!
Fight out of darkness indeed…
This certainly ran in my spirit: “The cause of the weakness of your Christian life is that you want to work it out partly, and to let God help you. And that cannot be. You must come to be utterly helpless, to let God work, and God will work gloriously.” That 8-week study should certainly assist in the reality of “his grace is sufficient” and “through my weakness is his strength made perfect”; don’t know where it is located exactly but I do remember that much.
Thank you Sr. Pat G. for the link. It’s a nice study for an early bird. Good prep for the day.
Fellow Sojourners,
We are in awe of our God.
I have read the word “fear” is the most oft mentioned verb in Scripture. Correct me if I read it wrong.
There is God Fear and Man Fear
* reverence * is Godly Fear
G2124 εὐλάβεια eulabeia yü-lä’-bā-ä godly fear, fear
The Great News we have the Armor of God!
Fear not! He is with us even unto the end.
“fear” AND “not”
occurs in 144 verses in the KJV, including 62 exact phrases shown first.
occurs 400 times in 385 verses in the KJV
Strong’s H3372 – yare’
1) to fear, revere, be afraid
a) (Qal)
1) to fear, be afraid
2) to stand in awe of, be awed
3) to fear, reverence, honour, respect
b) (Niphal)
1) to be fearful, be dreadful, be feared
2) to cause astonishment and awe, be held in awe
3) to inspire reverence or godly fear or awe
c) (Piel) to make afraid, terrify
2) (TWOT) to shoot, pour
AV — fear 188, afraid 78, terrible 23, terrible thing 6, dreadful 5, reverence 3, fearful 2, terrible acts 1, misc 8
There are 35 results matching the query “fear”.
25 Hebrew/Aramaic Results
10 Greek Results
H1481 גּוּר guwr gür sojourn, dwell, afraid, stranger, gather together, fear, abide, assemble, stand in awe, gathered, inhabitant, remain, sojourners, surely
G2124 εὐλάβεια eulabeia yü-lä’-bā-ä godly fear, fear
There is VICTORY in Jesus!
I love you God!
This is another awesome lesson in this blog. It is a hard thing, but do-able, to say to God, “I was trying to do it myself but there is nothing in me able. I COMPLETELY SURRENDER TO YOU, LORD.” It is a great relief to allow God to be God and direct my salvation. And then the next day, I say it and do it again. I have “grown” so much in Christ by studying this blog, by studying Day by Day Grace and by listening to the audio sermons of Elizabeth Elliot.
I am so humbled by this latest blog. Blue Letter Bible has been a direct link to GOD whom I crave more and more of. i have been on a spiritual quest in earnest for the past 2 years and counting. So many incredibly humbling trials and triumphs and i give GOD all the Honor and Glory because i was a ball of nothingness prostrate before Him and HE heard me and quickened me and i am here now to speak and testify as to His unfailing love!!!!!!
Peace and Light to all in Christ
Oh, check out the Gospel of Thomas (for the true spiritually minded folks out there). Added a completely different spin on my LORD. He LIVES He LIVES He LIVES in the followers of The Way.
I think the Gospel of Thomas is on the Christian Classics Ethereal Site. Wortha’ spin over there.
I know they have the book of Barnabus there.
The Gospel of Thomas has Jesus’s sayings.
Some count both books as heretical. Dunno. I don’t read them that way. All must decide for themselves. They are not Cannon.
A saying that stuck with me is “don’t do what you hate.”
Sounds pretty obvious eh? Think about it. Easier said than done.
Hey Renee!
Looky what I found!
I ran across this by accident? You just never know if I was directed here by the Holy Spirit. I seem to get pointers on my Net journeys. Go figure. Happens all the time.
I didn’t know this: * The Gospel of Thomas was written before the year 200 and is a collection of sayings attributed to Jesus. The author is believed to be Judas who is Jesus’ younger brother. *
Analysis of the Gospel of Thomas
The Gospel of Thomas was written before the year 200 and is a collection of sayings attributed to Jesus. The author is believed to be Judas who is Jesus’ younger brother. The riddles presented in this text are portrayed as having some divine power for “whoever finds the interpretation of these sayings will not experience death” (1). One saying is followed by another saying without a narrative component. The parables do not predict any upcoming cosmic event such as the future coming of the Son of Man (Koester, intro. 125). Despite that, the Gospel of Thomas greatly resembles the hypothetical Q source. Some parables contained in this text parallel those found in the Synoptic Gospels. The parable of the mustard seed and the parable of the sower are two such parallels. Also, the Gospel of Thomas concentrates more on the power and divinity behind Jesus rather than on the characteristics of Jesus. Jesus seems to talk to his disciples in the voice of heavenly Wisdom (Koester, INT 153). Thus, the important issue of this gospel is the knowledge and wisdom of the sayings…”
Go to the article for more.
When I first had the fear of God put in me I read the little paperback New Testament Bible my Christian Sister gave me in the middle of the night.
I read straight through it. I said to myself. Why didn’t I read it start to finish earlier???
WOW! What a great book! It has everything in it. Now I eat and drink of it. The best diet in the world.
B.I.B.L.E. = Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.
The Alpha and Omega’s HIStory.
Two things and then I will hush (grin) at least on this thread.
God owns EVERY soul. Yes, even Satan’s. That gives me great comfort and hope.
Satan doesn’t own our soul. He is a prideful, disgusting lier. I read the end of the Book. He loses! Jesus wins!
How does everyone understand this verse?
John 3:13
I’ve always wondered about that myself.
Jhn 3:13 No one has ascended into heaven except he who descended from heaven, the Son of Man.
John and Paul both went to the Third Heaven which is the eternal future. Paul wasn’t sure if he actually went there in body form or just his spirit that visited.
Jesus spoke of two sides of one side at least is called Paradise. In the parable of the rich man and the beggar Lazarus, Larazus joined Abraham.
Jesus is the bridge between both sides of them. The end of the narrow gate.
The left side is Sheol the area of the dead. The dead there are conscience and know they are separated from God. A place of horrible sorrow.
Abraham was talking to the rich man telling him sorry it you can’t go to the right side. It’s too late for you.
The Jews believed (I think) that there (is was) a Bosum of Abraham they called Paradise on the right side.
I know they thought there were two levels on the left side Sheol.
A special one pre-reserved area for the Fallen Angels and Satan called the fiery furnace that will burn them to nothingness after the end of the thousand years. This is the place where only Jesus holds the key.
Maybe after Jesus went up to Heaven bodily there is a place even higher than the Bosom of Abraham?
A special place where only God the Father and God the Son and God the Holy Spirit resided and reside?
The throne room? The throne itself?
I’ve always wondered too why Jesus didn’t know when He was going to return at the Second Advent. Only God the Father knew.
In order for Jesus to come to earth in a human body he was made a little lower than the Angels.
I started to read a book once and then dismissed it as shear speculation and got rid of it. Something about 7 levels of Heaven or some such.
That author said the angels lived in a different level of the right side of God.
I do know the number seven is perfect.
Since no one has come back from the throne room we won’t know until we go to the Judgement Seat for Christians called the Mercy Seat.
We still have to account for ourselves regardless.
Our name is written on the scroll. Our sins are blotted out. It’s not that God doesn’t know our sins he CHOOSES to blot them out.
Remember judgment is a good thing for Christians. This is were we receive our reward.
Judgment for non Christians means they are separated from God.
I sure don’t want to hear depart from me I never knew you.
The Pharisees believed in the resurrection of the body and the Sadducees did not. Remember Paul got them to fight when he was at one of his trials?
Some Jews believed there was no place to go except to the dirt. Nothingness. Dust.
What do the experts like Matthew Henry say?
Are you confused? ME TOOoooo!!!!!
John 14:14 If you shall ask anything in my name I will do it
Does this require more study LORD please help us/me
1st John 5:14 And this is the confidence that we have in HIM that if we ask any thing according to HIS will HE heareth us
Where is the prayer life of the christian to be
James 2&3 You lust and have not you kill and desire to have and cannot obtain you fight and war yet you have not because you ask not (3) You ask and receive not because you ask amiss that you may consume it upon your lusts
Are these some things we can pray for LORD (1st John 5:14)
Hebrews 5:9 And being made perfect HE became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey HIM
Matthew 5:48 Be ye therefore perfect even as your FATHER in heaven is perfect
1st Peter 1:15&16 But as he which has called you is HOLY so be ye Holy in all manner of conversation (16)Because it is written BE YE HOLY FOR I AM HOLY
1st john 2:6 He that sayeth he abideth in HIM ought himself also so to walk even as HE walked
1st Peter 4:1&2 Forasmuch then as CHRIST hath suffered for us in the flesh arm yourselves likewise with the same mind for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin (2)That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men but to the will of GOD
Philippians 1:29 For unto you it is given in the behalf of CHRIST not only to believe on HIM but also to suffer for HIS sake
Matthew 7:21 Not everyone that sayeth unto me LORD LORD shall enter into the kingdom of heaven but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven
Hebrews 10:36 For you have need of patience that after you have done the will of GOD you might receive the promise
1st John 2:5 But whoso keepeth his word in him verily is the love of GOD perfected hereby know we that we are in HIM
John 15:5 I am the vine you are the branches he that abideth in me and I in him the sane bringeth forth much fruit for without me you can do nothing
Help us LORD JESUS to understand I/we pray
Psalm 119:104 Through thy precepts I get understanding therefore I hate every false way
Help us LORD JESUS help us
Loving the the LORD
How does everyone understand these verses?
1Cor 15:42
1Cor 15:52-53
It sounds like we will not be made immortal until we are resurrected, any comments?
You make my head hurt!
I’m stumped on them too!
Oh I forgot something, Satan is supposed to be locked in chains after Jesus’s return. He will stay locked until after the thousand years are over and he will be release just for a short while. Then he and his angels go to the fiery furnance.
I think?!
Ever wondered when Jesus descended to the land of the dead. Was there 3 days. Then he appeared at the cave.
Then a buncha people that were dead walked around Jerusalem?
What happened to them after they walked around?
I always thought this is cool. I’m not sure exactly what it means though.
Since you are stumping us thought I’d add this too.
Gen 14:18 And Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine. (He was priest of God Most High.)
Hbr 5:10 being designated by God a high priest after the order of Melchizedek.
Hbr 6:20 where Jesus has gone as a forerunner on our behalf, having become a high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.
Hbr 7:1 For this Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of the Most High God, met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings and blessed him,
OH and another thing. Jesus told Mary at the cave don’t delay me. I need to ascend to the Father.
After a “little while” He joined the Apostles and that’s where Thomas touched his wounds. Jesus had a touchable body.
I wish I knew what Jesus, the Apostles, other disciples, and the women talked about when he was there. Obviously I’m not meant to know.
Then Jesus again rose in a body.
When I join Jesus wherever He is I guess I’ll know the answers if it is his Will.
Whatever Jesus told them as he instructed them was really amazing. Look what they were willing to do! All of them were martyred except John. He was put in a vat of boiling oil though. He was undamaged. Bet that really messed with the heads of his torturers! That’s when they imprisoned him on the Isle of Patmos. They couldn’t hurt him unto death.
Just think what Paul went through. Wow! The Jews, the Judizers, and the Heathens all tried to make him miserable some even tried to kill him.
Paul had a very special 3 years in Arabia before he began his missionary trips. He was supposed to have studied one-on-one with the Angel of the Lord. Certainly accounts for his special abilities!
Our minister said we can be happy, unhappy, sad, Godly sorrowed, pained, and other “feelings”
But NO ONE can rob us of our JOY! Joy is a gift of the Holy Spirit. Special fruit.
Feelings come and go for a “little while”
JOY is forever.
We are in God’s hand. No one can pluck us out.
I want to hear well done faithful servant at the end of this little while.
Jesus I want to be with you forever!
Hello Pat,
Just a small correction. We are to always to look upon the Lord Jesus as our Teacher. Jesus Himself referred to the Christ as being the Teacher. So should Paul have received any instruction from an angel they would have been acting as the Lord Jesus’ messenger.
Psalms 103:20 “Bless the Lord, O you His angels, you mighty ones who do His word, hearkening to the voice of His word.” see as an example Acts 10:3-6
It would be correct to say we are taught by the Holy Spirit who takes what is Christ’s and declares it. John 14:26, John 15:26-27.
In Galations 1:11-12 we see Paul declare that no man, nor anyone taught him.
It was Jesus Christ Himself who revealed the gospel to him.
Gal 1:11-12 “Let me tell you, my brothers, that the gospel I preach is not of human origin. I did not receive it from any man, nor did anyone teach it to me. It was Jesus Christ Himself who revealed it to me.” Blessings in our Lord.
Thanks Mark for the correction!
Feel free ALL of you to correct me when I am wrong!
I didn’t want to go there on the Jesus teaching
Paul directly. Lest I give people a bum steer.
Certainly a HUGE possibility! If Jesus confronted Paul on the road to Damascus it is pretty logical Jesus instructed Paul personally.
Wow Paul!
Hey Mark,
While I have you on the line so-to-speak.
Who is the Angel of the Lord?
Jesus right?
Or is it one or more of the Archangels like Michael and Gabriel?
There are 4 Archangels right protecting God’s throne?
I know some angels are messengers.
Some are teachers.
Hello, Pat in seeking the Lord Jesus concerning this, I believe the angel of the Lord to be any angel that the Lord Jesus considers to speak His word or message or to carry out His authority.
Also, God went before the Israelites exodusing Egypt. Psalms teaches us that the angel of the Lord drives the foe before us. Psalms 35:5
“Let them be like chaff before the wind, with the angel of the Lord driving them on!” This was I believe as per the Exodus. The angel of the Lord going before.
We know from 1 Cor 10:4 that Jesus Christ was the supernatural Rock that followed them. “And all drank the same supernatural drink. For they drank from the supernatural Rock which followed them, and the Rock was Christ.”
Here the Lord Jesus is as the Shepherd of the flock. Traditionally a shepherd would allow the sheep to wander in front but use his staff from behind to correct them when they stumbled and use the rod to steer them in the right direction.
We should be like Moses, though, as when God,Yahweh, said the angel of the Lord was to lead or go with the people, Moses objected and asked for God to lead them. God’s kingdom is in Jesus Christ, 1 Col:13-14, so let us seek all in Jesus Christ to know our God.
Hello Pat, Praise the Lord Jesus! For wow Paul is most appropriate. Paul was a man of high repute in our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ. God had chosen him to bring the gospel to the gentile nations. It was not that Paul considered himself anything but that He considered Jesus Christ everything!! Hallelujah!
Remember that His, Jesus Christ’s heart is lowly, His yoke is easy and His burden is light.
In Isaiah 9:6 it is written “For to us a child is born, to us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His name will be called “Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”
We like Paul have access to the King of Glory, Jesus Christ, to be taught by both His person and the Holy Spirit. In prayer we will find the Lord Jesus Christ as our Teacher. Praise God.
Thanks Mark for the answers!
I did a search once and read the verses for “Angel of the Lord”
I need to go back and review for sure!
“angel” AND “of” AND “the” AND “Lord”
occurs in 79 verses in the KJV, including 64 exact phrases shown first.
Seems like Angel of the Lord is special.
Sometimes the Bible just says Angel. I figure those are the messenger Angels and the Angels that went to Sodom and Gomorrah.
I think it’s Jesus. But I don’t know that for sure. Awesome regardless!
Yep WOW on Paul. What a humble servant. He gloried being chained to the Lord. Neat concept.
I think just my childish thoughts not Biblical… Paul was chosen as an example that God forgives greatly. He really had Godly sorrow.
He said he was a “Jew of Jews” He studied under Gamiel (sp?) He was a Pharisee and really knew the Old Testamemt.
Who else could give comebacks to the Jews and the Judizers clearly the full Holy Spirit on overdrive?
Anyway Paul counted that his “status” preconfrontion dung.
What a fine disciple. A very, very special humble man.
WOW St. Paul!
No matter what happened to him he still celebrated with Joy!
Hey Mark!
My KJV Companion Study Bible says
“Angel of the Lord” = Jehovah Himself
Exodus 3:2
burning bush)
Later in Exodus 3:14 is when we get into the I AM THAT I AM = YHVH
More Mark,
Now I messed up my keyboard on my laptop propping up my heavy Study Bible trying to read the tiny numerous notes with my magnifying glass. GRRRR
Sheesh! Perfect mess! Yep, yep. Now I have to toggle my CAPS LOCK and Shift back and forth.
Anyway God as lots of names depending upon the context.
The New Testament Jesus (Y’shuah) is “I am the … ”
The names and combinations vary depending upon action, function, and person of the triune speaking.
I have a huge list of them.
My minister said the J is not a letter in Hebrew. J came from the German translation picked up by the English translators.
So he told me the Aramaic Hebrews used V.
So it’s supposed to be YHVH. Don’t shoot me those of you that use YHWH. (ducking)
Just repeating what my minister said. The guy did his grad. work at a very distinguished college. He is reallly good in the History of the Bible department. I find him to be well studied.
Feel free to disagree.
! self correction !
AH man, this keyboard thing is making me bonkers.
I meant Aramaic
J = Y and W = V
Bad news for me is good news for you. Proves the all things work for the good.
Means shorter posts and probably Sppppeellled better in the long run. I type pretty fast and read pretty fast.
(Sigh!) stuff happens.
Hey Jason,
Make a study of these verses in context.
I certainly know nothing but what the Bible tells me when the Holy Spirit reveals the meaning.
This is my project that will not end until my little while is over.
Always pray in GOD’s WILL.
KJV Strong’s G3772 matches the Greek οὐρανός (ouranos).
“heaven*” AND “G3772”
occurs in 251 verses in the KJV
Check out the commentaries (such as Matthew Henry’s.)
Use the Strong’s for every verse.
Use the Lexicon.
Use the Sermons.
Use the FAQs.
Use the Topical Indexes. (like Naves)
Use the Bible Dictionaries. (like Smiths)
Do comparative parallel translations on each verse.
BBL has all the above capabilities and even more.
Do the Blueletter Bible Institutes Holy Spirit course.
Get the Day by Day Inspirationals sent to your emailbox.
Read a Children’s Bible Story Bible.
I love stories!
Sing lots of Hymns.
My standbys in time of trouble are “Jesus Love Me” and “His Eye is on the Sparrow”
I sing them silently to myself all the time.
Probably why people think I am peculiar.
Memorize some scripture.
Get on that Armor of God!
Use any other tool you find helpful.
You can download just about all the translations to your computer at eSword.
I got a CD with my Nelson’s NKJV printed Bible. I can do many things on my computer most of the above locally with the NKJ CD.
I keep my Word open and do cut and pastes.
I print alot of my files.
I bug my two ministers with copies of some of the printouts.
Great thing about being in a little church we can study directly with our ministers.
On Wednesday nights we are doing a long study on Salvation Genesis to Revelations.
Mine that God’s gold out there. This is precious gold! Our gifts.
As difficult as the modern world is these weapons keep us not of this world.
Good God stuff in = Good stuff out
I love God!
John 3:5&6 JESUS answered verily verily I say unto thee except a man be born of water and of the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of GOD (6) That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirit is spirit
1st Peter 1:23 Being born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the word of GOD which liveth and abideth forever
1st Corinthians 15:46 Howbeit that was not first that which is spiritual but that which is natural and afterward that which is spiritual
James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to GOD resist the devil and he will flee from you
Nothing with God is impossible. The Lord Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Hallelujah.
Hey Mark!
I am no “scholar”
I figure I am a fellow sojourner at about the toddler stage.
I pray everyday for the Holy Spirit to kill my flesh!
Steady my steps.
I have many, many small steps ahead of me God willing.
Pat, a little child I love reading John!
Pat, I love it. Rejoice!
Thanks Mark. Means alot to me.
Pray for me please. I am a perfect mess!
Fiery Darts.
Eph 6:16
Above 1909 all 3956, taking 353 the shield 2375 of faith 4102, wherewith 1722 3739 ye shall be able 1410 to quench 4570 all 3956 the fiery 4448 darts 956 of the wicked 4190.
Keep on that Armor!
Here are a couple more verses to consider in the same vein as the others. We know when the resurrection is:
1Thes 4:16-17
Dan 12:1-3
John 6:39-40
John 6:44
John 6:54
We know this is the resurrection of a physical body:
Romans 8:11
We also know when the judgement takes place:
Dan 12:1-3
2Tim 4:1
2Tim 4:8
We know we won’t be immortal until after we are resurrected and judged:
1Cor 15:22-23
1Cor 15:42-43
1Cor 15:52-53
This makes pretty good sense, we die, at Christ’s coming we are raised, then judged, then rewarded according to His judgement. If we go to heaven or hell upon death, when is the judgement. This is harmony with Heb 11:40, that all those in Christ will be made perfect, immortal, incorruptible beings when raised and judged at His appearing. Any comments?
Hey Jason,
I repeat:
Pat G
November 17, 2011 at 11:55 pm #
Check out the end of my journey today 11/18 on the power of the cross. Took me a while to get there. I prayed to the Holy Spirit and I made it. The answers were in the author’s blog post all along.
Then I read my email from the Day-by-Day Grace from BBL and it tied together so nicely.
Stay like a child and be humble.
Walk in Faith.
God is good!
Lesson for us both:
Life is a gift from God and…
Don’t over complicate it.
Hey Jason,
Go here I am on Lesson 2.
Will save us both time from going around the world just to get across the street.
Be like little children
Stay humble!
Course Enrollment The Person and Gifts of the Holy Spirit
I hope you sign up for the email delivery of Day to Day Grace from BBL.
Our small steps everyday all make sense if we know how to follow the Holy Spirits lead.
For any who have Scriptural questions here is more tooling from The Blueletter Bible Site that may help understanding.
Pray always for The Holy Spirit’s guidance.
Be patient and wait upon the Lord. All is revealed in due time.
Scripture Difficulties Table of Contents
Seek and yea shall find.
Blueletter Bible Study Tools
Thank you Blueletter Bible Team.
They have added Smith’s Dictionary.
A real classic!
Somewhere in one of these posts, the Song of Moses was mentioned. I found the cite.
Deu 32:1-6
This song is also in the Psalms.
See what Matthew Henry says about this particular Chapter