The following is taking from Charles Spurgeon’s classic devotional Morning and Evening. Check out this devotional or many others at the Blue Letter Bible.
“We live unto the Lord.”
(Romans 14:8)
If God had willed it, each of us might have entered heaven at the moment of conversion.
It was not absolutely necessary for our preparation for immortality that we should tarry here. It is possible for a man to be taken to heaven, and to be found meet to be a partaker of the inheritance of the saints in light, though he has but just believed in Jesus.
It is true that our sanctification is a long and continued process, and we shall not be perfected till we lay aside our bodies and enter within the veil; but nevertheless, had the Lord so willed it, He might have changed us from imperfection to perfection, and have taken us to heaven at once.
Why then are we here?
Would God keep His children out of paradise a single moment longer than was necessary?
Why is the army of the living God still on the battle-field when one charge might give them the victory?
Why are His children still wandering hither and thither through a maze, when a solitary word from His lips would bring them into the center of their hopes in heaven?
The answer is this: they are here that they may “live unto the Lord,” and may bring others to know His love. We remain on earth as sowers to scatter good seed; as ploughmen to break up the fallow ground; as heralds publishing salvation. We are here as the “salt of the earth,” to be a blessing to the world. We are here to glorify Christ in our daily life. We are here as workers for Him, and as “workers together with Him.” Let us see that our life answereth its end. Let us live earnest, useful, holy lives, to “the praise of the glory of His grace.” Meanwhile we long to be with Him, and daily sing:
“My heart is with Him on His throne,
And ill can brook delay;
Each moment listening for the voice,
‘Rise up, and come away.'”
Like God promised a land to Israel, He also said that it will take some time: more than a year to eliminate every other nations who did not worship Him (Exodus 23: 28-30).
It is the same thing for every single one of us: God promised that He will give us a new spirit ( Ezekiel 36: 26-27) and renew our mind for us to obey His commandments, but that will never happen in a short amount of time. It actually takes a lifetime just to understand and get a small portion of God’s glory and majesty!
Nice devotional to remind us of why we are still here:
How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?
15 and how shall they preach, except they be sent? even as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that bring glad tidings of good things Romans 10:14-15
God has established the way man comes to Him and it involves other men shedding the light.
Praise the Lord that he invites us to do His work with Him!
Commenters are still shell-shocked after yesterday’s vitriol.
Ya were all here until Christ Returns and If were still alive or dead as far that goes–We’ll all meet him in the air. Thess. The Hope!!!
Were no good dead, but Living for the Lord and speaking His Word and Will, O ya, were need here right and now. Now meaning Now.
Wonderful post Chris! Thank you!
Bless you for such a wonderful post.
Say we all were taken to heaven… and every time a person received Jesus as his or her Lord and savior would just be lifted up to heaven… then how would we learn to live with Jesus on earth and put on the cross? How would we learn to trust in Him? How wold we learn the different between the light and the dark-side? How would we learn the process of the renewing of our mind and presenting to God as a living sacrifice? How would we learn to love our neighbors? How would we learn to worship the Lord in Spirit and in truth? We are here to remind people why Jesus came her… to love and serve and save those who are lost and forsaken in sin… I am glad that God has chosen his church to be here in these last days… serve the Lord and do it with no regrets!!! Go all out!!!