One of the goals of the Blue Letter Bible is to facilitate the preparation of Bible studies for both personal use and the local church. We know that part and parcel to this is the continual searching, copying, and pasting of verses into emails and word-processor documents. To make this easier, we have introduced a “Copy Feature” which allows users to more easily copy multiple verses for their needs.
Follow these steps to take advantage of this tool.
1. First, you must tell your internet browser to allow the Copy Feature tool to work. If you have not already done this, click here.
2. When you perform a word/phrase search you will notice a checkbox next to each verse result. Click these checkboxes to select which verses you wish to copy.
Helpful Tip! Double-click one of the checkboxes to select all of the boxes. Double-click again to de-select all of the boxes.
3. Click to choose various options for how you want the verses to be copied and later displayed. For example, with the options selected (see image below) the first result would look like this in the end:
1Cr 13:2 ESV – And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.
4. Once you have checked all of the boxes next to the verses you wish to copy and have set the copy options, click the button (next to “Copy Options”) to copy the verses to the clipboard.
What is the “Clipboard”? This is a temporary storage tool used by Mac and Windows. Whenever something is “copied” it is placed on the clipboard. Only one item (a string of text, picture, etc) can be on the clipboard at any one time. To get what is currently on the clipboard users must use the “paste” feature of their program or the standard keyboard shortcuts below.
5. Once you have clicked the copy button, you can open your word-processor document or email program and “paste” the verses in. The exact directions for doing this will vary slightly from program to program, but you may consider using the following standard keyboard shortcuts:
Windows Users: CTRL+V
Mac/Apple Users: Command+V
Would you like to know what else you can do at Blue Letter Bible? Visit our Help Tutorials.
You folks are awesome !!!! Thank you
There should be an option to turn off the bible used. ex. KJV. I only use KJV and it looks odd when I paste my verse and use it in my writings.
I need directions for using the copy feature when I use Google Chrome. I’m currently not using Firefox nor IE very often and I would like to use the Blue Letter Bible copy feature using Chrome. Thanks.