“Let brotherly love continue.” (Hebrews 13:1)
The New Testament resounds with the command to love the “brothers,” an idiom for fellow believers in the faith (Matt. 22:39; John 13:34; Rom. 13:8; 1 Cor. 13; 1 Peter 1:22; 1 John 2:10; 3:10, 4:7). The word “love” used in Hebrews 13:1 is φιλαδελφία transliterated from the Greek as philadelphia which means “Love of brothers or sisters, brotherly love; in the NT the love which Christians cherish for each other as brethren.” We all have heard of Philadelphia before because it is known as the city of brotherly love.
Christians are to love one another because Jesus has loved them first.
1 Thessalonians 4:9 declares, “Now concerning brotherly love you have no need for anyone to write to you, for you yourselves have been taught by God to love one another.” Loving other believers should be as easy as falling off a log. Christians should not wait to get to church where they can drink in the fellowship of the godly. For the early church, the fellowship of their new brothers and sisters was delectably mysterious to them and they rejoiced in plumbing the depths of each other’s souls.
Brotherly love is to be a telltale sign of the salvation of the people of God.
As the Apostle John would later write in 1 John 3:14, “We know that we have passed out of death into life, because we love the brothers. Whoever does not love abides in death.” The impulse of the early church to brotherly love provided a sweet, inner self-authentication. It also announced to the world that their faith was the real thing as noted in John 13:35, “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
What a glorious phenomenon brotherly love is, a sense of the same paternity—a brotherly and sisterliness taught by God—a desire to climb into each other’s souls, a sweet inner authentication, and the sign of the real thing to the world.
Christians are to practice brotherly love.
Inwardly, this requires that we will consider the stupendous implications of our shared regeneration, that we truly are brothers and sisters. And those terms “brother” and “sister” are more than sentimental notions. Though we are millions, we share only one Father. And we will still be brothers and sisters when the sun is no more. God is pleased when brothers and sisters dwell together in unity (Psalm 133 and John 17). Our status as brothers and sisters in Christ is truly an eternal bond to be treasured. Outwardly, we must will to say and do only those things that will enhance our philadelphia. Furthermore, we must will to love one another because of the gospel.
Jesus commanded brotherly love.
When Jesus readied his disciples on the night of his arrest, he gave them one clear command to guide them in the days ahead:
“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you” (John 15:12).
As we look at the message of Hebrews 13:1, it must be noted the Book of Hebrews was sent to a body of Jewish believers who were tempted to revert from Christianity back to Judaism in order to escape persecution. The great refrain of Hebrews is both a warning against apostasy, against a falling away from the faith, and an exhortation to hold fast to Christ for salvation. Five times this warning is given in one form or another, including the one at the end of chapter 12 referring to the voice of God in the gospel: “See that you do not refuse him who is speaking” (v.25).
Not unlike Jesus on the night of his departure from the twelve disciples, the writer of Hebrews prepares to leave his readers, and in this last chapter he gives his final words of exhortation. It is no surprise, therefore, that he begins in the same manner Jesus did, exhorting them in verse 1 to “Let brotherly love continue.” Hebrews 13 begins with a command for Christians to take seriously, “Let brotherly love continue.” We are to live continually by this principle as Christianity is all about being in the family of God. And the church is to be a community characterized by family love.
Francis Schaeffer on Christian love
One person who wrote much about Christian love was Francis Schaeffer. Much of his life was caught up in church disputes that were quite divisive. Schaeffer was known as a powerful defender of Christian doctrines, yet at the same time he strove to maintain love within the body of believers. One of his books begins with these words:
“Through the centuries men have displayed many different symbols to show that they are Christians. They have worn marks in the lapels of their coats, hung chains about their necks, even had special haircuts. But there is a much better sign. It is a universal mark that is to last through all ages of the church until Jesus comes back.”1
That mark is love among Christians, and Schaeffer proves it with Jesus’ teaching of John 13:35, “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” This is a conditional statement predicated on the reality that if we love one another, the result will be that people will see this as the mark identifying the disciples of Jesus.
In another of his excellent books Schaeffer writes, “Evangelism is a calling but not the first calling. A Christians first call is to return to the first commandment to love God, to love the brotherhood, and then to love one’s neighbor as himself.”2 This means we are to show love as an essential part of our witness, but more importantly because God is love and we are called to be like Him in the world. The Apostle John puts this in challenging terms:
“Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love” (1 John 4:7-8).
Simply put, loving others is an outflow of our relationship with God. It is how we show gratitude for His love to us.
Christian love is a fruit of the new birth, a necessary by-product of becoming a Christian. To love one another is not a suggestion; it is a command grounded in the finished work of Jesus Christ. When Christians love one anothe, they bear each other’s burdens (Gal. 6:1) and seek to faithfully live out the “one another” passages in the New Testament. All of this is because of the Gospel which provides the basis for loving God and loving others.
Brothers and sisters, let’s love one another because of the great work of God’s grace. The Christian who has been born again can’t help but love his brothers and sisters in Christ because they know it is the love of God in Christ that has wooed and won them over. The world doesn’t get this. They are greatly confused about love. So let us all the more love one another as Jesus has loved us and demonstrate His love within the confines of our local churches and to a watching world to the glory of God.
Dave, I just wanted to say that I really appreciated this post. Thank you so much for putting time into sharing the Word of God and building up the saints. Keep “Provoking to love and good works” dear brother.
Your brother and fellow servant in Christ,
Mark Carnehl
Jesus is calling me to this Love, This unconditional Love right now in my Life. I assure everyone who reads this post that my spirit is willing but the flesh is far weaker than I could have ever thought, in fact in my case it will only be by Jesus’ power and might that I can do what is being asked because I know I can’t !!!
Earlier this week he asked me choose Him over my feelings toward my husband and some very ungodly behavior even if it meant our paths to him might take separate courses. I thought I knew what that looked like until yesterday when Jesus said now forgive him and love him even if you don’t currently like him or what’s he’s doing or the choices he is making.
Be a good wife and yield to the Word of God not your emotions, let the hurt go and betrayal go, and now choose forgiveness and love instead!
Not when your husband is delivered but today even now while he’s in sin. Not after the mocking spirit is gone, but now while it continues to mock God and you to your very core!
Not when I have shown him how deceived by flesh he has been but now while the deceiver wants to hug you!
Not when all Pride and Flesh has been stripped but now when it looks you in the eye with self righteousness and slings the Word of God at you without realizing the consequences or fruit of its actions.
I am here to testify upon waking a few minutes ago with a terribly strong feeling of the actual vileness of the whole situation and letting the Lord Jesus bring me here I realize the actual impossibility that I can do this alone.
I stand here and truly know that I know I can not do this but thought Him who loved me first, through Him who chose me.
When I said I chose him earlier this week on a higher level than I had before I never knew he would bring me to the end of my capacity in less than three days. To the end of self deeper than the depths of a women’s heart….
In order to continue letting him lead me closer into who he created me to be and to continue the forward motion of taking additional ground for the Kingdom of Heaven I must choose Love even as the spit rolls down my cheek.
All I can say is WOW and let go and let him!!!
I prayed a few minutes ago before I came here and admitted I couldn’t do it, in fact I was absolutely honest and spoke the truth that I didn’t even want to but that His Will Be Done Not My Own… Change my heart to your will and ways.
I have now lived that moment over with him. I would call it the moment of impact and realization of ones spiritual death in him.
I have my peace back, I am at rest, and I know my Christ will now handle the rest. I am still RAW to the Core, I feel like all my skin has been picked off and the wind is blowing upon uncovered nerves but I have a overwhelming sense of well being.
A truly unexplainable one. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, and I am.
I am walking out my own salvation, this life and situations are only the testing grounds for our Love.
the practice fields for eternity somehow what is happening in my life not matter how ugly and vile it felt before it suddenly seems like a far off horizon I can see but that can’t impact me.
For the Love of Christ Surpasses All Understanding!!!
God be With you all and Bless even those who offend his name, Amen.
I thank you dear sister for taking the time to articulate how the revelation of His Way in, through and around you is coming to pass.
Even though the particulars of our situations as Kingdom of God minded professors are as specifically different as perhaps east is from the west, I recognize through your words, the soul wrestling which is accompaning you, as you have purposed to continue IN THE WORD to BE
who you ARE in Christ.
His Word will not return void – and will accomplish that for which He has intended.
Of course it goes without saying that ‘you’ are not alone – but please also know that even as I write this, you may never know how your taking the time to write any of this down, to flesh out what Holy Spirit is showing you – that one, even such as myself will be led to read and be inspired to pursue who it is that they are coming to know themselves in Christ as being as well.
May we reason together knowing that He can use us to facilitate the process of formulating sound, biblically grounded mindsets – – even as it is His goodness which leads us to do so (repent).
Amen 🙂 Thomas see you by the River!
“In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. Lexicon / Concordance for John 14:2
Jhn 14:3″If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also.