A few months ago, Fast Company released the graphic below to illustrate supposed contradictions in the Bible.
Bible Contradictions?
The graphic was produced by career skeptic Sam Harris’ nonprofit foundation Project Reason. Fast Company wrote, “…to anyone who thinks the Bible’s the last word on anything, remember this: It isn’t even the last word on itself.”
Needless to say, Project Reason did not exercise any biblical scholarship in producing this graphic. Now, of course we understand that. Why would they?
Thankfully, The Resurgence was quick to answer Project Reason’s claims on their blog: “This is not new. This chart just wraps-up old claims, which have already been answered, in an awesome piece of design and presentation.”
“A Better Infographic”
Soon after, The Resurgence posted a better infographic that “represents the 63,779 cross-references found in the Bible.”
Now, that looks stunning.
Watchful. Equipped. Prayerful.
I bring up this few-month-old piece because we will inevitably see more attacks on God’s Word in the seasons ahead. This is just one of many. It’s important that we, as followers of Christ (the incarnate Word), are aware of such attacks so that we can be watchful and equipped to defend truth.
And of course, the most important thing we can do is pray that God would open the eyes of the blind so that they themselves can gaze upon the glory of Christ—which we have been graciously shown.
“All flesh is like grass
and all its glory like the flower of grass.
The grass withers,
and the flower falls,
but the word of the Lord remains forever.”And this word is the good news that was preached to you.
(1 Peter 1:24-25 ESV)
Recommended Reading:
The Big Book of Bible Difficulties: Clear and Concise Answers from Genesis to Revelation
by Norman Geisler
This comprehensive volume offers readers clear and concise answers to every major Bible difficulty from Genesis to Revelation, staunchly defending the authority and inspiration of Scripture. Written in a problem/solution format, the book covers over 800 questions that critics and doubters raise about the Bible. Three extensive indices—topical, Scripture, and unorthodox doctrines—offer quick and easy access to specific areas of interest.
The bible is a book most read and less studied.
I will begin taking these anti-christs seriously on the day they will give us cogent and well thought out graphics on the authenticity of ‘holy’ books from other faiths. My bible, until it reached my hand, withstood alot of opposition, slander, attempts at watering down it contents and corrupting it’s message. But here it is safely in my hand. I don’t need no fancy computer models to sway me as to it’s authenticity or lack of. I only need the testimony of the Holy Spirit within me which daily tugs at my conscience and reason, reminding me that God has even honoured his word above all his name. God will keep his word. Absolutely! Of that, I am completely persuaded.
Excellent – “Thank You, Lord!”
This blog is so important because of the command given us in 1 Peter 3:15.
Recently a group of believers were talking about their disgust with Christians who are always trying to deal with issues such as “the age of the earth”, “distant starlight”, “where dinosaurs fit in” etc. They felt that we should just believe by faith and not worry about all that stuff.
I see no room for that way of thinking in light of 1 Peter 3:15! First, while we don’t rest on logic…there is a logical reason to believe that the Bible can be trusted (as discussed above and evidenced in the above recommended reading material). Second, even if we believe…there are many who don’t, and they have real questions that need real answers. If we have no answers, most importantly we have not obeyed 1 Peter 3:15 and the unbelieving world will assume we have no answers and we believe in ignorance.
In today’s age, skepticism in terms of the reliability of scripture is probably the biggest question that we need to be able to defend. We are being told that “Science has dis-proven the Bible”. Sadly many believers have bought in to that and now re-interpret the Bible in order to fit what science has told them is true.
I’m not sure if am able to recommend another ministry on this blog but I would suggest that icr.org and answersingenesis.org would be another place in which believers can equip themselves to walk in obedience to 1 Peter 3:15.
Here’s the thing, NEVER take them, nor their “proofs” seriously, regardless of how “true” it may seem! The Word of God prevails above and beyond all their “proofs” and will ETERNALLY prevail!!!
This blog is so important because of the command given us in 1 Peter 3:15.
Recently a group of believers were talking about their disgust with Christians who are always trying to deal with issues such as “the age of the earth”, “distant starlight”, “where dinosaurs fit in” etc. They felt that we should just believe by faith and not worry about all that stuff.
I see no room for that way of thinking in light of 1 Peter 3:15! First, while we don’t rest on logic…there is a logical reason to believe that the Bible can be trusted (as discussed above and evidenced in the above recommended reading material). Second, even if we believe…there are many who don’t, and they have real questions that need real answers. If we have no answers, most importantly we have not obeyed 1 Peter 3:15, and also the unbelieving world will assume we have no answers and we believe in ignorance.
In today’s age, skepticism in terms of the reliability of scripture is probably the biggest question that we need to be able to defend. We are being told that “Science has dis-proven the Bible”. Sadly many believers have bought in to that and now re-interpret the Bible in order to fit what science has told them is true.
I’m not sure if am able to recommend another ministry on this blog but I would suggest that icr.org and answersingenesis.org would be other places in which believers can equip themselves to walk in obedience to 1 Peter 3:15.
actually I don’t find inconsistencies in the Bible; especially in the New Testament. Something can be taught in at least 2 ways; linearly, such as A=b therefore C is true, etc. Complicated topics are most effectively taught in a different way. Each point that is a factor of the truth or the topic is explained separately and when all the individual factors have been read they can, like a picture puzzle, be put together and the entire complicated picture sees and understood. There are times when Jesus explains things like this.
A critic may look at one factor explained and said is “green”. another factor as “blue”. and then says these are contradictory and the whole Bible is therefore false. No, the entire context and sometimes the whole Bible must be read to see and understand the whole picture. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus is accused of healing by the power of Beelzebub (another term for Satan). Jesus gives 3 or 4 reasons why this is impossible to be true.
Almost all of the hypotheses of Evolution are impossible to have taken place .