Watch this funny video of First World problems:
I find myself consumed by First World problems often! What about you?
Chances are, if you are reading this blog you don’t have any real Third World problems. However, the majority of the world does. As Christians we ought to respond to this video by (1) being thankful for every gift of grace that God has given us; (2) praying for and helping those who might be facing real problems of sickness and poverty around the world; and (3) thanking God for sending Jesus to save His people from the effects of the fall, Satan, sin, and death.
Also, don’t just pray for those facing real problems… see if there’s anything you can do to help.
James 2:16
I am thankful every day for everything that I have even though I don’t have everything the ‘Jone’s” have. I am blessed because I haven’t had a job for over a year since I got laid off in March of last year. I am not living on the street, I have a car if I need it to get somewhere, but I live relatively close to everything and that gives me the opportunity to walk a great deal. I am healthy which is a lot to be thankful for. You never know what you can do without until you have to do without it.
yo my name is joe i live on the afro of tokyo i asked my dad if i could go but he said no.yo you know it’s cool in the pool but also its hot to see God.Hey man u can’t touch my swagger or u aren’t a rapper oh kid i’m playin . you were right about wat u say i got problems.My problem is anger i have lots of it and i know the bible says it’s not good to be angry but it’s better to be happy so plz help me and keep me in ur prayers ;(
yo my name is joe i live on the afro of tokyo i asked my dad if i could go but he said no.yo you know it’s cool in the pool but also its hot to see God.Hey man u can’t touch my swagger or u aren’t a rapper oh kid i’m playin . you were right about wat u say i got problems.My problem is anger i have lots of it and i know the bible says it’s not good to be angry but it’s better to be happy so plz help me and keep me in ur prayers plz thx:(
oh my bad about that i accendentally said it twice srry