The servants of God are not to speak whatever they like, they are commissioned to proclaim Christ. To proclaim Him:
1. In the saving of His grace
“The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost.” (1 Timothy 1:15)
We are to proclaim Christ in the saving of His grace. When a fallen world continues to cry out for a Savior, we know that the Savior has already done His work on the cross and is coming back in the fullness of time. This message never gets old, and we should always proclaim the message of this grace.
2. In the strength of His power
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes…” (Romans 1:16)
We are to proclaim Christ in the strength of His power. The gospel is the power of God. It is about the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross, His empty tomb, and what these both accomplished. It’s not about man’s message—mine nor yours—it’s about God’s message. It’s about His sovereign grace and might to save undeserving sinners.
3. In the claim of His lordship
“For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake.” (2 Corinthians 4:5)
We are to proclaim Christ in the claim of His Lordship. Jesus is more than a buddy or homeboy; He is Lord of all, including you and me.
4. In the sufficiency of His substitution
“And the eunuch said to Philip,’About whom, I ask you, does the prophet say this, about himself or about someone else?’ Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning with this Scripture he told him the good news about Jesus.” (Acts 8:35)
We are to proclaim Christ in the sufficiency of His substitution. When Philip was preaching the gospel to the eunuch, he did not add to its message nor did he take away from it. The message is Jesus and His good news to sinners. This substitutionary act of atonement is sufficient. We cannot add anything to this good news! As Jesus said, “It is finished!”
5. In the forgiving of His love
“Let it be known to you therefore, brothers, that through this man forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you, and by him everyone who believes is freed from everything from which you could not be freed by the law of Moses.” (Acts 13:38-39)
We proclaim Christ in the forgiving of His love. It is through the love of God and the obedience of Christ that any man can find forgiveness before a holy God.
6. In the power of His resurrection
“…they were teaching the people and proclaiming in Jesus the resurrection from the dead.” (Acts 4:2)
We proclaim Christ in the power of His resurrection. As Paul has said, “if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain. (1 Corinthians 15:14)” But indeed, Christ has risen from the dead; thus, our preaching has power from God and our faith is in the one true God.
7. In the glory of His person
“proclaiming the kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness and without hindrance.” (Acts 28:31)
We proclaim Christ in the glory of His person. There is no glory that can rival the glory of God in Christ. The world and its men will boast of their own glory. Yet all these things will whither and fade, but the word of God will stand—unfading—forever (1 Peter 1:25).
8. In the coming of His kingdom
“And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14)
We proclaim Christ in the coming of His kingdom. Yes, this world groans. But the story is not over—not yet.
What about you? Would you add any thoughts to those above? Or can you think of anything else that we should proclaim of Christ?
[This list has been adapted from the Works of F.E. Marsh, coming soon to Blue Letter Bible.]
I just had a ‘wow that’s quite topical really, I have a sneaking suspicion God might have arranged it so I’d read that one’ moment, reading this! Thanks to the writer/editor for setting out the full gospel so clearly and making sure all the different facets of what God has done for us are covered. I’m hoping to continue a gospel conversation with someone tomorrow (in about 14 hours, for those of you in different time zones) and I would really appreciate it if those who read this would take a minute to send up a quick prayer for me 🙂
God bless you Rebekah I hope the Lord helps bring about fruit in your endeavor to share the good news. Much love and keep shining!
Well today is my birthday 51 YEARS OLD and living in french polynesia just so you know I could use some prayers too! My life here is a catastrophe and GOD is my only hope Iam completly broke and out of a job so this is not a joke,Iwant to return to the U.S. but I have a daughter who is in a dysfuctional family situation and doesnt know it!! I have seen and experianced miracles all my life and while people always try and express their opinions on how powerful and forgiving GOD is and GIVE some elaborated version of what the BIBLE says its a never ending race and a closer walk every moment of our life with JESUS! Yes i could use some help if there is any out there, in the mean time I ll be waiting for a miracle and praying for all, in this time where selfishness and greed is everywhere even in the heavenly places as it says in EPHESIANS .I have seen hypocrites and the sincere in ALL who claim the LORD thats why the BIBLE SAYS Their are many folds in his flock, maybe its a mormon or a ,Jehovahs witness or a catholic or just a simple man who believes JESUS DIED for our sins and rose again to save man from the spirit which does exist to destroy us, its a personal relationship for me and to share with others this is a act of love and caring about one another, just like everyone who needs to be cared for in one way or another from time to time. Imagine if everyone really followed whats in the BIBLE ,the world would be in a better state even as sinners so we all need JESUS, our prayers as well can be for the U.S. because the pentagon is forcasting another 9 11 WITH a confirmed threat!!!!
My Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, I thank You that you do not hold anything from us. We love You for loving us in the way You do. I ask You Lord to move in my sister’s life right now and I thank YOu if YOu have already done so, but if the time has not presented it’s self I ask You to give her the words of Your truth and love, that concern any issues she may face as she proclaims your word. Bless her Lord in you name I pray.
We are praying!
Hi Rebekkah,
A priviledge to prsay for you & His Contact…
Remember the KISS principle
Cheers & Blessings,
I will be praying for you Rebekah. “Ask and it will be given to youL; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you” Matthew 7:7
I have prayed for you. As you yield yourself to the Spirit, you will proclaim Jesus with rivers of living water. God bless you.
Praise the Lord! Hallelujah! What a Saviour! This is how it should be, but is it what we hear today? I believe (along with others I worship with) we are preaching a watered down gospel. I hear preaching from overseas and it has such power in it that we don’t seem to have here in North America. If any of you know Paul Washer and his preaching, you will know what I am talking about. We need to regain a sense of God’s holiness and power. He is a righteous God. We need to remember how terrifying his anger is against sin and how awful the cost is should a soul be lost in eternity. We need to stop brushing over verses that speak of him being beaten (Luke 22:63&64), nailed through his hands and feet (Psalm 22:16) and that he DIED for our sins (I Corinthians 15:3).
We need to learn what it means to love the Lord our God with all of our heart and all of our mind, and all of our soul and all of our strength and completely leave the world behind us (No, I am definitely no where close to this, but I truly believe God expects it of us for he is a jealous God and we should want to please him as much as the Lord Jesus did). Do I sound extreme? So let it be, yet I would challenge you to get into the word more and see it for yourself.
I really like what is written here. I am not sure I could add anything to it without giving it some further thought and meditation. Thank you for posting these precious thoughts of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Lord bless.
PS Rebekah, I pray the Lord’s presence and blessing in your conversation.
Note: We are having a community BBQ this Saturday (Sept. 11) from 11-2 and then having gospel meetings beginning the weekend of the 25th for two weeks. These events will be held at the Applewood Heights Gospel Hall, 4030 Tomkin Road, Mississauga, Ontario (just north of Burnhamthorpe Road). Please bring your unsaved loved ones and friends. Thanks for your prayers.
Hi Peter, How refreshing to an Old Street Evangelist’s Ears,Go you Youngons! Keep the flame alive with His Testimony which is Profecy!
Yes Paul wasser is a “Stirrer” for Christ keep praying and interceeding for him and others proclaiming His Word….
“Without Him we Cannnot…Without us He WILL not!
Cheers & Blessings from Australia
Hi Rebekah,
May God fill you with boldness tempered by sensitivity and love. May your friend drink freely from the rivers of living waters. God bless you for your faithful witness.
Not trying to be nosey, but the bible says in Matt.18:19 that if we agree on the same thing that it will be done. I can pray for you, but I can’t agree with you without knowing what I’m praying for. I will ask God to keep blessing you.
desde el día de ayer encontré esta pagina, y estoy sorprendida por la sencillez con que se explica, la profundidad del evangelio.doy gracias a DIOS no solo por eso sino por las innumerables herramientas que han puesto a nuestra disposición y la facilidad absoluta para acceder a ellas. muchas gracias que el ALTÍSIMO continúe bendiciéndoles. hola rebeca. solo recuerda que DIOS está en control el te da la sabiduría y el valor que necesitas en este articulo está bien resumido el mensaje de salvación.
Dang, add 4 more points and you could’ve made a 12 step program!
Sorry for the sarcasm, but who are you to say what the Lord would have us to speak regarding the gospel? I mean read 1 Cor 15:1-11 simple, straight-forward…
Paul said that he’d rather speak five words with his understanding than ten thousand in an unknown tongue… yet, we look at a list like this and think, ‘Hot dog! Just memorize this and I’m golden!’ It was the Holy Spirit at work in Acts 2, not their technique… their checklist…
Add anything to the list? No. Supersede the list, yes: 2 Tim 3:14-4:4
You don’t know what to say? Ask the Lord for you have something (Acts 4:20; John 9; Luke 8:39)
What made the men marvel in Acts 4, it was because though the apostles were uneducated and untrained men, it was clear they’d been with Jesus. And in Acts 17:1-4 shows that there is liberty and diversity how and what is taught in regard to the gospel.
But to take this list and go witnessing with it thinking it is what I’m to proclaim is at best David trying to fight Goliath in Saul’s armor – it may be viable in battle, but unproven for me; and at it’s worst legalistic in it’s constraint and academic detachment.
I think you’ve missed the point, Greg. And it is not meant to be a how-to tract for sharing the gospel.
Thank you for clarifying what the point was/is; and Rebekah seemed to think it was (help with sharing the gospel)… did you correct her? Margie also spoke of the evangelistic theme in her post, so could you please clarify what the point was so the three of us could see it as well? Thank you.
Hello Greg, I respect your opinion because that is how you feel and see it. Please allow me to share this with you. As I read your reply I sensed emotions of hostility to a degree and a little bit of arrogance to a point. You appear to be a man of great passion for what you believe, I thank the lord for your desire to defend the things that pertain to your belief and the call to witness. But it’s all in how we defend and say what we believe. When we give evidence don’t you agree that emotions and passion can add or take away from presuading someone. A great precentage of people of different beliefs and non belief believe CHRISTAINS are arrogant, lack compassion, and lack the ability to defend their faith by giving evidence. You gave some evidence but the other two I pray you consider working on, because you have so much to share. To clarify my response your tone in your reply took away from your point
Honestly, I appreciate you going into length about how you ‘heard’ my post, but there are responses in the Bible that show true hostility where mine was more irritation.
If you took half a minute to look at any of the eight items in the list and consider his comments, you’d better understand my irritation. “Who is weak, and I am not weak? Who is made to stumble, and I do not burn with indignation?”
Hi Greg,
“My Grace is sufficient for you, for my strength is made perfect in weakness…..” That’s where His Power comes from!
Pray for His Grace to “power your Engine” and keep going my dear brother, go and be a “sheep dog for Christ!”…..
Cheers & Blessings,
Appreciate the ‘sheep dog for Christ’ analogy/imagery, have always enjoyed watching those at work… plus anything is better than being a hireling who flees when he sees a wolf coming, don’t you think?
I enjoyed the reading. I will add that we should proclaim Christ as:
1) THE ONLY WAY TO GOD – John 14:6 and Acts 4:12. I think this is very important because there are people who wrongly think they can get to God otherwise.
2)ONLY FAITH IN HIM MAKES US RIGHTEOUS BEFORE GOD – Rom 5:1. It is not by our works or by killing of others as some wrongly believe. It is only by faith in what Christ has done for us.
Thanks and God bless you.
Great thoughts, Rebecca! Thank you for sharing these.
I was blessed by today’s message. I thought it meritted printing out for future reference. Then I read Greg’s comments. I was blessed by the scriptures he quoted. I added them to the bottom of the page. Thanks for your (albeit testy) contribution Greg!
Thank you everyone for your comments, “the good, the bad, and the ugly”! I got something from every one of them. Please forgive me if my next statement has any vain-glory attached, as it’s not meant to…just setting up for my response.
I’m a senior in a Bachelors in Religion program at a Baptist university. I’ve had a mormon friend tell me “I’m getting a really good education”. I want to agree. It’s very bible based. In an evangelism class, we covered those areas mentioned above pretty well, as well as those added. So it’s great to see how many welll.-meaning Christians there are out there, willing to critically examine and divide the Word of the Living God before it goes out…as well as remembering the concept of delivery, no matter what knowledge you have, to have the Love of Jesus..see 1 Corrinthians 13…you guys all rock!!!