In celebration of Reformation Day, we invite you to take a look at our related resources on Blue Letter Bible. Preservation of the Gospel is as much a priority today as it was in 1517, when Martin Luther strove to return the church to purity of faith in the midst of growing corruption. He challenged the church to withdraw from human influences back to a life founded upon the Word of God through his issuance of Ninety-Five Theses. Our other works by Luther include: his commentary on the book of Galatians and articles on the Incarnation. Also available are theCreeds, Catechisms & Confessions, which help reinforce the value of remaining true to the foundation of our Christian faith. Finally, be encouraged and inspired by listening to these three messages from Kevin Otsuji: “Here We Stand”, “The Just Shall Live by Faith”, and “A Mighty Fortress is Our God”.
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May our Lord Jesus Christ be praised. Thank you for your writings.