These moving videos might just mess you up. Have some tissue nearby.
Watch this first:
Then watch this:
God’s grace is sufficient, indeed. Hallelujah.
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These moving videos might just mess you up. Have some tissue nearby.
Watch this first:
Then watch this:
God’s grace is sufficient, indeed. Hallelujah.
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Mandy will see how the Lord will become large in her life as she works through the various stages of grief. She will see how He truly does husband the widow and surround the fatherless. This is why Christian’s lives are not devastated by loss. It will work out as she goes along and the times of supernatural goodness will happen for this family through the years because she is looking for Jesus’ promised abundance. I lived this out personally, so I am talking from experience.
Ever since i became a Christian in 1982, i have always been hated by my parents and even my siblings. Whenever there’s a family occasion, my wife and i are the only ones that are not invited. We were living like we don’t have an extended family on my side. In 1999, my mother was diagnosed to have a stage 2 breast cancer. We prayed for her and took care of all her needs. I didn’t realized that my mom and dad were watching us. And God used my mom’s condition to turn her’s and my dad’s faith towards Him. After a year of being cancer-free she attended the church my family and i were members of and they no longer hated us. To make a very long story short, they’re now living in Madrid, Spain. When she learned that i’m going to seminary and pursue God’s calling, my mom even encouraged me to go there someday and preach the Gospel in Europe.
As for Mandy, there’s no doubt God has touch so many peoples’ lives (including ours) by you and Zac’s testimony. Thank you for sharing. Indeed, even though God took away Zac from you and your children, your crises did not go to waste. The Good Shepherd will see you and your children through. God bless and we’ll be praying for your family.
These are beautiful testimonies. Excellent videos. Faith is a tough thing, especially when the events in one’s life are like sinking sand. I am sending the link to this site to the people that I love. Then, whether they are in the moment of questioning God’s goodness or in the moment of praising Him for tangible goodness they see and feel, they will know that indeed God is good and He is faithful.
Your faith will be greatly rewarded. And your statement of faith: “God is still God and God is still good.” is an encouragement to me and I am sure to many. May God’s presence in your life and your children’s lives be evident to many.
Not long ago, I went through a similar scenario. Just when I was most involved in ministry at my local church, a Stage 3 Testicular Cancer diagnosis kncked on the door. To make things more complex, I had no health insurance and emergnecy surgery was required. Needless to say, my God provided for each and every need we had. One borther in the faith told me before I left the coutry to get chemo “Make sure you keep your eyes open for what God will do for others through your trial”. Boy, was he right! We saw God’s hand in every step of the way. Today I am cancer free and praising The Lord for giving me a second chance. Like Zack, I wonder what may happen tomorrow, but regardless of what tomorrow holds, today I delight myself on serving my Creator. He is faithful, even when we are not…
A beautiful testimony of faith in the goodness of God, who gives good gifts to his children.
However, cancer and sickness is not a gift from God. John 10:10 says that it is the thief that comes to steal, to kill and destroy, but Jesus has come that we may have life, and that we may have it more abundantly. We do not serve a God who gives sickness and takes a father from his children. Our God is the God of healing. Cancer is a work of the destroyer. May your children believe in the goodness of God and the inherent evil of Satan and his diseases.
How true it is , Lydia, that we must know that our God is a God of healing. And how hard it is to know also His way of healing us when that way is through affliction. Zac was able to go on trusting God through the hardest of trials, and now Mandy is being given that courage and strength to do so as well. These lovely people have been tested, as gold is tested through fire, and have triumphed through it.
God put the story of His servant Job in His word, for our encouragement. After suffering even greater trials, Job was still able to say “And after my skin has been thus destroyed, yet in my flesh I shall see God, whom I shall see for myself, and my eyes shall behold…).” (Job 19:26, ESV) What faith! What Hope! Praise the Lord.
“God is good and He is still on the throne.” These words were spoken to me by my husband when our good friend was killed in a plane crash and a few years later when we lost a very dear friend to brain cancer. I have been reminded of these words again through Zac and Mandy’s story. We need to praise Him in the good and praise Him during the bad. Only He can give the strength to do the latter. Thank you Zac and Mandy for glorifying Him through the pain and suffering and for drawing others to Him. I have no doubt that Zac heard, “Well done good and faithful servant,” when he arrived home in Heaven.