Psalm 23:3: “He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.”
Two things that we immediately see in this verse is God’s sovereignty and His incredible grace and mercy toward us, His children.
He restores continually
The word for “He restores” in Hebrew is יְשֹׁובֵב (yĕšôbēb), and it is what is called a Polel verb form, which, like the Piel, emphasizes intensive action. In addition, this Polel verb is also in the imperfect tense, indicating an ongoing, continuous action. The root form of the verb is שׁוּב (šûb), and it means “to turn back, return, bring back, retore, refresh, and take back” – thus, as presented here in this inspired Psalm of David, God is the one, not us, who for His children is intensively “turning us back, bringing us back, restoring, refreshing, and taking us back” to a place of spiritual life and health in which our “soul” (i.e., our deepest, inner most spiritual, mental, and emotional being) is replenished with His eternal and life giving presence and truth.
God causes us to be guided
In addition to that, “He guides me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake,” and this too is a reinforced picture of His sovereign grace and mercy as “He causes me to be guided in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.” I put in italics the words “causes to be” because this is the expression of the Hebrew verb that is used here, which is יַֽנְחֵנִי (yanḥēnî) from the root נָחָה (nāḥâ), and it is in the Hiphil form, which, as stated above, emphasizes causative action. Thus, God is the one “causing me to be guided in the paths of righteousness,” not me by my own independent thinking and will, which thinking and will, apart from His sovereign grace and intervention, always lead me into self-destructive paths, versus His “paths of righteousness.” The word used here for “paths” comes from the Hebrew noun מַעְגָּל (ma’gāl), which in actuality is “an entrenchment caused by wagon wheels,” thus, these are wagon tracks.
A narrow path of righteousness
Consequently, these “paths” that God is causing us to walk in are narrow and specific because therein is the way to true life, versus an indulgent, all embracing, and inclusive view of beliefs and lifestyles that places no restrictions on one’s natural desires, narcissism, and self-deifying pride. In fact, we find this verse in harmony with what Jesus taught in the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew’s Gospel: “Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide, and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and many are those who enter by it. 14 “For the gate is small, and the way is narrow that leads to life, and few are those who find it” (Matthew 7:13-14). Jesus is certainly speaking about salvation and a true relationship with God as one’s heavenly Father, but He is also pointing to the walk of “life” that follows one’s salvation. This latter is the way of “holiness” and separation unto the Lord and separation from the very debilitating, deceptive, and self-destructive alternatives of the world’s ‘false life’ that are ever before us. We also see this very same truth enunciated in Hebrews with regard to God’s “discipline” of His children:
You have not yet resisted to the point of shedding blood in your striving against sin; 5 and you have forgotten the exhortation which is addressed to you as sons, “My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, Nor faint when you are reproved by Him; 6 For those whom the Lord loves He disciplines, And He scourges every son whom He receives.” 7 It is for discipline that you endure; God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom his father does not discipline? 8 But if you are without discipline, of which all have become partakers, then you are illegitimate children and not sons. 9 Furthermore, we had earthly fathers to discipline us, and we respected them; shall we not much rather be subject to the Father of spirits, and live? 10 For they disciplined us for a short time as seemed best to them, but He disciplines us for our good, that we may share His holiness. 11 All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness.
(Hebrews 12:4-11)
The righteousness of Jesus Christ
The “righteousness” mentioned in verse 11 above is not a righteousness of our own, because we have NONE AT ALL (Isaiah 64:6), but rather it is the righteousness of God residing in us as believers through Jesus Christ. Therefore, it is His righteousness that is producing this “peaceful fruit of righteousness” within us, and it comes as a result of having been “trained” by His loving and corrective “discipline,” which includes learning to surrender to His Lordship and obey His guiding voice in our lives:
He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him” (2 Corinthians 5:21).
And He was saying to them all, ‘If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me. 24 For whoever wishes to save his life shall lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake, he is the one who will save it’” (Luke 9:23-24).
Therefore, as we surrender to the Lordship of Jesus on a daily basis, and having been brought to that place of surrender through God’s loving “discipline,” then we will indeed begin to see His “peaceful fruit of righteousness” budding in our lives.
He restores my soul!! I’d rather be guided by God’s Spirit than by some Church program. It’s been along time since set foot in a church, but I am still part of the Church. This rendering of the Psalm gives me great peace and satisfaction knowing God is ever working to bring me into a right relationship with Him which is my inner most desire. The truth will set you free! Amen!
Brother please come, taste and see our church. We’re going to have a meeting in Ashland , come be my/our guest. Pl don’t commit the folly of throwing away the MANCHILD with the bath water Heb.10:25-.This is NOT the time to throw in the towel, but to take it, GIRD UP your loin with the truth, then the truth will liberate you! GIDDY UP!!! John.13:4. Thanks.
Grace be with you all
Poor and needy one,
Proverbs 8:8
All the words of MY mouth are in righteousness
there is nothing froward or perverse in them
Proverbs 8:20
I lead in the way of righteousness
in the midst of the paths of judgement
Psalm 119:172
My tongue shall speak of thy word
for all thy commandments are righteousness
Psalm 119:144
The righteousness of thy testimonies is everlasting
give me understanding and I shall live
Psalm 119:138
Thy testimonies that thou hast commanded
are righteous and very FAITHFUL
Psalm 15:1
LORD who shall abide in thy tabernacle
who shall dwell in thy holy hill
Psalm 15:2
He that walketh uprightly
worketh righteousness
and speaketh the truth in his heart
1 John 2:29
If you know that HE is righteous
you know that every one that doeth righteousness is born of HIM
1 John 3:10
In this the children of GOD are manifest
and the children of the devil
whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of GOD
neither he that loveth not his brother
Bro. Justin,
Can we say the SOUL here is what Paul calls INNER MAN (Eph.3:16)?
Sisters, be of good cheer you too have the same inner man QUIT YOU like men 1Cor.12:13! Amen.
Grace be with you all.
Poor and needy one,
That is a new insight for me, that the word “paths” in Hebrew means “an entrenchment caused by wagon wheels”. I love that! The word “rut” sometimes has negitive meanings, but I would love to be in God’s “rut” all my life.
Thanks Justin.
Bro. James, I was just going to write it and you did it, congrats. A living dog is better than a dead LION! I would rather be a LIVING DOG in the Church of the living God, than be a deacon or Worship Leader in a…Cretian church, just one day in thy courts, door Mat! (Titus.1:12; Ecc.9:4; 2Sam.24:14). Thank you brother.
Grace be with you all.
Poor and needy one,
I was thinking of those “ruts” – It means that many others have gone before us, following the right path.
YES. Cloud of witnesses (Heb.12:1-), all rooting for us, cheering us on from the grand stands that i may win by any means . Moses chose, Paul, Peter, Rahab, Mary, Phoebe. Amen
Grace be with you all.
poor and needy one,
That’s why we have a RISEN Savior. Lifter up..
During last Sunday morning drive to church I saw an inspiring, instructive billboard:
That’s exactly what God tells His people.
“Ye have compassed this mountain long enough; turn you north (Zion) ward. (Deu.2:3-) Peter tells the same thing 1Pet.4:3.
I wish I could sing the song loud enough for you!’
” Move on brother, move on sister…
May the Spirit of Grace blare it into your ears tonight.
Poor and needy one,
Beloved Brother Justin Alfred : Shalom and an Excellant Post !!! Sister Alice : Shalom , so True !!! Our Reading the Scriptures is like a Jig Saw Puzzle … a precept here … a precept there … putting Images of the Bible in our Minds … 🙂 !!! The Lord … by his Spirit Connecting the pieces together !!! Brother Mathew : Shalom , Cloud of Witnesses Represents those that Keep God*s Commandments and Do as Jesus Christ said to DO in the Gospels …!!! Jude 12 : ” Clouds they are WITHOUT Water ” means those that Don*t Have the ” Holy Spirit ” the Latter Rain given from God*s Sanctuary to Believers ; the Throne ; Mount Zion – Jerusalem !!! When you realize that you Know NOTHING , in Humility … Then the Lord will Open you Up to God*s Infinite Understanding Psalms 147 : 5 !!! That is Why Jesus said to ” Deny One*self ” and Follow Him … ??? !!! Thanks Praise Glory Blessings to God through Christ , God Is Love 1 st John 4 : 1 – 8 … The Greatest Gift is to Love One Another … bless everyone amen shalom :-)!!!
Thank you brother. Praise the Lord! Thanks for connecting to the broken cisterns, empty clouds. Tell me please more about Zion. I was told that that word is derived from Zero! If there is a zero anywhere on the face of the earth, that’s me. I have unutterable tales to tell you. I love you in the Lord. Pl share for the instruction of the saints.
Pl. share on Melchisedec & The Ministry after the Order of Melchisedec too. What is that? Give no rest. The Lord is at hand. You are true Brother, God has an AMAZING SCRIPT TAGGER SYSTEM, SOFTWARE!
i USUALLY TELL PEOPLE THAT GOD ALMIGHTY HAS PUT THE e-chip IN OUR HEARTS.Ecc.3:11 !!! the Eternity microchip!! Amen. Pl. write more frequently for God’s glory.
Grace be with you all.
Poor and needy one,
Brother,the writer of the longest of Psalms says ‘I am small & despised’, also affirms ‘ thy word is exceeding broad’. How can puny maThew contain it? You are true brother, it is the Spirit of Truth that makes the ‘live’ connections, Halle..lujah!, at the right time. Glory be to the God of Glory, Lord of Glory, Spirit of glory. Look at my name , my Dad gave me only ONE ‘t’ to make it short and small. Write often, but give caution is my guidepost.
Grace be with you all.
Poor and needy one,
Brother Mathew : Shalom to all , You asked to know about Mount Zion … ? !!! The Lord in the OT said to Moses that he was going to put his Holy Name in * One Place *… to Worship the Lord as Moses heard the voice of God from the ” ark of testimony ” between the Cherubims on the Mercy Seat … Numbers 8 : 89 … Numbers 23 : 19 … !!! So bro Mathew we can see that Place is Mount Zion ; Psalms 2 : 6 – 7 …? !!! Here is More Verses that Involve Mount Zion ; Jer. 4:5-6 ; Ezek. 37: 24-26 ; Luke 1: 31-33 ; 2Sam.5: 4-7 ; Lev. 23 all ; Luke 4:16 ; Matt. 26: 17-19 , 26-28 ; Acts 2 :1-8 ; John 7:1-2 ,25-27 , 37 ; Isaiah 33:20-24 ; Dan.7 :25 ; Micah 4 * 1-2 * Last days * ; Psalms 102 : 13-*21*-28 ; Psalms 87:all … !!! This is part of verses of Mount Zion to understand why i Put this : Faith Hope Peace Mercy Love from * Mount Zion * ? !!! Just like Corp.*s have a Headquarters … Mount Zion is where the Lord Carrys out his Works of Old , Bless everyone amen shalom 🙂 Ps. I will put up a post on Melchisedec bro mathew on how Jesus Ties into Melchisedec … In humility and love for the saving of lost souls amen !!! :-)shalom !!!
Psalms 23 : Shalom to All , Vs. 1 ; The Lord is my shepard ; i shall not want ( Paul said to be Content in all things !) !!! Vs. 2 ; He maketh me to lie down ( Protection from God , BE STILL and Listen to the Small Voice ) in green pastures : He Leadeth me besides still waters ( Jesus said of Ever flowing * Living Waters * ! Ezek. 47 / Rev. 22 ! ) !!! Vs. 3 ; He restoreth my Soul ( mind , will , emotions ( Eph.2 :1-18 / Heb. 3:14 ! ) he leadeth me ( God*s will ) into the paths of righteousness ( narrow road Jesus Said Of ! ) for his name*s sake !!! Vs. 4 ; Yea , though i walk through the shadow of Death ( Heb. 3:14 ! ) , i will fear ( Perfect Love Casts out All Fear !) no evil ( our real Enemy the devil Rev.12:9 ! ) ; for thou art with Me ( Jesus said the Kingdom of God is Within YOU ! ) ; thy Rod ( Sceptre of Judah Gen.49:10 ! )and thy staff ( Staff of Moses ! ) they Comfort me !!! Vs. 5 ; Thou preparest a Table ( Passover meal in Mark*s upper room , last supper ; to Eat and Drink with Jesus ! ) before me in the presence of my enemies : * thou Anointest my head with Oil ( 1 Sam. 16 :13 / Matt.6: 17 / James 5 : 14 ! ) ; my cup runneth over ( Mal.3: 10 !) !!! Vs. 6 ; Surely Goodness and Mercy shall follow me all the days of my life : and i will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever ( Mount Zion ; New Jerusalem Rev. 21 ; 22:1-7 = ETERNAL LIFE !! Thanks Praise Glory Blessings Hounour to God through Christ , bless everyone amen shalom 🙂 bye !!!
Shalom to all , Matthew 14:52 KJV Jesus said to them : ” Therefore every scribe which is Instructed unto the Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a Man that is a householder ( Rev.21:7 ! ) , which bringeth forth out of his Treasure Things New and Old !!! ( New T. and Old T. ! ) Praise the Lord amen shalom 🙂 !!!
OOPPsss !!! My post on Mount Zion Should be Numbers 7:89 instead I posted wrong !!! Thank you heavenly Father for double checking what i posted !!! Blessings from Mount Zion amen shalom !!! bye !!!
The Lord shall bless thee out of Zion. Ps.128:5
Fair weather cometh out of the north..Job.37:22
The law, Law giver comes out of Zion..
Everything fair, though people usually say “It’s not fair.”, comes out of Zion.Eph.1:23; Eph.3:10,19; Heb.12:23. Grace be with you all.
poor and needy one,
Sister, Just one sentence but that is reminding me again and again of David annexing the STRONG HOLD of Zion 2Sam.5. See, he was anointed thrice! If we get this strong hold, we can bring down all satanic citadels for God’s glory & obedience to Christ. Amen
Poor and needy one,
Mathew : Shalom Quot : ” If we get this stronghold ” … Means it*s already Given to King David … and his seed … Jesus Christ is David*s Seed !!! Now remember that the Body of Christ ( Church Of God )is suppose to Rule Or Have Diminion over the Earth before Jesus*s 2nd Coming as ** The Word Of God ** Rev. 19:13 !!! So my Brothers and Siters HOW ??? RESTORATION of Jesus*s Teachings Leading to ** Eternal Life = Tree of Life ** Rev.22 !!! Just like Jesus will come with 10,000 of his angels to execute judgement on the Earth ??? WHY ??? Because they have broken the Covenant that Jesus SET UP over 2 ,000 years AGO ??? !!! Passover unleavened bread and Wine = John 6:56 to BECOME ONE WITH CHRIST !!! Glory to God through Christ , bless everyone amen shalom :-)bye !!!
Bro. Justin, I’ve heard that THE PATHS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS is not a short cut but often long and winding, tortuous. Is it right? See three or four days journey, but it took 40 years to debunk, expose, straighten (Deu.8:1-) and teach warfare that man does not live by bread alone, but by faith, the word of faith, NOW the just shall live by faith (Heb.10:38) and through faith and patience inherit the promises- LIVE, MULTIPLY & POSSESS – BY DOING THE WILL AND PLEASURE OF GOD (Heb.13:21).
I also have heard that GUIDANCE means “G”- for God, so God ‘u’ & ‘i’ DANCE- u-me-zoomie indeed (Pro.4:18), Halle…lujah. That is an orgastic life experience, living in sync with the Holy Spirit, tandem walking! Churches must teach this dance instead of oriental YOGA of “the children of “THE CHILDREN OF THE EAST” Jud.6:3. Then ‘the tribe of DAN’ will flood the churches. It is a looong topic.. Thank you.
Grace be with you all, grace,vigorous, verdant and virile!
Poor and needy one,
Mathew my brother, I’d like to fellowship more with on many topics… any way to contact you?
Brother, MY God shall supply ALL YOUR need… ONE thing is needful. BUY ONE ,GET ALL ELSE FREE Rom.8:32, buy of me gold… Get ready.
Come to Ashland University OH July 11-15.Hotels have special subsidized rates.
Brother Garret, I earnestly pray for you. Your’s is not a cry in the wilderness! Our God hears, answers sees, helps. May the Lord keep you surefooted in your high places. Amen. You may contact May God bless you.
Grace be with you all.
Poor and needy one,
Blessed be the Lord….WAGON loads of benefits…even the God of our salvation (Ps.68:19) I hear the rumblings of wagons in Genesis, abundance, pre-ventive grace, even old Jacob’s heart revived,you guesstimate the RPM of boys and girls,slaves (Joel.2:28-). I am determined (Pro.4:7 TLB) to follow the FORERUNNER (Heb.6:20) the wagon trail, Bro. Justin, Thanks.” Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the transient lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes & pride of life (Gal.5:16).
So what does the wagon signify?
Spirit of grace be with you all.
Poor and needy one,
ALSO MOUNT ZION (Heb.12:22) & MOUNT OF CORRUPTION (2Kings.23:13)
mount of INSTRUCTION & mount of DESTRUCTION respectively. Zion is God’s dwelling place, the mountain of his holiness, that is the Church (Heb.12:22), the appointed mountain (Mat.28:16). Paul says, ” I am instructed, Be thou instructed.”
Look at Paul’s words, ” Now thanks be unto God, which ALWAYS causeth.. DEATH UNTO DEATH…..LIFE UNTO LIFE.2Cor.2:14-17.
Oh, DEATH UNTO DEATH?. Disgusting!
Now the moot question:
In spite of God, His ministering angels, continual CAUSING US TO BE GUIDED, where are you?
The correction for CORRUPTION is in the Holy Scriptures & the Holy One. Isa.53:5; Job.37:13; 2Cor.2:17; 2Tim.3:16. Listen to the piercing words of the ministering angels:
Why seek the living among the dead? (Luke.24:5)
Grace and mercy be multiplied to you.
Poor and needy one,
Thank you kindly for sharing your knowledge. Greatly appreciated.