This is just a teaser preview of what’s coming to the Blue Letter Bible early 2012.
About Blue Letter Bible
Blue Letter Bible offers some of the best online Bible study tools—free! Visit our main site You can also find us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
It looks interesting! I was hoping I could “play” with the posted demo page. I look forward to the REAL THING!
I jut want you to know that I have added BLB to my list of payees on my bank’s “pay online” feature. I will be donating regularly instead of sporadically. I cannot donate like I tithe to my church, but I figure the Lord will provide for us so that we can contribute something each month.
I hope to encourage others to donate regularly, even if it is just a little bit. God is good, He keeps His promises. Believe me, I know firsthand!
Happy New Year, Blue Letter Bible Team!
love, Debi C.
I am so blessed to have the opertunity to use this program. It has blessed my life in such a way words can’t discribe. I thank God for people who stand by the Word of the true and liveing God and can’t wait to see what Blue Letter Bible and God have for me in 2012!!!!!!
This looks great! I’m just wondering if you’ll be able to offer this for free and if you guys have an android app planned? I’m a college student who wouldn’t be able to afford a membership so losing this valuable tool would be terrible since I use your site on a regular basis in my personal studies and in planning bible studies… Thank you so much for your work and dedication to help others to grow to know and love God more.
Hey Tyler! Thanks for the kind words. Happy to hear that these tools are of good use to you. The plan remains: we intend to keep the Blue Letter Bible FREE in the many years to come! We depend heavily on God’s grace through the generous donors that have given to the ministry over this last year. Please join us in praying for continued provision!
Thanks again, Tyler. God bless!
That’s great news! Thank you!
This website appears to be a great learning tool and opportunity. I am looking forward to what 2012 brings with respect to making bible studies easier and more enjoyable. Thanks for your ministry!
The work you guys do is really amazing. God’s Word is the ONLY answer to us in this world. Be Blessed and Thank You.
BLB is by far my favorite bible study resource. Recently I have started using a HP TouchPad and the resources that are designed to expand between the verses don’t work. They just give me a “loading…..” message. So I searched around for another resource to fill the gaps. What I found out is that nothing out there comes close to the functionality and ease of use of BLB. I look forward to using v3 and I hope my TouchPad works well with the new version.
Warmest regards
Adam. 🙂
Awesome news. Thanks for all you guys do!
What a great resource for many people to continue to be doers of the word; happy are we as we do them!
Act 20:32 And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.
My husband recently found this site and I had to write and let you know that it truly seems to be a Godsend for me. In March of last year, I lost my right eye. Because of this, I have a very hard time reading….with the exception of the computer where the lighting… changing the background, colors or font helps a lot.
I have greatly missed studying The Word and am very excited to now have access to The Blue Letter Bible and the wonderful study tools provided here.
May you be richly blessed for the work you do!…I searched many sites and the ones that seem to have what I desire simply cost too much…and being on a ‘fixed’ income…well….all I can say is THANK YOU!….Only my Lord knows just how much I’ve longed to be able to study like before….with books spread out and notebook in hand 🙂 ….I don’t think it’ll be too hard for this old gal to learn a new trick or two…this online thing isn’t as hard as I once thought ~ LOL ~~ The Joy of The Lord is truly my strength!!!
Love and Prayers….Kathy