The following is inspired by one of Charles Spurgeon’s sermon outlines.
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice.
(Philippians 4:4)
Joy. It drives out discord and helps against the trials of life.
Let’s walk through this short emphatic verse and see what the Lord would have to say to us today regarding joy.
1. The grace commanded.
- It is delightful: our soul’s jubilee has come when joy enters.
- It is demonstrative: it is more than peace; it sparkles, shines, sings. Why should it not? Joy is a bird; let it fly in the open heavens, and let its music be heard by all men.
- It is stimulating, and it urges its possessor to brave deeds.
- It is influential for good. Sinners are attracted to Jesus by the joy of saints. More flies are caught with a spoonful of honey than with a barrel of vinegar.
- It is contagious. Others are gladdened by our rejoicing.
- It is commanded. It is not left optional, but made imperative.
Just as much as we are commanded to keep the Sabbath, we are also commanded to rejoice!
It is commanded because joy makes us like God.
It is commanded because it is for our profit.
It is commanded because it is good for others.
2. The joy discriminated—specified.
“In the Lord.”
- As to sphere. “In the Lord.” This is that sacred circle wherein a Christians’s life should be always spent.
- As to object. “In the Lord”
We should rejoice in the Lord God—Father, Son, and Spirit.
We should rejoice in the Lord Jesus—crucified, risen, and ascended on high.
We should not rejoice in temporals—personal, political, or pecuniary.
3. The time appointed.
- When you cannot rejoice in any other, rejoice in God.
- When you can rejoice in other things, sanctify all with joy in God.
- When you have not before rejoiced, begin at once! What are you waiting for?
- When you have long rejoiced, do not cease for a moment.
- When you are alone, enjoy to the full this rejoicing.
What are we commanded to do in this verse? Rejoice.
And what kind of joy are we speaking of? The variety of joy that is only found in the Lord.
And when do we rejoice in the Lord? All the time.
What about you? Are you rejoicing in the Lord today?
“again I will say, Rejoice.”
Wow this is so needed. We live on a broken planet and as Christians it’s very easy to get caught up in what is going on in the world today. We need to rejoice more to be reminded that our own personal trials and tribulations as well as what is going on in the world are small compared to God’s loving grace. We should be eager to rejoice in the Lord everyday and love him with all of our heart, mind and soul!
I like the phrase “in the Lord”:-)…isn’t it amazing that whenever we do anything in the Lord, it benefits not only the receiver but also the doer. For example,”joy in God” becomes the “joy of the Lord” which in turn becomes our strength.
* We live on a broken planet and as Christians it’s very easy to get caught up in what is going on in the world today. *
Why watch the news?
I don’t.
Much happier and more apt to rejoice.
It is important to not be ignorant of what is going on in the world. Being informed does not mean partaking. I rejoice in the Lord for His provision of grace that He provides and because of this joy, I can offer consolation to those troubled by the world.
Romans 14:17 For the kingdom of GOD is not about eating and drinking but righteousness and peace and joy in the spirit
John 6:63 It is the spirit that quickeneth the flesh profiteth nothing the words that I speak unto you they are spirit and they are life
1st John 1:4 And these things we write unto you that your joy may be full
1st Corinthians 4:6 And these things brethren I have in a figure transferred to myself and Apollos for your sakes that you might learn in us not to think of men above that which is written that no one of you be puffed up for one against another
John 14:6 JESUS saith unto him I am the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE no man cometh unto the father but by me
Proverbs 8:20 I lead in the WAY of righteousness in the midst of the paths of judgment
Proverbs 8:7 For my mouth shall speak TRUTH and wickedness is an abomination to my lips
Proverbs 8:8 All the words of my mouth are in righteousness there is nothing froward or perverse in them
Proverbs 8:32 Now therefore hearken unto me O ye children for blessed are they that keep my WAYS
Proverbs 8:35 For whoso findeth me findeth LIFE and shall obtain favor of the LORD
Psalm 16:11 Thou wilt show me the path of LIFE in thy presence is fullness of joy at thy right hand there are pleasures for ever more
Psalm 119:172 My tongue shall speak of thy word for all your commandments are righteousness
Praise the Lord!!! I rejoice in the Lord the God of my salvation…truly. I just lost my contract position on yesterday and was stunned and sad. I tried to make sense of it with my recruiter who did not have a lot of information to give me at that time.
Of course, my first thing after the call was to begin to thank the Lord (with little tears in my eyes) and start saying all of the scriptures that were appropriate to say. For I knew at the end of the day – God’s word is the only thing we can stand on or hold on to.
I called my sister and my best friend (both Christians) to share the news. I was comforted and encouraged by them as well as giving them the comfort that the Holy Spirit was giving me through God’s word. It was a time of sorrow and we must not forget or get too legalistic to think we cannot weep nor have a heavy heart. Our heart and thoughts are always known to our Heavenly Father. He, however, also waits for us to bring those things to Him; lay it on the altar (as a living sacrifice) along with praise and “Rejoicing”.
Well this morning after prayer and once again forgiving and blessing the people with which I worked for, I started to get my Bible to read. However, a thought came to my mind to read it on the Blue Letter Bible. The Holy Spirit is so wise and leads us besides still waters to restore our souls (mind and emotions). [Psalms 23] That cool drink of water today was the word….”REJOICE”!!!
As I read the article and the comments following – I felt my heart filling up or should I say getting a refilling of “JOY”!!! It reminded me on TODAY to rejoice again and again. If and when I start reflecting on things that just transpired to again…REJOICE!
I held one hand up towards Heaven and rejoiced and cried and rejoiced. I barely shed a tear on yesterday but this morning it was a flood of rejoicing crowned with my tears. Tears, I know that are bottled up with all the other precious streams sent before to my Father.
As I look back, ever clearer when rejoicing, I am reminded and know that God is “FAITHFUL” and on my side. What can mere man do to me??? Nothing, but usher me into the next phase of blessings and an open window for all to see how God keeps blessing…healing…growing…sustaining and empowering me. We are truly His example of His Love, Salvation, Mercy, Grace and Restoration…Eternally!
As we go forth also remember: We must always look at God’s word (spoken or written) with fresh eyes and heart. It doesn’t matter how well you know it and/or have ministered it. When you receive it – it is your Manna – your daily bread. If you don’t partake of it, shame on you and you’ll miss that special surprisingly good meal for the right now moment.
Author of the article, I appreciate your obedience for writing this loving reminder and encouragement! God always knows what will happen (throughout eternity) and used you in a great way to assist Him in having this table ready and prepared for others and me in the presence of our enemies (including family and friends). You repliers were a blessing as well…
God Bless You…Stay Blessed!
Karen, I was touched by your account of how our heavenly Father is seeing you through this difficult time. I pray that He will be glorified in whatever new situation comes your way! I’m _rejoicing!_ with you that He is in control.
Thank u Karen. I needed that!
Rom 8:28
“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to [his] purpose.”
Looking back it’s amazing how what seems to be very bad turns into something wonderful through Christ alone.
It takes union with God to speak the way that you do. Some believe nothing ever bothers us, they see us “always” on top. We’re Not always on top, and what they don’t see is what it takes to get us there. The same Godly exercises time and time again is what it takes! As you said, being close to God full of faith doesn’t keep you from feeling life’s blows. The effects are there, now it’s our choice to exercise godliness by looking away from all the distractions unto Him. He is our peace in the midst of the blunt, harsh, blows of this world. The fallen debris is all around! I’m in this world but not of it. In order for that to make sense and benefit me I must be a doer of His Word. It works when applied to my life. You touched us all Karen because we felt the Father. HIMPOSSIBLE!
This morning I was reading Psa 104:33-34 ESV – [33] I will sing to the LORD as long as I live; I will sing praise to my God while I have being. [34] May my meditation be pleasing to him, for I rejoice in the LORD.
Then I found this study on “rejoicing” and knew immediately that this was God’s word for me today. More and more I need to learn how to “rejoice in the Lord always”. These verses in Psalm 104 seems to emphasize that we bring pleasure to God when we rejoice in Him. There is an endless list of temporal things we ought to be thankful for (see the rest of Psalm 104), but to be thankful for the gift more then the gift giver brings sorrow to One who loves us so completely. Psalm 104 is about the giver of every good and perfect gifts. Psa 104:1 ESV – [1] “Bless the LORD, O my soul! O LORD my God, you are very great! You are clothed with splendor and majesty,” What an incredible invitation – to enjoy our relationship with our Lord and God without guilt and without end!
1st Kings 2:4 That the LORD may continue his word which HE spake concerning me saying if thy children take heed to their way to walk before me in truth with all their heart and with all their soul there shall not fail thee said HE a man on the throne of Israel
John 17:17 Sanctify them through thy truth thy word is truth
John 18:37 Pilate therefore said unto him art thou a king then JESUS answered thou sayest that I am a king to this end I was born and for this cause came I into the world that I should bear witness unto the truth every one that is of the truth heareth my voice
2nd John 1:4 I rejoiced greatly that I found of thy children walking in truth as we have received a commandment from the FATHER
3rd John 1:3 For I rejoiced greatly when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee even as thou walkest in the truth
3rd John 1:4 I have no greater joy then to hear that my children walk in truth
Sitting here watching my cousin suffer in what may be her final days of battling cancer; while feeling my own physical pain from fibromyalgia, arthritis, and heart/lungs complcations, as well as chronic fatigue; my mind tuned in to several elderly people who depend upon me for help, that I’m not physically able to do, and family and friends who are grieving over recent losses of loved ones, and others battling terminal illnesses, that I began to get overwhelmed. I began singing the song “It Is Well With My Soul”, and prayed to God for peace. I turned my Bible to Philippians to read 4:6-7 to be encouraged by Paul’s suggestions of petitioning God through prayer with thanksgiving, and His peace guarding my heart, but God sent my eyes dierctly to verse 4. So I began to Rejoice in Him, shutting the world out, and the Holy Spirit filled me with peace. He gave me confirmation through this message and the comments. When God answers, I know it’s Him. All glory is His. Thanks to all of you for allowing Him to use you for His purpose and glory.
I am amazed at all of these comments about rejoicing in the Lord. I am encouraged by your acts of faith in the Lord to seek His peace and rejoice in Him. I will pray on that today.
When I think of His goodness and all that He has done for me, I cannot help but to rejoice in Him and give thanks. Oh how I love Him.
Rejoicing is certainly right, and part of the duty of man. Please demonstrate from the original language of Phil. 4:4 that rejoicing is a command and not an admonition. For example, if I said, “staple the papers together to prevent their getting out of order,” that would be wise and helpful and would make my tasks easier to manage, but that wouldn’t be a command. There are five Greek words for rejoice/rejoicing (if I am correct); is one of those words a command for us us to rejoice always, or does the Holy Spirit admonish us to do so because it makes easier our obedience to the overt commands? If it is a command, that would necessitate a re-reading of v. 5: is gentleness also a command? Then there is the aspect of both these things being fruits of the abiding Holy Spirit.
I appreciate your response.