There is a Christian group called Live 58 that exists to see the end of extreme poverty.
Sound a little far-fetched? I thought so too. But then I saw this statistic:
“Extreme poverty is ending. In just 25 years the percentage of people living in extreme poverty has been cut in half. (52% to 26%)”
Watch their promo video:
Let’s be the church!
Well, this is interesting. So Jesus was in fact WRONG, when he said Jhn 12:8 NKJV – “For the poor you have with you always, but Me you do not have always.” And as for America being the richest country in the world, I must have been mistaken when I read that it’s national debt now equals its’ GDP – exactly, which makes it on the verge of bankrupcy!
Sorry, but I am getting rather jaded with the exaggerated claims that fallible and arrogant humans make which directly contradict the Bible. Don’t get me wrong. I am definitely in favour of supporting the poor and oppressed, because this is our command from Jesus, but to lay these kinds of goals and expectations on us is just setting us up to be humbled by an Almighty God. The ONLY one who will end poverty, suffering and evil in this fallen world is the Lord Jesus Christ, when He returns and sets up HIS kingdom on earth, in righteousness and justice. This IS NOT THE ROLE OF THE CHURCH – The Bible Clearly says so.
I am afraid you’ve missed the point, my friend. That’s not even the context of the verse you cited. The Church is also called to care for the poor and defenseless, in Jesus’ name and by Jesus’ power. We do not sit on the sidelines apathetically.
Furthermore, the man in the video is speaking of material wealth and resources. Our nation might be in debt, but we still live as Kings compared to the rest of the world. I got to see this firsthand last week in Eastern Africa.
I hope that clears up your misunderstanding.