Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.
(Jude 24-25 NASB)
The other day, while preparing for a study on Jude 24-25, I ran across this wonderful paragraph from the great evangelist George Whitefield. Whitefield provides a wonderful doxology on the compelling joys of Christ in heaven:
Lastly, Therefore, often meditate on the joys of heaven: think, think with what unspeakable glory those happy souls are now encircled, who when on earth were called to deny themselves as well as we, and were not disobedient to that call: Lift up your hearts frequently towards the mansions of eternal bliss, and with an eye of faith, like Stephen, see the heavens opened, and the Son of man with his glorious retinue of departed saints, sitting and solacing themselves in eternal joys. Hark! Methinks I hear them chanting forth their everlasting Hallelujahs, and echoing triumphant songs of joy. And do you not long, my brethren, to join this heavenly choir? Do not your hearts burn within you? As the hart panteth after the water brooks, do not your souls so long after the blessed company of these sons of God? Behold then a heavenly ladder reached down to you, by which you may climb to this holy hill. Let us believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and deny ourselves! By this alone, every saint that ever lived ascended into the joy of their Lord. And then, we, even we also shall ere long be lifted up into the same most blissful regions, there to enjoy an eternal rest with the people of God, and join with them in singing doxologies and songs of praise, to the everlasting, blessed, all-glorious, most adorable Trinity, forever and ever.
(from a sermon by George Whitefield, titled The Extent and Reasonableness of Self-Denial, on Luke 9:23)
What an awesome reminder to set our minds and hearts on things above!
It’s comforting to know what lies ahead for me. As I care for loved ones that are in the final days/weeks of their lives, I see the fear as the time approaches. I pray for guidance in reminding them of what they have to look forward to. Although there is great physical pain & suffering, it is undershadowed by the emotional pain of leaving loved ones behind to grieve, especially young children.
This is our temporary residence. Our true home is in Heaven with Jesus and His host. Smile!
Our comfort is to know that physical death is just a separation … from earth to heaven. I have taught my children that everyone lives forever and that no one dies… we all move either into an eternity in the presence of Jesus and the saints who are waiting for us, by Gods grace, or we move into an eternity separated from God… that alone is hell.
Wow. How easy it is to forget what really matters.
We really do need to remind ourselves regularly.