“Let them praise the name of the LORD: for his name alone is excellent; his glory [is] above the earth and heaven.” Psa 148:13
In the Old Testament times, a name was not only identification, but an identity as well. Many times a special meaning was attached to the name. Names had, among other purposes, an explanatory purpose (e.g., Nabal, whose name means “fool,” is the target of Abigail’s explanation to David: “For as his name is, so is he; Nabal is his name, and folly is with him:” – 1Sa 25:25). Throughout Scripture God reveals Himself to us through His names. When we study these names that He reveals to us in the Bible, we will better understand who God really is. The meanings behind God’s names reveal the central personality and nature of the One who bears them.
Who is God to you?
Is He your Most High God, All sufficient One, Master, Lord of Peace, the Lord Who Will Provide? Is He your Father? We must be careful not to make God into an “it” or a “thing” to which we pray. He is our Jehovah Raah, the Lord our Shepherd. God knows us by our name, shouldn’t we know Him by His?
Hallowed be Your name?
To hallow a thing is to make it holy or to set it apart to be exalted as being worthy of absolute devotion. To hallow the name of God is to regard Him with complete devotion and loving admiration. God’s name is of the utmost importance (Neh 9:5); therefore we ought reserve it a position of grave significance in our minds and hearts. We should never take His name lightly (Exd 20:7; Lev 22:32), but always rejoice in it and think deeply upon its true meaning.
Over the next few weeks we will go through several of these names. Stay tuned!
I realy like the way you began this study. I am looking forward to it through the comming weeks.
I am looking forward to it, too!
“Give unto the LORD the glory [due] unto his name: bring an offering, and come before him: worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness” (I Ch. 16:29).
Everybody talks about His name, but nobody mentions His true name that was removed from the Old Testament and therefore is not in the New Testament; this was done by the high priest ~200 years before Christ. Apparently the name was to Holy to be mentioned and thus became a law, and whoever said the name was breaking the law. Yeshua/Jesus declared this name, but the name is still not in the Bible. The name of the great I AM “YHVH” or spelled Yahwey, Yahveh and Yehovah. Will this name be metioned also?
Hi bro. I thought it was already in Exodus?
Exodus 3:13″ And Moses said to God, Behold, when I come to the Israelites and say to them, The God of your fathers has sent me to you, and they say to me, What is His name? What shall I say to them?
14 And God said to Moses, I AM WHO I AM and WHAT I AM, and I WILL BE WHAT I WILL BE; and He said, You shall say this to the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you!”
(Amplified Bible)
Love this discussions.
What Hebrew manuscripts do not contain YHVH? Many English Bibles replace it with LORD (capitilized to distinguish it), but even many English Bibles do include it, such as the ASV (using “Jehovah”) and the WEB (“Yahweh”).
…as God states in Exodus 3:15, “this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.” Our God has many titles, but only one name, Yahweh, and as it says in Rev 19:1 we will say “Alleluia” (Halelu-YAH) which means “Praise Yahweh” after out Lord returns to the earth to establish His Kingdom in Isreal, the land promised to the seed of Abraham so long ago…
This is such an important point, Jason. God has only one name, in contrast to the idols which had many names e.g. Psalm 16:4
In that day there shall be one Yahweh and his name one – Zechariah 14:9
Wonderful. Cant wait. So much to learn about our Father in heaven, the more I learn about Him, the more I am blown away by how much more there is to know – that I don’t know! Bring it bro!
hi, i have been searching for a long time for the Names of God, and there meaning, if passable could you e/mail them to me, at the above address. would appresiate it very mutch, thank you God Bless.
The above post is just a picture I was trying to share with you, and it speeks to me so loudly. Not sure if you can post pictures here, but take a look, and would like to hear what you think. I promise no virus or yuck.
I am so excited about this class. I am interested in the many names of or lord. I agree he should not be addressed as it or a thing, he is Lord of most high.
He said I am the light of the the world. I am the truth… etc.
He said I am the light of the Word. Other times the truth, the way, etc.
The Father only has one name and His name appears 6283 in the old testament b4 it was replaced. We talk about praying in His name, singing praises to His name, calling on His name but your average Christian doesn’t know His name. The Jews wouldn’t write it or speak it so why do we think they would tell it to us? I’ve studied the subject extensivily I believe the best educated guess I His name is YAHUAH and the Son’s name is YAHUSHUAH. The church tried to strip away anything jewish from Christianity it’s time to recover what was stolen from us. There is a movement of Yah,s people all over the world in this direction.
mitcheal, Do you accept that the 27 books of the New Testament are the word of God?
To say that the name of GOD has been “removed” is misleading. Most Bibles have very good preface sections that answer questions regarding translation issues and without fail the subject of the tetragrammaton (YHWH) is always covered. Unfortunately many people skip this section of their Bible all together.
There’s a place in Ex. (33:19) where God tells Moses He will proclaim His Name… show him His Goodness and reveal Himself, (actually there is quite a conversation between God and Moses about Moses finding grace in God’s sight)It’s interesting that grace and God’s law (10 commandment mentioned in same chapter). Like the shadow of Christ in it’s teaching… First the law and the condemnation of sin, then finding grace in God’s sight… before the people can go into the Promised Land where God Himself drives out the giants and foreigners… its not by the people keeping the law. In ch.34 God says he will put Moses in the “rock” so he can see his glory… the rock being Christ… us hidden in Christ (our sinful nature covered by Christ’s righteousness). God goes on to describe His name…His grace nature…34:6-7 And the LORD passed by before him, and proclaimed, The LORD, The LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth,Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin,…” I also wonder if the angel God said He would send with them was a figure of Christ (pre-incarnate)…symbolizing again the only way to enter the Promised Land… by knowing the Name, the revelation by God himself of His grace and our sinful nature hidden in Christ.
Wow! He is My Lord, who has provided to me everything, that i need in Jesus the Christ!
This looks very interesting, hope it continues because there are so many blessing we receive from using The Father’s name and he wants us to call upon his name,think on his name, swear by his name,sing praises to his name and the list goes on. John 17:6 “I have revealed your name to the men whom you gave me out of the world. They were your’s and you gave them to me,and they have gaurded your word. (Halleluyah Scriptures).
We can see the Massiah revealed this name to his followers therefore we should be able to read it in the scriptures and have free access to it. May he bless all who truly seek his name.
As The lord came to many individuals in the Bible, especially the old testament, He used different names to further define and describe himself. I believe that those names are just as important today as they were when The lord first introduced himself originally to those particular individuals that he wanted to interact with at the time. Also, just as the Father has many names, so does His Son, Jesus Christ. For me, the tetragrammaton of YVHW or “I AM” is the name by which The Lord himself told us how He wanted to be called. In Ex 3:13, Moses asks “by which name shall I tell the Israelites who sent me?” The Lord answers Moses in Ex 3:14 “Tell them I AM (YVHW) has sent you”. Then in Ex 3:15 YHVW instructs Moses that this is His memorial name for all generations.
With these three verses, Yahweh has instructed us exactly how He wants to be called just as we desired to be called by our given name. This must be very important to Yahweh since he sums up this part of the conversation with Moses with verse 15.
I believe it’s YHVH or YHWH, rather than YVHW. In Hebrew, yod-heh-vav-heh.
Who is God to you?
I enjoyed reading each one of your responses because I see a lot of hungry hearts who are in love with our God and Father.
The question posed, “Who is God to you?” can be a little mis leading. How so? Because the Bible is very clear on who God is. We, however, are not taught enough, to totally understand who God is from the Bible.
As for the name of God we see Him reveal it to Moses and us in Exodus 3:14-15-
“And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM:
and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of
Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.
And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt
thou say unto the children of Israel, The LORD God
of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac,
and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto
you: this is my name for ever, and this is my
memorial unto all generations.”
We see His name is “FOREVER” revealed, “I AM”. I AM in Hebrew is YHWH. Because the Hebrew language did not have vowels, because they were understood by those who spoke the language, we have added them in and many now say YaHWeH. Adding the “a” and “e” vowels.
As for the “Names of God”, we see many uses of the name, Yahweh, with other words. Why, because God wanted to show or reveal more of His nature to us through them.
For example:
– Yahweh Raah or Jehovah Raah – God or Yahweh is our shepherd, our Great Shepherd who takes care of us, His sheep. The people who lived at the time this name and its accompanying attribute were revealed were an agricultural people or society and this meant quite a lot to them to know that their God, Yahweh, was their shepherd in life.
NOTE: The name “Yahweh” has been shortened to “Yah” or “Jah” in many names and words like Elijah or Eli-jah meaning “God is Yah” or “God is Yahweh”. The word “Hallelujah” or “Halle-lu-jah” meaning “praise to Yah” or “praise to Yahweh”.
Here are some more names and words along with their meaning to show you just how much the name Yahweh is used in our Bibles:
YAHWEH-SHAMMAH…….Ezekiel 48:35 meaning “The Lord who is present”
YAHWEH-RAPHA………Exodus 15:26 meaning “The Lord our healer”
YAHWEH-TSIDKENU……Jeremiah 23:6 meaning “The Lord our righteousness”
YAHWEH-JIREH………Genesis 22:13-14 meaning “The Lord will provide”
YAHWEH-NISSI………Exodus 17:15 meaning “The Lord our banner”
YAHWEH-SHALOM……..Judges 6:24 meaning “The Lord is peace”
YAHWEH-SABBAOTH……Isaiah 6:1-3 meaning “The Lord of Hosts”
YAHWEH-GMOLAH……..Jeremiah 51:6 meaning “The God of Recompense”
Another NOTE: In many of our Bibles when we see the word “LORD” or “GOD” in all capital letters it is telling one the name of God, Yahweh, is being used. Bible translators use this method in the King James Bible and many other translations.
Now what does the name Yahweh or Jehovah mean?
“I am”. Simply stating that He is! He has been, and will always be!
When one thinks about how incredible Yahweh is with His ability to create stars, planets, and life in the form of plants, animals, organisms, men, and angles and that He has always existed then one can see how apropos the name “I AM” applies to Him.
Thanks for your posts and wonderful hearts for our God (Yahweh) dear Brothers and Sisters!
Your servant Andybob
Thank You Andybob, That was a very clear and understandable posting. You asked who is God to you? My answer besides Exodus 3:14
Is confirmed in the New Testament when Stephen spoke. I ask the Holy Spirit to give me the Words to testify to my prosecutors who my God is. I love Stephens whole answer. Acts chapter 3
Acts 3:16
“saying, ‘I am the God of your fathers—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.’* And Moses trembled and dared not look.
WOW! Incredible and shalom aleichem to you, Andybob
Peace be upon you and your loved ones as well.
Much Agape,
Just a little correction: it should be ‘shalom aleika’, which is masculine singular. ‘Aleikem’ is masculine plural, so ‘shalom aleikem’ means ‘peace upon you guys’.
Jehovah of the Old Testament is the Lord Jesus Christ of the New Testament.
Hebrews 13:8 “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today and forever”
good post Mr. Andy Bob.
More and more people around the world are begining to realize that Lord, God, Jehovah are not the true names of our Almighty Father. He has ONE name (Zechariah 14:9). There is a curious riddle by the Prophet Agur in Proverbs 30:4 “What is His name and What is His Son’s name if you can tell?” Most of Christianity say the shortened form of the Father and the Son’s name everytime they shout the praise “Hallelu-YAH”
May our YaHuWaH continue to guide those on here who are truly seeking His face and look forward to the day when His name will be in their foreheads (Revelation/Hazon 22:4)
Paise Yahuah and His Son Yahushua !
2 Timothy 2:19
Nevertheless the solid foundation of YAHWEH stands having this seal
YAHWEH knows who are HIS and let EVERYONE who names the name of —-YAHWEH DEPART FROM INIQUITY—-
Psalm 138:2
I will worship toward your holy temple and praise your name for your lovingkindness and your truth
Psalm 119:57
You are my portion YAHWEH
Psalm 119:41
let your mercies come also to me O YAHWEH
Psalm 119:116
Uphold me according to your word that I MAY LIVE
Psalm 124:8
Our help is in the name of YAHWEH
1 Peter 4:1&2
Therefore since the MESSIAH suffered for us in the flesh
Arm yourselves also with the same mind
For he that has suffered in the flesh —HAS CEASED FROM SIN—
(2)That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh for the lusts of men—-BUT FOR THE WILL OF YAHWEH—-
1 Peter 4:19
Therefore let those who suffer according to the will of YAHWEH
commit their spirits to HIM IN DOING GOOD as to a faithful creator
Hebrews 10:36
For you have need of endurance so that —AFTER YOU HAVE DONE THE WILL OF YAHWEH—you may receive the promise
Hebrews 10:38
Now the just shall live by faith
Hebrews 10:39
But we are NOT OF THOSE who draw back to perdition
1 Thessalonians 2:13
For this reason we also thank YAHWEH without ceasing because
when you received the word of YAHWEH which you heard from us
you welcomed it not as the word of men —BUT AS IT IS TRUTH—
I have benefited from the Blue Letter Bible resource for many many years. THANK YOU! I am grateful for this study on the OT Names of God……..understanding that I call Him Abba Father because I am His child by way of the Cross of His Son, My Saviour and Lord.
It is AMAZING that He wants us to know Him. “This is eternal life that they may know Thee, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent.” John 17:3 Jesus is clear that He made the word of God AND the name of God KNOWN (and will make it known) to those who belong to Him.
I have benefited MORE than I can express by having studied the nature and character of God through Scripture by way of the way He describes Himself. ALL SCRIPTURE IS INSPIRED BY GOD AND IS PROFITABLE…2 Tim. 3:16, 17. And one of the best handbooks I’ve ever used alongside the Bible is Kay Arthur’s LORD, I WANT TO KNOW YOU in which she gives good detail.
Blessed be the name of our Lord!
May He find us faithful to obey His commands thus reveal our love for Him.
There is one name of God which Christians seldom mention. It is significant because Moses mentioned it after the stone tablets were broken and God himself rewrite the ten commandments and gave it to Moses for the people…His name is JEALOUS…Ex 34:14.
This name is raised as a reminder because God knows the vulnerability of His people…Ex 34:15-17.
Today, many forgot this name and run after idols, taking many forms in the heart and externally…Ex 20:23;
Its Yahuah and Yahushua the Father and the Son El Shaddai is Not a Name its a title Proverbs:30:4? you do now!