This is a continuation of a series on the attributes of God.
When we speak of God’s attributes, we are talking about those characteristics that help us to understand who He truly is. One of these attributes is “immanence.” In other words, God is the immanent one—the one who is “with us.”
Where it is in the Bible
“‘Am I a God near at hand?’ says the LORD, ‘And not a God afar off? Can anyone hide himself in secret places, so I shall not see him?’ says the LORD; “‘Do I not fill heaven and earth?’ says the LORD.”
(Jeremiah 23:23-24)
“He is not far from each one of us; for in Him we live and move and have our being.”
(Acts 17:27-28)
“According to the word that I covenanted with you when you came out of Egypt, so My Spirit remains among you; do not fear!”
(Haggai 2:5)
What it means
Immanence describes a God who is “with us.” He is at hand, working through the minutiae of the lives of His creation to produce a love for and enjoyment of His Word, His Gospel, and Himself. God does not sit back and merely observe a creation which He set in motion millennia ago; He is present and actively participating in His world.
Why it matters
This gives the believer rest in the knowledge that there is no place or situation that is too far to be under God’s protecting hand. Not only does He reign as Sovereign over us, He is also the God who is with and among us. Jesus Himself is the epitome of God’s immanence. He was given the name Immanuel (Isa. 7:14 and Matt. 1:23), which means “God with us.” He condescended from His throne on high not to merely be among us, but to redeem us from the power and penalty of sin (Phil. 2:5-11).
How does this truth minister to you? Let us know in the comments below.
Jacobeth says
August 13, 2015 at 1:13 amThank you so much for making the attributes of God clear to us. I read the truth but was left wondering at the end… so how does “God with us” work? Jesus is no longer with us… but he repeatedly told his disciples that His Helper, the Holy Spirit is about to come…
I find great comfort knowing that part of the Godhead is with us every moment to guide and comfort us, to convict us of sin and to help us overcome that sin. To me; even more important than the references of God telling us about His involvement through His Word, showing himself through angels etc. and Jesus having Himself walked this earth; remains this amazing mystery and pure grace… the presence of His Spirit, the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the grave… His wonderful, beautiful, loving Spirit is with me every day wherever I am. Actually I am wrong and this is even better… He is with ALL* of us, at the same time, available… how incredible is that – it blows my mind!!!!
(*ALL implies those that accepts and believe on the name of Jesus Christ and His perfect work on the cross)
I so enjoy the Blue Letter Bible website and recommend it to everyone. Thank you for hosting this remarkable work that opens up so much of Scripture to me.
May you reap a harvest thousand fold.
Kindest regards,
Jacobeth from Cape Town, South Africa