Reverend Fletcher Matandika, the pastor of New Westminster Chapel, recently wrote an open letter to North American Churches, highlighting some concerns that he has. It is a must read.
Even if you don’t live in North America, Rev. Matandika’s pleas are biblically-driven and gospel-saturated. It should encourage us all to pray for our churches.
He begins his letter:
Beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints. For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ. (Jude 3–4)
To my dearly beloved North American Brothers and Sisters in Christ, greetings. I thank God for this great privilege to write this letter to you. My hope and prayer is that the Lord will be pleased to use this letter to bless you and strengthen you as you contend for the faith once and for all delivered to the saints. To God alone be all the praise glory and honor through Jesus Christ forever and ever!
Read the whole thing. I hope you are challenged to pray.
I wanted to “read the whole thing”, but the link was broken. 🙁
Sorry about that! Try it now.
I just want to thank you for taking the time to address North American issues. Yes, we do have several challenges, yet I am reminded when our Father God spoke to Prophet Elijah 1 Kings 19:18 that our Father had to remind Elijah that there are many who has not sold out to the world or compromise their faith. The Word of God also tell us, “If we will humble ourselves and turn from our wicked ways and pray, God will heal the land. Yes, there are some that are in the body of Christ, that are going through the emotion. However, I do thank God, HE is the one that will open the book, and judgement will be upon us all. So, don’t give up on us. PRAY, for as long as we have air in our lungs, there is still hope for America and the whole entire world. We live a holy life, that is a requirement for us all.
Our Father is Holy,
Prophetess Gina Carter
Thank you my brother in Christ.
Thank you for speaking the truth in love! May God bless you and my prayer is that we listen and return to the truth. However, I do praise God that there is a remnant who has not bowed their knee to Baal.
Thanks a lot for sharing this.
I am an American and currently serve in Europe and have for the last six years.
One of my frustrations whilst ministering here has been the effects of the American Church on the believers in Europe. I know that there are still many wonderfully dedicated believers in America which hold to the Bible with all their might, but it seems like harmful ministries from America always permeate and infect before the helpful ministries can! Thus I have found myself on a number of occasions seeking to spare people from these harmful ministers and or ministries which unfortunately come from my own land.
It sure makes it difficult as an American to earn the trust of true followers of Christ in Europe. True followers from anywhere can easily discern the emergent/seeker-friendly/fleecing etc… ministries and know to steer clear of them. But even when you are one who holds to and submits to the Word of God there is always a period of distrust and broken fellowship due to known harmful “christian” ways which do indeed come from America most of all.
May the Lord grant us grace to repent of any untoward ways we might have and help us to remain steadfast and immovable from all that is true and good in His eyes!
Thank you for this letter!
Preach on Brother! “Synagogues of Satan”? I thought I was being harsh when I would say “Jesus has packed His bags and left the churches in America”. But I like the Westminister Confesion of Faith description better. Yes that is too broad of a paint brush. But he who has ears, let him hear. I think of Revelations where Jesus says to the Church (paraphrasing) “I will spue you out of My mouth because you are lukewarm”. Maybe there is hope for the American church because no doubt it has long passed the lukewarm state and is now very, very cold. Thank you for sharing. Yes, I pray for the Church. And I pray for the remnant! It is a very scary thought as to how Satan has blinded the eyes and stopped the hearing of so many that profess to know and preach the gospel. I remember reading about one of the main stream denomination churches annual meeting wherein they were debating allowing gays into the pulpit. One of the very high ranking persons in that organization made the comment that his position was support by the Bible and God. It became very evident very quickly that his bible and his god were not my Bible and my God. Yes, even now most merciful Heavenly Father, I pray for an awakening to Your will and to Your word. I pray that a stronghold will be raised up and by Your strength and by Your will the stronghold will wrestle back the Church from Satan’s powerful grip. And, alas, we can ONLY do that with You going before us. Please, O God, hear my prayer. And we will always be careful, O God, to give YOU all of the glory and all of the honor and all of the praise that is due Your Holy Name. I pray these things from the depths of my soul in the name of my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen and amen.
Show me anywhere in the Bible where any true prophet described Himself or claimed to be a prophet. We have a false prophet at the beginning of these comments. If she were a prophet she would know that it is much too late for the North American mainstream Church. There are a great many of these self appointed end time prophets who comfort and reassure with their words of wisdom.
Their existence was prophesized 2000 yrs ago by true prophets.
A prophet of God brings detailed and specific knowledge of things to come. He never brings hope or speaks of hope.He just brings awarning. Even Jesus Himself,the ultimate prophet never spoke of hope.
Do not take my word for it check it out with Scripture.
Self appointed prophets are a real danger to true knowledge and understanding. They do not enter the Kingdom of God and stop others from doing so. Their teaching come from self.
Deny your self Gina Carter and repent before it is too late.
I very much appreciate this letter. They heap together teachers because they have itching ears. If they do not like what is being preached,very simple, start a new denomination,cowboy church,biker church,non-denominational church etc.There are churches on every corner,Bibles are plentifull,but no power. Jesus took a few men a turned the world upside down. Its my prayer that people turn off the T.V.,the newspaper,the world and meditate on Gods word day and night,let it become a part of you,and act on it. Again Brother may God bless you,keep speaking the truth in love.
Thanks for this poignant letter. I recently left my church because it is “seeker friendly”. Thanks for confirming that what I did was right. Unfortunately, my 16 year old son still goes there.