“Pastor Thabiti Anyabwile draws upon his experience as someone who formerly practiced Islam to respond to Miroslav Volf’s argument that Christians and Muslims worship the same God.”
For more resources to help understand the Christian-Muslim dialogue and how to witness to your Muslim neighbors, you might want to visit this site.
Thank you for your straight foward and insightful comments regarding Christians and Muslims worshipping the same God. It is astounding to me that any Christian with any knowledge of the Koran and the Bible believe they are the same. God tells us in Deuteronomy that if we do not worship Him as the One True God, we are worshipping demons. That is true of ALL who do not come to the knowledge of Him through faith in Christ.
Truth is there is only one God in 3 parts the father & the Son & the holy spirit smetimes called Holy gosts.
1/ The Muslim worship the family god of Mohmmeds family, the moon god Allah. We are told in the Bible not to worship the stars and planets.
2/ There is one God, Jehovah. Jesus=Jehovah is become my Savior. John 1:1 says In the begining was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God…..and the Word became flesh and dwelt among men.
We are only to worship the One True G-d who transcends all. Worshiping Jesus Christ is not done within Judaism or Islam, and is debatable within Christianity, as not all agree with Roman/Greek doctrine of the trinity. Jesus warned there would be a teaching of many who come in his name who deceive many. Mat 24:5 Mar 13:6 Luk 21:8.
Do you see it is the mainstream Christians and Catholics who come in the name of Jesus? They are many and deceived many teaching that Jesus is God. They also teach that one can live Torah-less (lawless) and trample God’s grace. There are sects within Christianity who are not deceived, but they are few, not many.
My God is one God and Jesus is his name and if you don,t
pray to the father in JESUS name you will not get you prayers
answered. If we say when we pray ,I come in the name of the
Father,Son,Holy Ghost if I call you father then I am saying that
you could be anybody,s father or son.The Father,Son,and Holy Ghost
is in one person and his name is JESUS.
Simple answer… no!