Therefore, brothers, be all the more diligent to make your calling and election sure…
(2 Peter 1:10)
What is the evidence that we are born of God? We have the question answered in John’s first Epistle. Seven times we find the words “Born of God” occurring.
- Righteousness of life. “Every one that doeth righteousness is born of Him” (1 John 2:29 KJV).
- Not practicing sin. “Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin” (1 John 3:9 KJV).
- New nature implanted. “He cannot sin, because he is born of God” (1 John 3:9 KJV).
- Loving one another. “Every one that loveth is born of God” (1 John 4:7 KJV).
- Faith in Christ. “Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ, is born of God” (1 John 5:1 KJV).
- Victory over the world. “Whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world (1 John 5:4 KJV).
- Kept by Christ. “Whosoever is born of God sinneth not; but He that was begotten of God keepeth him” (1 John 5:18 KJV).
Go’d word how beautiful
There is a mistake in quote of 1John 5:18: “…but He that was begotten of God keepeth him..” It should be: “…but He that was begotten of God keepeth himself..”. (But this doesn’t help much to understand what this verse means..)
All these points are clear to me except these:
Not practicing sin. ”Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin” (1 John 3:9 KJV).
New nature implanted. ”He cannot sin, because he is born of God” (1 John 3:9 KJV).
While I don’t practice sin I know that I struggle everyday against the flest. I also know that “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.: 1 John 1:8
Please explain & clearify 1 john 3:9
Tony the key word to this verse I believe is “practices.” The word conveys the idea that there is planning and disire to do. Intent.
Paul I like what you said about “believe”. You could not have been any clearer. Many are deceived into believing that as long as they acknowledge Jesus died for their sins, it stops there. There must be a lifestyle change, from the old man to the new, unrighteousness to righteousness. Anyone who really “believes” will have a desire and willingness to obey his commands.
I think it is good to understand that each of these is a work of the Father, through Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit. If not, it becomes a task to try to achieve, but instead is a setting of the will in agreement with God.
A. Yes evidence of the Holy Spirits work as we yeild.
B. If we love Jesus as John 14:15 then sin will be absent.
C. Yes, instantanly as we believe, and trust in His Word, the Holy Spirit provides the power for victory of things that in the flesh that we previously were powerless to achieve.
D. No clue how to really love from the heart with out first having loved Jesus as stated above. It isnt a result to try to achieve, but a by product of obediance… and now we know what some of the results look like… Loving one another.
E. STOP. Yes believe, but understand the word believe -it isnt acknowledgement, but believe to the point of trust, and yeilding to His command. Jam 2:19 You believe that God is one. You do well; the demons also believe, and shudder.
F. Praise God! A work of the Holy Spirits power in my life.
G. Beautiful! He guards me.
Peter stated what needed/needs to be done in Acts 2:38. The book of Acts is the birth place of the church as we know it today. It is also our guide to obtaining salvation. The book of Romans tells of how we should live after received salvation. The rest of the epistles give accounts on what was done, how we should do and carry on.
Can you give some examples of “doeth righteousness.” ?
Also, isn’t it rather a positional standing that Christ has wrought for us referring to “he who is born of God does not sin.” Like in Ephesians where it says we are seated in the heavenlies, even now. We have on Christ’s robe of righteousness. When God looks at us He sees His Son.
Is this accurate?
I believe every listed scripture is correct but also believe there is more to the answer. John 7 states that rivers of living water shall flow out of the person’s spirit. Acts 10 states the Apostles knew the Gentiles had received the same gift as they had in Acts 2 “because they heard them speak with tongues”. I do believe one is filled first and according to the scripture the tongues signify that infilling. See Acts 2,8,10.19. Acts chapter 8 indicates the discipled somehow knew these people had been filled with the Spirit and Simon offerred money so he could do the same thing, so there is an outward witness which I believe according to the scripture is the tongues.
Wrong. This was a transitional work and was a sign to the Jews not the gentiles. Read the bible. I Cor 1;22 If it was so important then why did not Paul say so in every one of his epistles. He said I would rather speak 5 words in a known tongue than 10,000 in an unknown tongue.
Steve, Please tell me how the Apostles knew the folks in Acts 8 had been filled with the Spirit?
please allow me to correct you. That’s not what Paul was referring to. Peter clearly stated in Act 2:38 what was needed in order to enter into the kingdom. You have to be baptised in the name of Jesus for his name is the only name that can remove sin [Adam sin’s] which we all recv’d through birth into this world. The next thing is being filled with the Holy Ghost. Your acknowledgement of recvng the Holy Ghost is that you WILL speak in new tongues as the spirit of God gives the utterance. Now that initial sign, [for you] is you will speak in tongues, all whole nother language. Now that’s for you. It’s true that we can’t understand it as far as someone interperating what we say, it’s not for them, IT’S FOR YOU AND gOD TO COMMUNICATE. Now there are people who actually have the gift of interpreting tongues but that’s not very common. Once you have been baptised in Jesus name and fully repented and recv’d the gift of the Holy Ghost, you are saved…now you just need to live right, it aint easy but if you stay in God…you can. Check our church out.
May God bless you.
Steve Paul also said that he thanked God that he spoke in tounges more then them all. He also states the prays in the spirit and prays in the understanding and sings in the spirit and sings in the understanding. He also says that the sprit makes intersion for us as we dont know what we should pray for as we ought but the spirit makes intersion for us with growning and utterances witch cannot be understood. As scripture will interpet scripture and the scripture that you spoke of was because the Cor church way preaching speaking to each other in tounges and it was not edifying the church so he put things in order because if i pray in the spirit and I dont know what is being said how will that help you. So I hope this helps.
Based on the 7 criteria mentioned in the blog, one would have to think that the apostle Paul struggled with knowing his calling and election was sure. It would seem that he would have to doubt his own salvation, based on Romans 7:15-21. In the Romans passage Paul says he sins, he does evil, and evil is present in him.
None of 7 criteria mentioned in the blog posting are really measurable…therefore it does not seem that ANYONE could ever be sure of their calling and election.
Please understand I really do not want to argue, but feel that 1 John needs to be interpreted in light of it’s purpose statement found in 1 John 1:1-4. Fellowship is the issue at hand, not “evidence’s of salvation” or “how to be sure of your redemption”. Based on the idea and information that 1 John is written so that we can know if we are saved. Nobody would ever be able to be sure.
How do you know if you’ve walked in the light enough to prove your faith? What is enough?
The same questions could be asked about producing righteousness, practicing sin, victory over the world, loving your brothers, etc… (none of these things can be perfectly measured by a human, therefore no one can really be sure of their calling and election (based on the above criteria).
By the way John calls his audience brothers and children, indicating that they are a group of believers who have already found salvation.
I usually don’t post comments on things I read in blogs, however I think the issue (commonly labeled Lordship Salvation) is causing lot’s of confusion, doubt, and fear and misrepresents the wonderful work that Christ did for helpless people like me (Rom. 5:6-8).
Also…I certainly do believe that once saved we are to produce good works! Ephesians 2: 8-10, Titus 2:11-14.
Salvation is by faith alone in Christ alone! My SECURITY comes from what He did, not on what I do (or fail to do).
For an excellent and easy to read commentary on 1 John, I recommend “Maximum Joy” by David R. Anderson
Very well said.
I was a beggar who simply cried out “LORD Jesus have mercy on my soul” and he saved me. He has been changing my desires since then, yet where ever I go I find there are now two natures within me.
I have to die to that old nature many times a day. Sometimes I fail, but I try.
God, not me, is the author and finisher of our faith and His grace is sufficient.
I trusted in Him to save me, I’m trusting in Him to keep me. If I stumble or sin today perhaps it is to keep me humble or to glory all the more in the LORDS grace.
Jesus did it all, I’m trusting in His finished work, not my own. That said when one truly encounters the risen LORD and Savior Jesus Christ they will never be the same again. However, even that is a divine work of the Holy Spirit.
The LORD begins to give us a heart after His own heart.
Love you all my brothers and sisters and I thank the LORD for this website. It is one of my favorite study tools. Blessings in Christ Jesus!
Thank you Blueletter!
Today I’m considering the DNA of God as a part of my devotions prior to seeing the discussion on the blog. I’m not sure if we really aspire to God as much as we can or should. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the faith of Jesus Christ has a whole lot to do with becoming.
I have three nieces in close enough family circles to watch them grow. There are some innates that are just like Daddy. Some more apparent than others – some become stronger as they get older.
One of them, specifically studies her father. So much that what may not have been apparent or innate starts to “manifest”. I don’t know that she wants to be like him or if her extreme curiosity of him produces in her some of his tendencies.
Perhaps there’s more to becoming like our Father. I believe that all potential to become is in the seed. What is the soil, what’s our water and other conditions to produce the glory of God in us? It’s in here (us), however, the manifestation of God in us,…well.
The Word has power that we cannot see that works in us. Consistent obedience is very fruitful. Personally, there are days of very proactively saying, “God I need help on that” so that I can be obedient to God. God helps me. Sometimes it is vital to ask help ALOT in one day. But it works. I do need help. Father knows that and He helps. God does not weary of me saying “I need help on that please.”
Thank you Blueletter, brothers and sisters.
I just want to be sure I am saved, and a child of God. These verses make me wonder, becasue there was a time and still is occasionally when I “Practiced” sin, if that means I planned on doing it. I really am trying to change with the help of the Holy Spirit, but I want to know, is because I fall sometimes, and even plan on sinning, but don’t do now mean I am saved? I just want to be a child of God, and the best I can for his glory.
Tyler just keep seeking after God and he is able to subdue all your sins. Because he came to make us free from sin that we can be even as he is in this present world. A bride without spot wrinkle blemish or blame but perfect before him. And yes it is through the Holy Spirit. Have you received the Holy spirit as the apostles with evidence of speaking in an unknown tongue. Now this is the upmost importance to seek that. You must be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and you will receive the spirit. Then there is power there because now you will pray in the spirit as the spirit prays for the things that you don’t know that you need.
May you receive this blessing and Grace from the Lord it shall change you life.
Yes sir, I did, I enjoy praying in the spirit and in tongues often. I am just ready to stop all the nonsense and obey God. Thank you for your help and advise.