A friend sent me this video earlier today. It is AWESOME. And encouraging…
In it, the Kimyal People of Papua, Indonesia, celebrate the arrival of the New Testament in their own language.
Consider how zealous these folks are for God’s Word. They put many of us to shame!
[vimeo 16493505 width=”545″ height=”306″]
This video is courtesy of United Bible Societies (UBS), an organization coordinating various national Bible Societies in the translation and distribution of the Bible. UBS is not directly associated with Blue Letter Bible (other than the fact that we both exist to serve Jesus).
we forget how precious Gods word is
I will never take His Word for granted again!
This is simply wonderful!!!Many a times,we forget the importance of what the Word is; this is a wonderful reminder.
oh man. Put to shame is an understatement! I want to desire truth like that. O Lord help me!
This explains Isaiah 42:4c “and the isles shall wait for his law” I am overwhelmed to see this happening in our times. Praise The Lord!
The video isn’t playing. Perhaps it is my computer.
Wow, this was great! I am certainly inspired (and shamed)as I see the hearts of these people. I confess that The Word of God has become too “common” in my heart.
As much as I was so blessed to see the place God’s word has in their hearts, as I was watching I was thinking of the great need these people have of prayer to continue…
1. The Word of God has been sown and I can’t help but to think of the Parable of the Sower in Matthew 13. Needless to say that now the Adversary will come in to attempt to steal the Word of God from the hearts of those people.
2. As I was listening to those pastors I was thinking of the words of Paul in Acts 20:27-32 knowing that Satan will send those (perhaps even from those among them) who would seek to pervert the truth in those Bibles.
3. As I was watching the procession of people usher in the Word of God in that village I was thinking of Matthew 21 in which the same procession of people who ushered in Jesus to Jerusalem riding on a donkey were the same people who did not stand by His side just a few short days later at His arrest and crucifixion.
Big tears on my face, this video really touching my heart. Thank You Lord Jesus for your great love to all the people
Praise Jesus! He is faithful. May he continue to draw more and more into His kingdom.
My tears won’t stop. Praise the Lord!!
Yes, I too bawled because I was convicted, as I saw my brothers and sisters receive the “bread of life” with such joy…and I am reminded of Is 9:2 the people sitting in darkness have seen a great light….and I wept, because I was convicted, there are so many translations available and around us in the West and many of us never take the time to study and learn the scriptures where life exist and where the Son of God is revealed…. I love you Living Word
I believe this points out the great need to go spread the word to all peoples. This is the comandment that God has given to all who are His disciples. One thing we can all do is pray that more people groups will be able to have God’word printed in their language.
Wow! More prople sould see this video and others like this one!
Thankyou Jesus my Lord. & thankyou for the people that send Us this videos WE are so higly Blesst to see these people so happy, tis took me back Of how I felt When GOD revield to me how much JESUS loves US. AMEN
Abba Father, Your Word never returns void but will always accomplish what You desire. Hallelujah Y’Shua! You are so awesome and amazing. Oh that You will pour out ever increasing measures of the Spirit of Christ into the hearts of the Kimyal nation. Protect them from Satan and surround them with Your favor as with a shield. You, through them, have encouraged me greatly. May the wonder of Your Word be rekindled in my heart every day. I am so greatful for Your written words and for Your holy Word. Amen.