Believers are called to holy living. This is the clear teaching of the Bible.
Throughout this next blog series, we want to consider the question:
“How then does the believer cultivate holiness?”
We will look at seven different ways. Today we will discuss the first:
First, know and love Scripture.
Scripture is God’s primary road to holiness and to spiritual growth—with the Spirit as Master Teacher blessing the reading and searching of God’s Word. Jesus prayed, “Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth” (John 17:17). And Peter advised, “Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation” (1 Peter 2:2).
If you would not remain spiritually ignorant and impoverished, read through the Bible at least annually. Even more importantly, memorize the Scriptures (Ps. 119:11), search (John 5:39) and mediate upon them (Ps. 1:2), live and love them (Ps. 119; 19:10). Compare Scripture with Scripture; take time to study the Word.
Consider the words of Proverbs 2:1-5:
My son, if you receive my words
and treasure up my commandments with you,
making your ear attentive to wisdom
and inclining your heart to understanding;
yes, if you call out for insight
and raise your voice for understanding,
if you seek it like silver
and search for it as for hidden treasures,
then you will understand the fear of the LORD
and find the knowledge of God.
In this passage we find the principles of serious personal Bible study: teachability (receiving God’s words), obedience (storing God’s commandments), discipline (applying the heart), dependence (crying for knowledge), and perseverance (searching for hidden treasure).
Do not expect growth in holiness if you spend little time alone with God and do not take His word seriously. When you are plagued with a heart prone to be tempted away from holiness let Scripture teach you how to live a holy life in an unholy world.
How has God used Scripture to help cultivate holiness in your own life?
What is holiness? Is it a feeling, state of mind, or way of life? If it is something to attain, how can it be maintained?
Good question, Tzod. Holiness is a way of life that has been trained by obedience to God’s Word and is maintained by His Holy Spirit who dwells within each believer. It’s not a set a rules or laws, but an earnest desire within the spirit of man to live a pleasing life before God. One must love God and His Word with everything that is within–a dedication to God of one’s life. For the scriptures tell us that we do not belong to ourselves any longer after Christ comes to abide in us.
Holy is to be set apart. Holy ground, Holy Temple, Most Holy, Holy Spirit, holy calling, holy mountain, holy people, etc.
We are set apart from the world to be His. To be in the world but not a part of the world. The more comfortable we are in the world the less likely it is that we are in right standing with God.
1 Peter 1:13-16; 1 Peter 2:4-10; Romans 12:1-2;2 Timothy 1:8-12; Titus 1:7-9; Hebrews 3:1-3
Once we receive the gift of salvation we are set apart, special, a new creation in Christ Jesus. We are no longer just a person among billions. We are His holy people and co-heirs with Christ. Priests and Kings of the Most High God. I’m so very very humbled and feel so very blessed by God.
More and more the world will hate us because it is under conviction. Regardless of what anyone says all human beings sense that there is a God. And more and more as the Day grows near that conviction will drive man to either love or hate. Choose or reject but don’t let anyone fool you. Man knows in his inmost parts that He has a maker.
To be “His” and not our own is a wonderful thing…What Freedom it is !!!
errr….I should have said…Man knows in his inmost parts that He has a Creator.
i believe holiness is given to us when we are born again.we recieve a new nature a Godly nature. we recieve all things needed to become sons of God. like Tess said, we are joint heirs with Christ.all that is His, is ours!! this has got to be the only way we can do what Gods Word tell us to do.without this new Godly nature we are still trying to do good on our own.i think a problem with the church today is that it doesnt know who it is.if we are joint heirs with Christ we are one with Christ.Jesus said so in john 17.holiness along with righteousness,love patience kindness,so on and so on, are impossible to have without a relationship with Jesus.our holiness is really His holiness given to us.Praise the Father of our Lord Jesus for this wonderful gift of salvation that really is so much more than just getting to is a life of holiness in Christ Jesus.