For this week’s website link roundup, we wanted to highlight a few helpful articles on the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
While the links below are helpful, the most fruitful thing we could possibly do to meditate on these biblical events is to (yes, you guessed it) read the Bible itself. Take His word and focus on God and His cross. What a gift we have been given in Christ Jesus!
Read the following passages:
Why the Insomnia of Jesus Matters to Us
Excellent post on Jesus as our propitiation by Russell Moore:
“Jesus isn’t the anxious sort. He tells us, remember, to be anxious for nothing, to take no thought for tomorrow (Matt 6:25-34). So why is he awake all night, ‘greatly distressed and troubled’ (Mk. 14:33). In the storm, Jesus dismisses the disciples’ terror with a wave of the hand. In the garden, he screams, with loud cries and tears (Heb. 5:7), until the blood vessels in his face explode.”
Evidence for the Resurrection of Christ in a Nutshell
“Just as we test the historicity of any event, not through emotional conviction, but with historical evidence, I would like to devote some time to laying out a brief historical case for the Resurrection of Christ, the central issue of the Christian faith. If Christ rose from the grave, it is all true and we just have to work out the details. If Christ did not raise from the grave, Christians are to be pitied (1 Cor. 15:13-19).”
Jesus’ Tomb Is Empty!
“One of the easiest parts of the resurrection data to establish is the fact that the tomb is empty. Because the location of Jesus’ burial was known to those living in Jerusalem, it would have been unlikely that they would have believed the Apostolic preaching of the resurrection of Christ if there was not an empty tomb. Jesus’ burial is widely attested in early, independent testimonies, both biblical and extra-biblical.”