A must-see video:
Reverse Thinking. It’s the result of the new birth—being born again. I’m reminded of the words of Jesus in John 3:
“Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” (John 3:3)
Do you see the kingdom of God? Have you experienced salvation? Do you know your Redeemer?
If so, you have been born again, just like the man in this video. Your thinking has been reversed. The things you once loved, you now hate; the things you once hated, you now love. You have been ushered from death into life.
It’s a beautiful thing!
I love this. Thank you for posting it.
I’m glad you were blessed by it!
That was awesome! I noticed people posting it on facebook, but I ignored it. So glad I took the time to watch this time.
Thank you for reminding us about what we have.
Amen. Glad it was a blessing to you!
Good summary of my experience, although the arrogance and pride I had led me into some pretty scary dark pits. Now lifted up and on a lighted path, I read of our eternal destiny possibilities in the Bible and tremble.
This was SO GOOD Chris!
(You don’t have to post this part, but I wanted you to be aware that there is a pop-up ad by Google that shows at the bottom of the video screen when Play is first pressed. It says: “And I’m a Mormon…” and then a url: http://www.youtube.com/mormon. When I exited the screen and came back to play the video again the pop-up ad appeared again.)
i was wondering why the book of jude was left out. for i was doing some research in which the cross reference lead to the book of Jude and you did not have it although the bibles that i have at home all have them you had left it out. it really is annoing when something is left out. it forces me to go to other resources to find it. i for one am not interested in the retorric of the claims of its authenticity nor any other opinions. i just like to do follow up my research as the evidence leads me. no pun intended. other wise i like it very uch