So you want to be a radical Christian, huh? You want to be a sold out, hardcore, all on the line, hold nothing back Christian. You don’t want to waste your life. You want to have crazy love for God. Awesome. So do I. I want to be a radical disciple for Jesus.
But what exactly does that mean? How exactly do I be a radical Christian? I’ve been thinking a lot about that lately. This matters a lot to me. In Revelation Jesus says that he spits out lukewarm people, and I certainly don’t want to be a lukewarm Christian. I want to be a red hot Christian who is on fire for Jesus.
I know to see the Church in the condiction that it is in like in the days of Noah. We need to see that we aren’t preaching repentance and to forsake sin, but except Jesus because he is the answer to all our problems and everything will get better. We have to see that all the problems that we have in the church is our fault that many aren’t born again because they never died in Christ and then rose with Him in newness of life so their nature was never changed,so they were converted to a new way of thinking not to a new principle or purpose of living.
I agree 100%.
I just read do this article, “do you want to be a radical Christian”
This person who wrote that is a typical, mainstream Christian and really doesn’t have a clue what it means to be a true Christian let alone a radical Christian. The things he mentions may have part of the job title. But in reality most Sunday Christians simply are following the same doctrines that the Catholics have deluded the world with which is nothing more that pagan religion with the title of Christ woven in over the top of it all. If you read Mithraism or most of the old pagan rituals you would find modern mainstream Christianity with the same doctrine. I am not alone in this opinion. HGWells wrote the same thing in his histories, he was a historian as well as a novel writer by the way. A lot of historians will say the same thing. You can even find this in that recently written book “the Da Vinci Code” and that is just a writer looking at some of the history of the church. The actual religion of Jesus Christ was hi jacked by the Catholics and is not the true faith of Christ. To even say this makes me a radical Christian. Nevertheless, the truth is the truth to those who aren’t too lazy to study history and doctrine of the bible. Everything including Sunday worship that the Catholics taught and that however many thousands of splinter churches, (daughters of the harlot of Rev); continued to follow are half truths or downright pagan in origin. Sunday instead of the true Sabbath, do you realize Constantine who made all of this possible for the Catholics to get away with these lies would have considered Jesus Christ and anathema from his own faith? They have fooled the entire world by using the name of Christ as way to placate and inculcate into their pagan form of religion. Not my thoughts but history for those who have studied this. To say these things is being a radical Christian. It isn’t only the Sabbath, but you people who think you are Christian think about how actually keeping the commandments of God would radically change your lives, because you don’t really have a clue what it means to keep all of His commandments. You first are taught and believe that no one can keep the commandments of God. And certainly no human can do it perfectly, but the scripture says,” I can do ALL things through Christ that strengthens me”…Phil 4:13. But through the Catholic faith people don’t see the actual job of a Christian, by order of the God you claim is your king, says yes you can if you try and it’s a lifetime of trying to get it right. That’s why God commanded them through Moses; they are the templates of a Christian lifestyle. It’s what it means to be a new creature in Christ. Doing good deeds that the article mentions is all very good, but everyone tries to do good who aren’t completely corrupt. There is honor among thieves’ so they say. I really haven’t seen that by the way. Being radical means actually using biblical figures as an example to live by. But Christ didn’t sin and He was our example. He kept His and His Fathers laws, and it’s suppose to be the same” on earth as it is in heaven” correct? All through the bible God loves His laws and punishes nations that didn’t keep them. He is punishing us (the USA) now for not keeping them, and most Christians don’t even know why. Episcopalian allow practicing homosexuals to be their leaders and so many others mainstream Christians associate with no practicing homosexuals. God tells a true Christian not to even be around those types of sins. Yet the syrupy phony, I know better than God types will think they are more righteous than God by allowing all these into their midst’s,(God calls them abominations no matter what people want to think). I could continue for pages naming the things that make guys like the guy who wrote this article, look ridiculously uneducated and far from being some sort of radical, by simply applying what God actually commands to what mainstream Christianity allows to be called Christian. Do you want to really be a radical Christian? Try to actually do what God commands, even for a month. You’ll see how it affects your jobs, friends, family and entire lifestyles. I know because I have been doing it for almost 30 years now. It is everything God said it would be. If they hated Christ they will hate you also… And when you are hated by folks claiming Christianity, you will truly fine out what is meant by being radical. Christ was dealing with the Sadducees and the Pharisees. It went badly for Him but He showed us what it would take. He left us the example of how to really be a Radical Christian. This person who wrote that article still hasn’t a clue.
The beginning of being a radical christian is first that intimate relationship with Christ. And after you learn his voice His spirit will direct you.
A radical christian.Is one who has fled away from the many,be holy for God is holy.Learn from him only,all the children of God
are taught of the lord,of the lord and not from men, that is not from flesh and blood.Depart from the unclean thing and I will receive you as sons and daughters, and you will call me father.
Expect to get a few stripes, dont say its satan attacking, no dont be deceived. For no son does the father receive who is not chastised first.Be radical what have them sleepers got to give a son or daughter of God.