“Far be it from you to do such a thing, to put the righteous to death with the wicked, so that the righteous fare as the wicked! Far be that from you! Shall not the Judge of all the earth do what is just?”
(Genesis 18:25)
What shall we say then? Is there injustice on God’s part? By no means!
(Romans 9:14)
And if you call on him as Father who judges impartially according to each one’s deeds…
(1 Peter 1:17)
The Father of justice, God is the ultimate judge over the lives and actions of men. There seems to be so much injustice in the world (men lie, cheat, steal, and kill all the time with no seeming repercussions), but true justice is not meted out in this earthly realm, but in the true realm (the eternal heavenly realm). In the end, each man will receive his just deserts at the hands of an immutable God who cannot be persuaded or bribed. Christ will look at each man’s heart and if it is the least bit corrupted by sin, that man, not being pure, will receive the justice of hell. The believer too would fail this test, if he were not already made clean by his baptism into Christ’s death. Thus he is rightly judged clean by Christ and enters into eternal Sabbath. In God’s justice, we can find a comfort for all the wrongs perpetrated against us and against mankind. We know that our cruel boss who cheated us for so many years will receive what he deserves. We know that the politician who did wrong to gain personal power will receive justice. We know that killers like Hitler, Stalin, and Pol Pot will receive justice. And we know that we will receive justice as well. That can be scary for one who truly knows his heart’s deceitfulness and is not a believer, but the Christian rests in his sweet faith in Christ, knowing that he is judged in Christ (cf. Romans 2:16) and his safety is thus secured.
Other attributes we’ve discussed so far:
I don’t know how I missed that you had started a blog (maybe too busy using your site for Bible reading and study 😉
I have loved your site for many years now and have been so blessed by your great ministry. I happily pass you along to others who are interested in studying the Word. I wish I could use you on my cell phone…I don’t have anything fancy, but do have internet access. My hope is to be able to look into the Hebrew and Greek of any verse.
I look forward to playing catch up on your blog site and gleaning the wisdom you share.
Bless you as you continue to spread the gospel throughout the world.
mama to 8
one homemade and 7 adopted
I rest in this hope continually as the world continues to spin and while evil continues to go on unpunished. Injustice is rampant. We must rest in God’s decisions and wait for his swift justice.
Good word and yes, it is very comforting to those who rest in the assurance that their righteousness is imputed by their trust the in the completed work of Christ, not their own efforts to ‘be good people.”
Also, as a result of your phrasing I went to look up the origin of “just deserts.” I found this and thought other readers might like to dig deeper as well, since it is somewhat obscure in usage now. Again, thanks for the lessons.
Regards, C Steen
“made clean by his baptism into Christ’s death.” ?
Acts 15:9
And put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith.
Thanks for this series of posts!
And thank GOD for The Holy Bible!
God’s justice towards sin was the cross…
Jesus being killed on the cross was God’s justice, fury, wrath, and punishment for sin taken out and satisfied.
I’m not saying men will not be judged, but I am saying you either believe the CROSS is the total punishment for sins the Bible says it is (1 John 2:2) or you believe what He did wasn’t enough and men still have to pay for their sins in hell. Hell is not a punishment for sin. It’s a place men go if they refuse to be with God. If it’s a punishment, then what Jesus went through on the cross wasn’t enough.
you say that if it is the least bit corrupted by sin” then we are going to hell. how does that compare with all men sin and fall short of the glory of God, and that it is the forgiveness of our sins, that Jesus died for and we receive the mercy of his love?