This blog post is based on Bob Hoekstra’s popular devotional Day By Day By Grace. For previous posts in this series, click here.
“I, the LORD, have called You in righteousness, and will hold Your hand; I will keep You and give You as a covenant to the people.” (Isaiah 42:6)
In these words, the Father is describing the call of His Messiah. “I, the LORD, have called You in righteousness.” Also, the Father is promising full participation in His Messiah’s mission. “I, the LORD…will hold Your hand; I will keep You.” This would be essential, because the Messiah would go forth as a humble, dependent Servant (“My Servant”-Isaiah 49:6): “taking the form of a servant…He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross” (Philippians 2:7-8).
Jesus as covenant
Then, the Father offers this great promise of Christ’s primary role in going forth to earth. “I will…give You as a covenant to the people.” Jesus Christ Himself would be given to God’s people as His new covenant with them. The new covenant of grace was supplanting the old covenant of law. Yet, it was not just a matter of prescribing new terms. Rather, a Person was being given who would be the sum and substance of the covenant. “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us… full of grace and truth” (John 1:14).
The new covenant of grace
God has a new covenant of grace for His people, and it is all related to a Person, the Lord Jesus Christ. He Himself is the embodiment of all that the new covenant promises. In the new covenant, the Lord promises righteousness. This righteousness is found in a Person. “‘Behold, the days are coming,’ says the LORD, ‘That I will raise to David a Branch of righteousness; a King shall reign and prosper, and execute judgment and righteousness in the earth. In His days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell safely; now this is His name by which He will be called: THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS'” (Jeremiah 23:5-6). Peace is promised in this covenant of grace. This peace is also found in a Person. “But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been made near by the blood of Christ. For He Himself is our peace” (Ephesians 2:13-14). Yes, all that the Lord promises by grace is entered into initially, and continually, by a humble, dependent relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Messiah is also a Light to the Gentiles
“I, the LORD, have called You in righteousness, and will hold Your hand; I will keep You and give You as a covenant to the people, as a light to the Gentiles…It is too small a thing that You should be My Servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved ones of Israel; I will also give You as a light to the Gentiles, that You should be My salvation to the ends of the earth.” (Isaiah 42:6 and 49:6)
Good news for the Gentiles
God’s promises were much larger than solely reaching His chosen people, Israel. “It is too small a thing that You should be My Servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved ones of Israel.” God wanted His light to shine out into the nations. “I will also give You as a light to the Gentiles.” The Father wanted His saving grace to extend throughout the world: “that You should be My salvation to the ends of the earth.”
At the appropriate time, Jesus also instructed His followers in the worldwide dimensions of His mission. “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations…Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature…that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem…But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth” (Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:15; Luke 24:47; and Acts 1:8).
Dear Father, I praise You for Your grace. I rejoice that the provisions of grace are not about performance or procedure, but are about developing a relationship with Your Son, Jesus Christ. Lord, how extensive are Your promises. I thank You that they reached to me. Yet, I need my thinking to be enlarged by Your promises. Transform my vision and my prayers to include the entire world, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Amen and Amen
Such a great prayer and a wonderful post! Thank you Chris and BLB for blessing us with it and may we all have the peace that only grace can give.
Grace by laura story
Dear Father,
I praise You for Your grace. I rejoice that the provisions of grace are not about performance or procedure, but are about developing a relationship with Your Son, Jesus Christ. Lord, how extensive are Your promises. I thank You that they reached to me. Yet, I need my thinking to be enlarged by Your promises. Transform my vision and my prayers to include the entire world, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Tess…Blessings in his wonderful and matchless Name. It is the name that is above all names, and the one at which every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess, Jesus is Lord.
Tess you said…
Thank you so much for this prayer. Holy spirit filled and such an encouragement. I pray it with you. Amen!”
I say today, thank you for your heartfelt encouragement. Hbr 10:24-25 I thank you for your sweet gentle spirit that oozes his precious love. What a joy to be in Unity with his majestic promises. Num 23:19 His Word is enough.
Blessings in Jesus,
Ya it’s a great post reminding us of the mystery—Jews and Gentiles are fellow heirs.
Comment about Jesus being a servant–
* I was just thinking about this today, how Jesus Christ had such a Humble mind-set, and God encourages us to do the same Eph.4:2.
Jesus could have said in his personal ministry while showing everyone around him the Will of God, showing them the power God gave him to heal the sick, cast out devil spirits, showing signs and miracles, showing–well you get the idea. He could have said “I’m THE Son of God and do what “I” say” with a little of an ego, BUT he didn’t. (A KING) being as a servant, bond slave, serving whoever wanted to believe and just kept on serving.
That’s Humility baby, Humility. Instead he gave and gave some more again and again.
Man o Man!!!
Now You have Christ IN YOU–for what he decided to DO.
It’s hard to even think about how Loving he was and is.
Well just look at the leper he hugged when everyone else rejected, and he was healed.
Just think YOU have that same power behind hugging someone around you, who do you know that everyone has rejected? Go hug them and heal them!
Anyway, my thoughts of the day, and here you have this post.
Good job Chris, God’s working in you.
P.S. “we just can’t afford to be afraid to give at tough times like that.”
Amen. Precious encouragement. Thank you.
The flight of the moth – Always “x” number of degrees off.
So too with Traditional Christian Theology due to hundreds of years of use. Very difficult to get ourselves away from “Tradition” and on to the WOG. Mat 15:2-9 HNV, Mar 7:3-9 HNV, Col 2:8 HNV, 2Th 3:6 HNV.
After looking through all the scripture versions BLB offers, the closest I came to the phrase “Covenant of Grace” was Hbr 10:29 HNV and that verse speaks of the “Spirit of grace” (small “g”), no “covenant”.
Jesus did cut the “New Covenant”, Jer 31:31-34 HNV that YAHWEH made with Israel by HIS shed BLOOD. There is nothing more to add for the sake of, can I say pontification, without offense? Too many offended feelings out there by the way…
The horrible use of the word “supplanting” by Bob serves as a good example. The New Covenant, Jer 31:31-34 HNV as fulfilled by the Messiah and as evidenced by HIS Resurrection ratifies and fulfills the “old covenant of law” it does not supplant it. If anybody reading this makes any attempt to follow, let’s say the “Big 10”, then they are following the so called “supplanted old covenant of the law”. This is a glaring contradiction in theology to me.
The New Testament is forgiveness. Grace is the benefit of this forgiveness. The witness of Israel, Judah (praised), Job is that no matter how rigorously we try we are guilty before righteousness that is God.
Gal 5:13-14, 5:18-26, Jam 2:8-13, Rom 5:20.
Blindness does not yet accept this fulfillment. The only perfect obedience and sacrifice, our Lamb, our Father.
Hbr 7:19-22, 8:1-13
SHEMA Deu 6:4-9 HNV – OT
Amen, brother.
The ten commandments are life for all who abide with them in their heart. Only Jesus can return the sheep who would be lost otherwise.
Rom 4:16, Gal 2:21, 5:4
You missed my point about Big 10.
There is no “supplanting” (replacing)happening concerning Grace vs. LAW.
Jerry, thank you for this. I appreciate your “Berean Spirit.
Some people have more sensitive digestive systems than others. I like spicy peppers. They make me sweat and give me tingling sensations. My wife will go nowhere near them. I’ve seen people eat chicken wings bones and all. Not me, i eat the meat and spit out the bones. I can appreciate individual differences.
Your point about deviation from the truth of the Word through tradition of men and folks becoming offended is valid and very real. Especially (IMHO)in the North American church where we call everyone’s tradition into question,except our own.
For me, the author’s stating that Christ himself is the covenant in the very first paragraph, Is 42:6 is enough for me, because I know grace is found in Christ.
Does that mean that because the word does not state the actual consecutive combination of words “covenant of grace” that such a thing does not exist? Again, your point of tradition is well taken. And if that is not enough for you, “eat the meat and spit out the bones”.
For instance, the article you linked about “EVOLUTION” is a bone that I spit out because I don’t believe in evolution.
Lastly, I don’t understand your taking issue with the author’s use of the word “supplanting”. MW defines the word as: “to take the place of and serve as a substitute for especially by reason of superior excellence or power”
In closing, I want to make it clear, I’m not arguing just discussing your comments. I appreciate very much what you have to say and there is much validity to be gleaned in your comments. I especially appreciate your “Berean” Spirit and your points about the “traditions of men”
May the grace which is in Christ Jesus be with you always,
In His Service, Co-laboring,
Hey Breaux! Whadda ya kneaux! – Sorry, couldn’t resist and I can’t promise it wont happen again either…I like your name.
Seriously, thanks for the conversation here.
IMHO – We must be careful of contrived phrases like “covenant of grace” and readings (readings are different from translations) of scripture, even if they can point to a particular truth, similar to what was done in Gen 3:1 HNV. This technique is used by cults like Peoples Temple, Branch Davidians, Unification Church, and International Society for Krishna Consciousness, etc. I’m not saying Bob Hoekstra’s spouting cultic philosophy, just the traditional readings resulting from mis-translations of scripture from one language and culture to the next and then to the next over many hundreds of years that we (including myself) were brought up on from pulpit to pulpit, namely “Replacement Theology” or “NT Theology”. Look it up to learn more.
My link was for the scientific knowledge of the moth’s flight pattern only. Always “x” degrees off from the light.
The use of the word “supplanting” reinforces “Replacement Theology” which is a False Teaching”.
Ephesians 3:8-25 🙂
Thank You, God, for Your Salvation available to anyone who will answer Your call, accept Christ Jesus as their Savior, and live their lives serving You…bringing You the glory You deserve forever!
I am so grateful for all the sermons and writings that are available on BLB. I’m grateful for everything available on BLB website and BLBi…and I make great use of it all…constantly growing in the Word. Such a blessing!
Amen Callie!
Romans 13:9-14; Romans 14:1-13
Tess, the Holy Spirit uses you with knowing insight and kind words to welcome all into the body of Christ. Jesus in you is manifest. Our Lord’s prayer is life eternal.
Jhn 17:1-26
Our Father in loving creation is not willing that any should perish. 2Pe 3:9
I was just praising the Lord in song today and wanted to share with all of you. I hope Chris and BLB will not mind.
For Bob-Thank you! You are an awesome pilot for the Spirit of God and trustworthy steward of the City On A Hill. Matthew 5:14; Isaiah 52:12 Angel Flight by unknown artist City On A Hill-Casting Crowns Ellsworth Kansas by Jason Crabb Isaiah 40:26; Job 12:12
For Donna-Thank you–You’re love and praises to God are truly inspiring. Psalm 119:48 God Bless The Broken Road by Rascal Flatts
For Callie-Thank you. Though you seldom speak your words always are full of thanksgiving and lovingkindness. Psalm 143:8 Tenderly Calling by John Denver
For Steve-Thank you for reminding me to tremble.
1 Chronicles 16:29-31 Tremble by Nichole Nordeman
For Jerry S. Thank you for your for your insights and diligence to the Great I AM. Psalm 77:5-6 Spirit Wind by Casting Crowns Names Of God by unknown artist
For Jim-Thank you. Your measure ever increases through the love you show to all of us. Proverbs 8:11
For Chris-Thank you for bringing us the voice of Truth.
Isaiah 52:6-8
You all are such an encouragement to me and I thank God for you. I hope I didn’t miss anyone but I’m sure I must have. If so please forgive the oversight.
God is life. His Word is inspiration (instilling of Spirit) and life. He would not have condemnation and death but because of self-ish-ness and the hardness of the hearts of the world there are the unrighteous. God calls, He pleads for people to choose life. There is only one God and none else. We are to be lights in this world not ministers of condemnation. There is only one way.
Mat 5:7-48, 1Cr 13:7-13, Mat 7:1, Luk 6:37
Whoops, I need to look before submitting. Mat 5:1-48, 1Cr 13:1-7
Read “My Utmost For His Highest” 7/22/13 Luke 14:26 NHV.
There is a “process of sanctification” and the entire WOG is the measuring ruler that is used and the (active, not supplanted) LAW is a good portion of it.
Jesus is the culmination, the purpose of the entire Word of God
Is 45:23, Rom 14:11, Phil 2:10-11
Dan 3:28, 6:22, Act 12:11, Rev 22:6
Rev 22:16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, [and] the bright and morning star.
Psa 40:10, Isa 45:22, 46:9, Mat 7:1, Luk 6:37
Jhn 1:16 And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace.
Jhn 1:17 For the law was given by Moses, [but] grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.
But, that fact does not “supplant” any part of the WOG. I believe this is where the error occurs in NT Theology reading of scripture.
Great quote
God doesn’t call the qualified.
He qualifies the called.
I agree he’s working on me