A moving video put to the music of one my favorite hymns:
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Thank you for this video…Christ really is our life
and when we have Christ we have everything that matters.
How many “Christians”will take their stand for Jesus to this extreme?I would like to think I would one part of me says “bring it on” but another part says I hope I never get called on to do so.
This was heart touching. We need to love the lord with all our heart and soul !!! So if faced with this, we give our full allegence to Jesus !!!
I love this !!! Great Job !!!
This say’s it all. Randy I too hope I never get called on to do so. And yes,I would like to think I would do so.
More and more I think the people of this nation are going to be called on to make this same stand. Are we not already being called terrorists? God will only give the grace needed, when needed. If called on I can only pray that I be found worthy.
Thank you for the video. Truth always touches our hearts.
Beautiful video. To all my brothers and sisters who wondered if they would be able to take such a stand, Daniel 1:8 But Daniel purposed (determined) in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s meat, nor with the wine which he drank…. So when the days of trials came, he with the grace and power of God stood the tests.
I believe in the same way, if we determine in our hearts not to dishonor God, but be willing to die for the Lord, if and when that time comes, God will give us the grace to embrace death, knowing to live is Christ, but to die is gain….do not worry, He is faithful and true.
Beautiful!! Lord help me to be immovable in my faith!
Very inspiring by this video you can help other Christians to make a stand in sharing the gospel Gob bless