This is funny.
Is your bible study group like this?
EDIT 7/14/2021: Unfortunately, this video is no longer available.
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This is funny.
Is your bible study group like this?
EDIT 7/14/2021: Unfortunately, this video is no longer available.
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Winston on Truth says
May 17, 2011 at 12:02 pm“Small Group” behavior… geez, this sounds like many mega-churches I’ve attended!
Yoka god's Opinion says
May 17, 2011 at 2:15 pmSmall Groups with people’s opinions instead of God’s final word in the Bible. I stopped going to those. Bring back the old bible study where the Word was read and studied.
brian says
May 17, 2011 at 5:09 pmToo funny…but please don’t let our shallow culture impact our fellowship. Remember, in Christ, we are (not could be or maybe) a new creation. Personally, I did not do High school very well and so I am thankful for koinonia that does not judge me on my lack of coins! Pardon the corny humor.
If we did small groups as producers instead of consumers, we would all grow.
jason says
May 18, 2011 at 7:37 amfunny, but true. pain is growth, and growth is needed. Trust in the LORD JESUS CHRIST and grow in him.
Dave says
May 18, 2011 at 8:50 amLoved it! Couldn’t stop laughing! Especially loved the comment about growth and growth removal!
But seriously, I’ve actually attended ‘small groups’ where the Word was almost ignored – not good.
Cyndi says
May 24, 2011 at 12:29 pmHow true, how true. I’ve been attending various “studies” for 50 years now, and the best Scripture study I experienced so far is at We really need to go much deeper than just using dictionaries and Strong’s. I am looking forward to having the Dead Sea Scrolls posted online (soon, I hear) with tools to search, etc. Quite a difference between the DDS and the current English translations.
dd2j says
November 30, 2011 at 1:49 pmHey now let’s not make fun of the emerging churches 😉