Pastor Brian Brodersen with an exhortation to God’s people:
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Truth in it’s fullness!
People will only go to hell because they choose it. They choose it often because as humans, we get all worked up about hell, and end up delivering what might be perceived as an angry, hate filled judgement. Yuk!
If this message that Brian points out is to be received, it must be delivered with the same level of love, passion and compassion Brian made this presentation with!
Amen Brother!
Simply what the Bible tells us. Years ago, I would have (and did) rebel against this message and thought it ridiculous. God allowed me to learn some harsh painful lessons that finally led me to faith and repentance, and full acceptance of the Bible, and I am more grateful for my salvation than I can say. The world may simply say ‘older and wiser’, but The Way, The Truth and The Life is SO much more serious than that. How much more than mere life and death!
Well…put; we don’t take it too seriously. Yet, we take cancer very seriously, because it affects our lives here on earth. But what about after we leave earth, well that is the whole crux of the matter. Scripture is very clear that everyone made by God has their appointment set before Him. We will be judged by how we treated the ministry and person of Jesus Christ. Unless we repent we will perish.
When the church has a problem, it is because the world is invading the church instead of the church invading the world. The gospel is intended to be a disturbing element, to change society. Therefore, whenever the church is true to its authentic message, it is always against the status quo. The church is a revolutionary body—it always has been—and we can thus be very much in sympathy with some of the revolutionary movements of our own day. But the difference is that the church challenges the status quo with the power of God, something that no other organization or group can do. — Pastor Ray Stedman (via blb commentary)
I have found that unsaved people don’t believe that we take hell or heaven very serious. In talking with them they say if we really believed in “that” we would live differently. I can’t completely disagree with them look at us we’re chasing the dollar and scared of unemployment just like they are. Most I know including Pastors are more interested in the new electronic toy they just bought then taking the gospel to the poor. Heres a novel idea for you jump on a plane go to a third world country and start helping the poor and the starving, they are interested in the gospel and have no hope whatsoever. Sorry, it’s just that am about done with the americanized version of the gospel!
Jim…I understand your angst, but please allow me to suggest that maybe our focus is a little off; we shouldn’t be looking at others and comparing one another, that will only leave us empty and cold; like the world we live in. True, we have not the authority to judge, but we can inspect for fruit. If there is no salt or light; it is not the gospel.
“the modern intelligent mind, which has had its horizons widened in dozens of different ways, has got to be shocked afresh by the audacious central Fact-that as a sober matter of history God became one of us.” – J.B. Phillips