For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.
(Romans 8:13)
Some animals cannot be tamed. You may call a snake your pet and give it a cute name, but that doesn’t take the wild out of it. No matter how long you’ve housed, cared for, and fed a boa constrictor, it may still turn on you. After all, it is still a snake.
It is much the same with sin. You may cuddle sin like a pet, but that doesn’t take the wild out of it or make it less dangerous. Evil cannot be domesticated. Sin is poised to attack your faith at any moment. Sometimes it bares its fangs and strikes in a surprise attack. Sometimes it is cunning enough to play dead and subtle enough to pose as something good. But either way, sin is wired to kill. Slowly, cleverly, when you’re not paying attention, sin will squeeze the faith, love, and holiness right out of you…
Think for a moment about the act of killing. How do you kill something? To make this more palatable, let’s consider snakes again! There are lots of ways to kill a snake. You can crush it with a rock, starve it, burn it, drown it, or chop off its hideous little head. Choose your favorite method, but what you’re essentially doing in each is depriving the snake of something it needs to live—be it brains, food, air, or a hospitable environment. That’s what we have to do with sin in the heart. We have to weakensin by taking away the things that give it strength, by depriving it of food and air, as it were. This means that one of the most practical ways to kill sin is to quit giving it opportunities to thrive: “Make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires” (Romans 13:14b). Or in the words of seventeenth-century pastor John Owen, “Be killing sin or it will be killing you.”
—Brian Hedges, Licensed to Kill: A Field Manual for Mortifying Sin, 7-8. (HT: BT)
Ive been searching for a topic on sin for my bible study class tonight and the Lord blessed that i should find this site. The title “Don’t tame sin- Kill it” would be a great topic to discuss. Is it OK to use some of this material in my teaching?
Hi, James! Glad you found it helpful. The material is actually a quote from a book called Licensed to Kill, by Brian Hedges ( Be sure to cite the book in your study, and you’re good to go!
Running away from sin is the way out of committing it. Don’t joke with it.
We must remember that sin isn’t a thing, it is a principle by which a person lives his or her life (self-centered). The same with sanctification, it is a principle (The well being of God and man for His Glory.
Thank you for sharing this. We were just looking into this verse in Romans 8 coupled with Col.3. This article gives a good illustration. Praise God for His provisions and providence!
this is very insightful!
Well Put on * Sin * , Bless everyone that posted and for Blessing us with this Post … God be Praised …amen shalom !!!