A couple of years ago, Pastor Britt Merrick preached a heart-wrenching sermon on God’s sovereignty in our suffering. He had just found out that his baby girl, five-year-old Daisy, had cancer. And the odds were not looking good for her.
Thankfully, two years and thousands of prayers later, Daisy is doing much better. I appreciate men like Britt who are used by God to teach us that even in the midst of our trials, God is still good. Where else do we have to run other than toward Him?
great message…but it stopped streaming a little over half way through. I checked my end and seems to be at your server. I will come back later but wanted you to know. Blessings.
Dear John,
Thanks for letting us know about the streaming. We will look into it. Blessings
Thank you so much for such a heartfelt testimony and word of truth; God’s word. When my heart is overwhelmed lead me to the rock that is higher than I. That Rock is Jesus. He is a very present help in the time of trouble and He cares about what concerns us. It is he who holds us in the midnight hour and keeps us from losing our mind, giving us the peace that surpasses all understanding. He has been my heart fixer, my mind regulator and way maker. He has been that and more, because He has been all that I have needed for Him to be in my life, because as a child to his/her father; Daddy, I trust you! Even when I could not express how or what I felt, He knew and He understood it and could work it out, even before I asked. I love the Lord with all that is in me and I bless His Holy name. Thank you once again for allowing God to use you and believing what He says is true; having confidence in his truths and applying it. May God richly and tremendously continue to bless you and your family in Jesus name. Amen!
Thank you God!
What a blessing. I saw Britt speak 8 years ago while visiting CA. I shared this beautiful message with several friends. The Word of God is the bottom line.
Heidi Winslow
What a Pack-filled P-O-W-E-R-F-U-L Message; straight from the Throne of Heaven. May God continue to bless your ministry and your family In The Holy & Powerful Name Of Jesus. The world needs to hear more messages like this. I have posted it on my Gloryway FanPage, and various other places. To God Be The Glory!!
After listening to you today, I have realized that Jesus is not # 1 in my life and I love me kids more than Jesus.
My life has been ripped apart, My husband of 35 years left my 14 year old son and I in Nov or a stripper 20+ years younger then him.I am 52 and Jeff is 56.We have 4 children and the whole family has been torn apart, my 2 oldest kids do not talk to me.
I am still in love with my husband, but I realized last Mon when he told me he put his girlfriend on our car insurance that he does not love me anymore, before this I really thought we would get a other chance, but now I am crushed inside and my heart in broken in a thousand parts.I do not know what to do anymore, I know I must put Jesus #1, take care of my son and I, and move on in my life. Please help me, I pray and bible study everyday. But I really need help!
God can do all things. He created the Heavens and the Earth. You have to remember that you are not alone. In times like these God wants you to depend on Him and Him alone. He is the only one that can take away the pain of your heartache.I understand first hand how you feel and beleive me with Pray and God’s guidance it does get better. The pain seems unbearable but when you truly give it to JESUS he will take it and make it into something new. Scripture tells us that God will not give us more than we can bear and that is really true. I am praying that you find peace in this time of your life. DEPEND ON JESUS. Cry out to HIM and He will heal your soul.
Thank you for sharing such a powerful message of truth. It is more important than ever that we fill our hearts with the Word of God and Know Jesus more & more intimately. This spoke volumes about truly trusting in the Lord. May the church hear this message!!! May the Lord bless you, your family and ministry abundantly.