Believers are called to holy living. This is the clear teaching of the Bible.
Throughout this next blog series, we want to consider the question:
“How then does the believer cultivate holiness?”
The first way is to know and love Scripture. Today we will discuss the second:
Second, consider yourself dead to sin and alive in Christ.
If you are a Christian, you already are. Claim that. Regard yourself as dead to the dominion of sin and as alive to God in Christ (Rom. 6:11).
“To realize this,” writes Martyn Lloyd-Jones, “takes away from us that old sense of hopelessness which we have known and felt because of the terrible power of sin. I can say to myself that not only am I no longer under the dominion of sin, but I am under the dominion of another power that nothing can frustrate.”1
This is not implying that because sin no longer reigns over us as believers we have license to forgo our duty to fight against sin. Jerry Bridges rightly admonishes us, “To confuse the potential for resisting sin (which God provided) with the responsibility for resisting (which is ours) is to court disaster in our pursuit of holiness.”2
Westminster’s Shorter Catechism balances God’s gift and our responsibility when stating, “Sanctification is the work of God’s free grace, whereby we are renewed in the whole man after the image of god, and are enabled more and more to die unto sin, and to live unto righteousness”.3
Seek to cultivate a growing hatred of sin as sin, for that is the kind of hatred against sin that God possesses. Recognize that God is worthy of obedience not only as the Judge, but especially as a loving Father. Say with Joseph in temptation “He is not greater in this house than I am, nor has he kept back anything from me except you, because you are his wife. How then can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?” (Gen. 39:9).
The person who considers himself or herself dead to sin also looks for heart-idols. Pray for strength to uproot them and cast them out.
What about you? How do you think Romans 6:11 helps you cultivate holiness?
1 D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Romans: An Exposition of Chapter 6—The New Man (Edinburgh: Banner of Truth Trust, 1972) , 144).
2 Jerry Bridges, The Pursuit of Holiness (Colorado Springs: Navpress, 1978), 60.
3 Question 35.
“How then does the believer cultivate holiness?”
Wow I love this question, and teaching, it’s rare to come across a teaching that doesn’t condemn us to our sins in some way shape or form.
What this question does is gets us to think about the power you have WITH God because of the Christ in YOU. How do we cultivate?
Well do we plant a tomato plant and just leave it alone?
Do we water just on a hit and miss attitude?
Do we just water and only water and ignore the weeds that may pop up? Do we put up with the weeds for a moment, for a couple of days and have the attitude,”o-it’ll be alright until I get to it.”
Now with those questions, put a person in place of that tomato plant. Is that Love?
This teaching gets us to think about your Brother or Sister in Christ. If you see a need, “o-she’ll be alright until I get to it or have time.” WoW
But instead we take the time to Love someone, edify with the Word of God, the truth. Isn’t true, that it’s the TRUTH is the only thing that can set someone FREE?
* Feed people the truth and only the TRUTH. Didn’t Jesus Christ say, “I’m the Way, the Truth, and Life”?
* Follow up on the person and get them to release the truth you taught them and see how it helped them.
* Knowing the TRUTH yourself will be a great factor on making an impact with them. Knowing–meaning your applying it yourself so you and the person can “full share”.
* What did they do in Acts 2 after the Day of Pentecost? Again how do we cultivate? Search the scriptures DAILY, Fellowship DAILY, brake bread DAILY, meeting the need DAILY, prayers DAILY, and before all of this fellowship with the individual or individuals to understand where there at as in there attitude toward the Word of God by receiving it with gladness. If that isn’t present, then teach on that first. Why? Because it’s important that we all come to the TRUTH WITH Humility of mind, with meekness. Meek to me? NO, NO, NO, wouldn’t you know it, it’s the TRUTH that sets us free, not what I, I, I, say. ok.
Then respect will build and a great relationship between each other and then for more cultivation, have LONGSUFFERING with eachother, then for more cultivation, FOREBEAR one another in LOVE.
DIDN’T this article talk about LOVE? MAN O MAN.
“Second, consider yourself dead to sin and alive in Christ.”
Consider HOW? Logically conclude yourself dead to, TO, sin and alive in Christ. A living sacrifice in fellowship with God, instead of a dead sacrifice for God. Romans 12:1,2.
These are HUGE words here, Dead TO sin, your dead to it, no longer has authority over you. Why? Your God’s son, God created something (holy spirit) in you, YOU have something God created with in YOU, a part of God in YOU, no longer a body and soul person, But complete in Him, God in Christ in YOU– Body, soul and spirit which is complete in the, The Hope of Glory.
We belong to God now, NOT the world anymore, we received the VICTORY, we have the VICTORY, now and in the FUTURE.
thank you Dave, Tess and Jim for such excellent fellowship in Him.
Off Topic-
“The instruments/equipment, the priestly ordinances and courses, the tabernacle/temple detailed at Sinai” – These all speak in perfect detail of the Perfect Sacrifice all before HIS half Jewish flesh was born, crucified and resurrected. The “intent” of HIM was always available, no need to have waited for particular time/age/dispensation to reap what HE sowed, even before it was actually sown, Luk 2:25-39 HNV. Also notice the SPIRIT at work in the hearts of man and woman before Acts 2 HNV.
“Christians are grafted into the true vine.” Also remember part B, Rom 11:11-27 HNV, the entire Book of Romans was written by Paul to combat “Replacement Theology”.
“the spirit of the law.” I wonder how that phrase would go over in Traffic Court? The LAW either is or it is not. No one gets to decide for themselves what the intent is and justify our actions accordingly. “The road to hell is paved with good intentions”.
“God is the purpose for the former practices.” – Rather, salvation of mankind thru the Hebrew Messiah is the purpose.
“There is one God.” Shema, Deu 6:4-9 HNV.
P.s. Careful of Emotion engaged by our senses and too often mistaken for Faith, Gen 3:6 HNV.
Here is a comment, one from the multitude of blogs that lends insight.
Hey Bob,
God Bless in our Powerful name Jesus Christ,
I did check that out with David Flowers–ya that was good, he has a great grip on the Word dealing with condemnation–teachings that condemn–teachings that break you down–teachings that put you closer to death instead of lifting you up–teachings that are wrongly-divided and runs against the Word of God which in return runs against God’s Will.
Thanks–I think I just met a new friend that confronts stupidity in this stupid world’s false convictions. David Flowers
I like what he said about the relationship with Us and God–God will work within us to help, build up someone “to make right”. There is so much that is wrong, so how do you help someone that is in the wrong–and bring them to the right?
* Like I said above–It’s the rightly-divided TRUTH AND LOVE.
Define Love–if you study the Word of God–you’ll find out there’s basically 3 types of LOVE.
1. agape –The Love of God
2. phileo –Man’s love
3. eros –sexual love
Most Christians mistake the phileo love and agape love up and then get undesired results–them wonder why things aren’t going there way.
What does the Love of God really mean then, if it’s soooo important.
We have to go to the Word of God to see.
Corn. talks about it.
Ephesians talks about it.
Romans talks about it.
What did Jesus say about this agape?
When studying the Word of God on this–You’ll come to an understanding as you decide to Love in this manner–at the same time–Your renewing your mind to the Word of God which is the TRUTH.
TO have the Love of God–what happens if you take out the renewed mind like Romans12:2 says? Just a question and I think you’ll understand.
Well for example–let’s take Ephesains:
Ephesians is rooted and grounded in LOVE.
Ephesians instructs us to WALK IN THIS LOVE.
Ephesians instructs us to forebear one another in this LOVE.
Ephesians instructs or encourages us to not only walk in love, but in the Light, and circumspectly.
Ephesians instructs us to speak the Word in LOVE–WHY is this soooo important?
Ok now–Ephesians 4:2–
Here’s the order in which the Word of God was written.
We are instructed to have:
* Humility of mind
* Meekness
* Longsuffering
* Forebearing one another in (WHAT) LOVE (agape)
Now–can you work this list backwards? NO
You can’t have Love with out Humility !
You can’t have Love with out Meekness !
Anyway–enough of my typing–
God Bless
I thought there was NT theology mixed in your comments. Bob, we need to take council in the entire WOG and not to the exclusion of any part. Theology from anything less would be false. The decedents of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were exiled from the land in 70 AD with the Promise of return, nothing more. Look to the Babylonian Exile, 2Ch 36 HNV, Jer 25 HNV, Jer 29 HNV, Dan 1 HNV, Dan 9 HNV any apply.
Let me say, following Jesus Christ and thin skin is a difficult mixture and in my opinion, not a good sign, Mat 13:21 HNV, 2Ti 3:12 HNV.
How is the WOG observed, in the heart or with outward identities? The children of the Father will manifest His Holy Spirit. Heb 10:19, 1Pe 1:2, 1Jo 1:7, Eph 2:13, Hbr 13:20
The entire WOG is His will, the beginning, patriarchs, prophets and the church. They are the expression of God. God will judge between the sheep and the goats.
Israel is the repository for the knowledge of God in this world. Salvation has been effected through Israel.
Well, let’s stay with the entire WOG not the entire WWW. We can find all we want to hear and tickle our ears with it there. Blogs are 9/10ths sales and self promotion 1/10th information so we’ll not be dragged there.
You ask – “How is the WOG observed, in the heart or with outward identities?” I’ll repeat my answer from 2 or 3 replies ago. The Shema, Deu 6:4-9 HNV.
Mat 25:31-46 HNV explains the sheep and goats and who they are.
Exd 34:27 HNV, Deu 7:6 HNV – The Jews are the Creator of all things chosen people amongst the nations of people.
God is the Creator. Who did the choosing of the chosen people? Jdg 7:2-4
The story is fairly well known and documented in about the middle section of “in the beginning” – Gen 12 HNV through Gen 25:10 HNV.?? I’ll admit I’m not sure of your counterpoint though.
The generation of Israel that rebelled against God their Father at Kadesh died in the desert. Ephraim, Manasseh and the other 8 tribes were removed when they left God their Father. Now Judah and Benjamin are known as Jews. God is the glory of the Jews who would perish through their rejection of He Who comes in the Name of the Lord except that He is faithful to fulfill His promises. Mat 21, Jhn 1:3, Col 1:16
Mat 19:7, Mar 10:19, Luk 18:19, Rom 11:7-10, 26-29, Mat 23:37-39, Luk 13:34-35
Pardon me the comment should have mentioned the other 7 tribes, Levites are interspersed among the tribes.
Yes, that Generation died in the wilderness, but their clothing and sandals never wore out and all were provided for and they entered the Promised Land.
“Ephraim, Manasseh and the other 8 tribes were removed when they left God their Father.” When were they removed? When were the tribes of Benjamin and Judah left as the last tribes in existence (if that’s what you’re implying)? Where are you getting this from?
Please realize that ALL are condemned if we reject the Hebrew Messiah, not Jews alone.
It boils down to this with the Replacement / NT Theology that it seems you believe in – When the scriptures, OT or NT, have a negative implication, then that scripture applies to Israel, but when the scripture has a positive implication, then it applies to the NT Believers. It just doesn’t work that way when interpreting the WOG (or life for that matter). We don’t get to pick and choose scripture to fit what we want it to be, we must take the whole lump or no lump. This Theology leans toward Anti-Semitism. Mat 13:33 HNV, Gal 5:9 HNV.
Spinning around on a Carousel with you debating does have its limits. I’m ready to move on to the Roller Coaster, remember to let go of the bar, it’s more fun – I’ll leave the last word to you.
Rom 6:11 and the question of cultivating Holiness reminded me immediately of 2 Cor 5:17 and Gal 2:20.
Sin remains after we are saved, but it is no longer our master. We are “Saints” who may sin, but no longer “Sinners” who serve sin.
I know a writer’s intent can be confused by readers of a short comment. Not to be picky, but let me ask to clarify because it is a crucial point in understanding what you want to say.
You write – “We are “Saints” who may sin”, it’s the word “may” that gives me pause to ask for more. By the choice of the word “may”, are you saying we (saints) are “allowed” to sin or “might” (as in inevitable) sin?
Saints we are, and that’s how God sees us as His children, isn’t that up lifting?
Now, the word “may”, that simple–it’s all about the “freedom of Will”, we may sin, or we can control our minds to the Word or have the unrenewed mind according to the Word. Simple.
Now the problem starts with “People” instead of the “Word”. Why is that? Well, people are always trying to make there sins good, basically in some way, shape, or form, then it gets worse–they try to USE the Word to support it.
Saints are allowed to sin. Why is that? Simple again, it’s all about have that law of “Freedom of Will”.
When are we going to stop making up excuses for our sins and stop blaming something or someone else? Not saying your doing that J., it’s just I work with a lot of Believers and help them in this category and after they admit it, the healing starts right at that time.
Jerry–Why do you think in some areas of the Word of God–the word “might, or may” come up? Because it’s up to the believer to “believe with action or NOT”. And this is another big one believers seem to get all scrarrrly on–God can’t make you DO SOMETHING. Why? Freedom of Will.
For example, Ephesians 3:17
That Christ may (by our choice–freedom of will) dwell in your hearts by faith (believing-by our choice) that (the purpose) ye (YOU) being rooted and grounded in love.
Let me ask a question? Why aren’t “some” believers rooted and grounded in love? Why? Simple by choice–some renew their minds to the Word and some don’t. Some decide to “want and have a desire to learn about there “POWER” with in them–but some don’t care. Why? by choice.
I could go and go on this subject with about 500 verses and prove to believers it’s all about our action we take. But a lot–not most–a lot of believers will not do what it takes to finally get to what all believers are trying to get to and that is–PEACE AND UNITY WITH GOD and then whoever is around them as Brothers and Sisters have that PEACE AND UNITY. No really.
Jimmy, I’ve tried to help you to focus on Jesus and what HE wants and not yourself and what you want before, but as you write it’s your choice.
What do you mean by…what He wants and not yourself and what you want before…
Like I prefaced to Breaux – “I know a writer’s intent can be confused by readers of a short comment.”
I’ll try further to explain the intent of what I wrote – As believers in the Hebrew Messiah, our lives are to be focused on HIM (JESUS) not on ourselves. Your reply’s often have the tendency to focus on what you and others can get out of this relationship with HIM, the opposite of what should be. If this is true with you, and I have no idea who you are, a course change is needed on your part.
Mark 9:33-35
To defend what we believe in, we must know what we believe in if we are to commend Pastor Abhishek’s life threatening work with the Hindus (or Muslims, Buddhists, Jews, Atheists, etc.).
I don’t know him, but I’ll venture to say he didn’t reach those he did by describing the goose bumps that show during a moving music service on any given Sunday. We will be readily dismissed by the above people groups if they sense we’re not informed of what we believe in. It takes work, but our rest will come. Believe it.
I would venture to say Pastor Abhishek preached the Word of God and shared the love and mercy of a God who so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
I would also venture to say he did not hold contempt for goosebumps or make converts by showing how wrong everyone else was and how right he was.
Sorry but your remarks show a lack of love brother and a self righteous pride you need to be made aware of.
No doubt…