Author and pastor Mike McKinley addresses a few common misunderstandings people have about the Gospel:
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This was refreshing. This is what the world needs to know.
But this has not been the dominate message. So many sit in pews and are barked down at and told that they don’t pray enough and they don’t volunteer enough, don’t fast enough, are too negative and they don’t believe enough and they don’t give enough and they don’t have enough discipline and they don’t do this and they have failed to do that.
So God won’t bless them.
Instead of hearing that Jesus has done it all, that they have been blessed.
Far too many have not heard that their confidence must be anchored in what God has already provided through salvation, and then they will be able to lift their heads and get back up on the horse.
When this true gospel is preached it’s called seeker friendly by people whose intent is to manipulate and break the person, not break the yoke that binds the person.
When The Lord began to open this up it became far more easy for me to not do things that would shame His sacrifice than when I was caught up in religious duties and routines.
My hearts purpose and prayer is for people who have been repulsed by religion to see the beauty that is in a real relationship with Christ and The Father, it is so much more than escaping hell.
Keep up the good work.
A sister In Christ.
Awesome this needs to be shared more. God bless you.
Thank you, that was spot-on. The Gospel’s not just the launching pad, it’s the blueprint! Great presentation 🙂
Actually – there is no hell. There is a second death, but no eternal punishment for mankind. Spend some time READING the bible and you’ll find it in Revelations.
God DOES NOT punish us. That’s what the god of this world does. John 10:10 pretty much says it all…but no one wants to read it and understand it.
And sorry – but once I became born again I am no longer a sinner. I am a saint. I am righteous in God’s eyes, without blemish. DO NOT CALL ME A SINNER. Christ died and rose again so that I could stand before God a righteous man, not a sinner.
We do not yet have our incorruptable bodies so we do still sin as believers with corruptable bodies. As is mentioned in the video we are though seen by God as righteous through faith in Jesus and His shed blood.
However the ESV bible is a corrupt version with Vatican views, so I am not happy to see that promoted here. The King James is the incorrupt bible taken from the Antiochan manuscripts.
Laurian, I have never heard the term Antiochan MSS applied to the Textus Receptus. Can you tell me where you learned that term? Thanks
As indicated by your plural, you must be reading a revelation other than The Revelation.
God is a God of justice, for final judgement to be true justice, each crime must be punished. The wages of sin is death. Therefore, 1 sin = death.
The law says don’t sin, don’t die. Jesus says “you sinned, I died” Any who don’t accept that … well, “For God so loved the Earth, He gave His only begotten Son. That whosever believeth in Him should not PERISH, but have everlasting life!” To me perish is final. No more life, no more chance of salvation. Reject Jesus, perish. It’s that plain.
sorry matthew but you are a human being! do you really believe that believers (born again) no longer sin? yes you have HIS righteousness if you believed in Jesus Christ for your salvation. but in this human body you are a sinner and your life is to deal with that and minimize that and to grow in grace and wisdom. if you think you are with out blemish you think to highly of yourself. Jesus Christ is with out spot and with out blemish. and yes God does punish us. we are His children. what parent does not punish or correct their child?
Christ died for me and rose again I have eternal life!!!!! God gives all a choice believe in Him or not and those who don’t will reside in Hell.
Yes we are all sinners, if for no other reason, but that we are not perfect like God. We sin in omission, even if we didn’t commit a sin. We sin in thought, even if we don’t speak it. You are faced with a choice if what to believe, that’s why God gave us free will. He just wants us to choose to believe Him in all things! #Matthew, Be Blessed and choose wisely
Thank you Mike for your post. God bless us all and keep us curious about our Savior Jesus Christ and the Word, which are one in the same, as Jesus Christ is the Word in the Flesh. Jesus is the only perfect human that has ever walked the face of this earth. To compare ourselves to Him would be impossible. Although we are saved by the Grace of Jesus Christ, that dosen’t mean we become sinless once we recieve Him as our Savior. Satan has not been cast into the lake of fire yet and he will continue to try to decieve us until Judgement Day. We must arm ourselves with the truth of the Gospel and remember that Jesus stands ready to fight for us with his sword drawn. Don’t be decieved my friends, Satan is real and so is Hell. Since the tophic got turn to a conversation about Hell and we where asked by Matthew to read our Bible I have decided to post some scripture from The Bible, not because I wish to argue with any one or prove a point. I like it when a pastor or any one says “don’t take my word for it, go to the Word and see for yourself.” So I ask this of those who are curious about our Lord and what He has to say about Hell. (Matt.3:10,12)(Matt.5:22) (Matt.7:19)(Matt.13:40,42,50)(Matt.18:8-9)(Matt.25:41) (Mark9:43-49)(Rev.14:10)(Rev.19:20)(Rev.20:10,14,15)(Rev.21:8) Don’t be decieved Hell is real, as real as Heaven. You don’t have to worry about it if you are saved, even if you have sinned. But be careful not to mislead any one, for Satan is very tricky and he does more damage among Christian’s than unbeliever’s. And because we are believer’s that does not give us permission to sin, but by the Holy Spirit be guided to strive to live a sinless life. Thank you Jesus that someday we will live in perfect harmony with you and thank you for forgiving us when we fail. God bless you all through Jesus Christ our Lord and savior. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.