Paul Miller:
Let’s imagine that you see a prayer therapist to get your prayer life straightened out. The therapist says, “Let’s begin by looking at your relationship with your heavenly Father. God said, ‘I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to me’ (2 Corinthians 6:18). What does it mean that you are a son or daughter of God?”
You reply that it means you have complete access to your heavenly Father through Jesus. You have true intimacy, based not on how good you are but on the goodness of Jesus. Not only that, Jesus is your brother. You are a fellow heir with him.
The therapist smiles and says, “That is right. You’ve done a wonderful job of describing the doctrine of Sonship. Now tell me what it is like for you to be with your Father? What is it like to talk with him?” You cautiously tell the therapist how difficult it is to be in your Father’s presence, even for a couple of minutes. Your mind wanders. You aren’t sure what to say. You wonder, Does prayer make any difference?
Is God even there? Then you feel guilty for your doubts and just give up. Your therapist tells you what you already suspect. “Your relationship with your heavenly Father is dysfunctional. You talk as if you have an intimate relationship, but you don’t. Theoretically, it is close. Practically, it is distant. You need help.”
(from Paul Miller’s A Praying Life: Connecting with God in a Distracting World. Navpress.)
Duh… we need help… Tell us already.
Exactly what is a Prayer Therapist? Just someone that prays with you? What makes this person a therapist?
I get it! We are so good at saying “Christian words and sayings” but the relationship is never developed. All relationships take time, and for some reason, we just won’t put in the time. But when we do, He speaks and we hear. Our spirit starts to bubble, like that living water fountain, and joy follows. Have you been there?
It seems as though I will ask the LORD to help me to be consistant in my quiet time and prayer, and that will good and everyday all day and then something upsets the sched. and prayer time seems to be the first thing to get cut. no real valid excuse except sin that makes me lazy, God please help me prioritize my time better.